Chinese Lyrics
Chinese 305 Advanced Chinese
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Chilin Shih

Youtube Video 李建复
Youtube Video 李建复 侯德建
Youtube Video 王力宏
Youtube Video 郎朗 王力宏
龙的传人 Descendants of the Dragon
原唱: 李建复
作词: 侯德建
作曲: 侯德建

yao2yuan3de dong1fang1 you3 yi4tiao2 jiang1 In the distant east there is a river
ta1de ming2zi4 jiu4 jiao4 chang2jiang1 Its name is called the Yangtze River
yao2yuan3de dong1fang1 you3 yi4tiao2 he2 In the distant east there is a river
ta1de ming2zi4 jiu4 jiao4 huang2he2 Its name is called the Yellow River
sui1 bu4 zeng2 kan4jian4 chang2jiang1 mei3 Even though I have never seen the beauty of the Yangtze River
meng4 li3 chang2 shen2 you2 chang2jiang1 shui3 I have traveled through its water in my dreams
sui1 bu4 zeng2 ting1jian4 huang2he2 zhuang4 Even though I have never heard the power of the Yellow River
peng2pai4 xiong1yong3 zai4 meng3 li3 Its surging water rolls in my dreams
gu3lao3de dong1fang1 you3 yi4tiao2 long2 In the ancient east there was a dragon
ta1de ming2zi4 jiu4 jiao4 zhong1guo2 Her name is called China
gu3lao3de dong1fang1 you3 yi4 qun2 ren2 In the ancient east there was a people
ta1men2 quan2 dou1 shi4 long2de chuan2ren2 They are all the descendants of the dragon
ju4 long2 jiao3 di3xia4 wo3 cheng2chang3 I grew up under the feet of the giant dragon
chang3 cheng2 yi3hou4 shi4 long2de chuan2ren2 After I've grown up I am the descendant of the dragon
hei1 yan3jing1 hei1 tou2fa3 huang2 pi2fu1 Black eyes, black hair, and yellow skin
yong3yong3yuan3yuan3 shi4 long2de chuan2ren2 Forever and ever I am the descendant of the dragon
bai3 nian2 qian2 ning2jing4de yi2ge4 ye4 During a calm night a hundred years ago
ju4 bian4 qian2xi4de shen1 ye4 li3 A calm night at the eve of a catastrophic change
qiang1 pao4 sheng1 qiao1sui4le ning2jing4 ye4 The sound of guns and cannons shattered the tranquil night
si4 mian4 chu3 ge1 shi4 gu1xi2de jian4 Besieged by the songs of defeat and the swords of compromise
duo1shao3 nian2 pao4 sheng1 reng2 long2long2 How many years has passed. The sound of the cannons are still roaring
duo1shao3 nian2 you4 shi4 duo1shao3 nian2 How many years after how many years
ju4 long2 ju4 long2 ni3 ca1 liang4 yan3 Giant dragon! Giant dragon! Open your eyes
yong3yong3yuan3yuan3de ca1 liang4 yan3 Open your eyes forever and ever