(in alphabetical order) |
-Ø (zero) |
nom. sg. of most masc. nouns: pan, o ówek |
acc. sg. of inanimate masc. nouns: o ówek, dom |
nom. & acc. sg. of some fem. nouns: rzecz, powie  |
nom. sg. masc. of pronouns: czyj, nasz,
aden |
gen. pl. of some fem. nouns: pa |
-a |
nom. sg. of most fem. nouns: ksi ka, babcia |
nom. sg. of some animate masc. nouns: kolega, tata |
nom. sg. fem. of pronouns & adjectives: ta, dobra, tania |
gen. & acc. sg.of animate masc. nouns (1st declension): pana, Stasia |
gen. sg. of some inanimate masc. nouns: o ówka, j zyka |
gen. sg. of neut. nouns: miasta,
zdania |
- |
acc. sg. fem. pronouns & adjectives: "t ", j , moj , dobr , Krasick (after a soft consonant insert -i: g upi ) |
acc. sg. of pani: pani |
-e |
nom.& acc. sg. of neut. nouns: zdanie, mieszkanie |
nom. & acc. sg. neut. of pronouns & adjectives: nasze, dobre (after k, g, and a soft consonant, insert -i: polskie, tanie) |
nom. plur. of some nouns with stems in a soft consonant: panie, pieni dze, skrzypce |
-ego |
gen. sg. masc. & neut. of pronouns & adjectives: tego, czego, jego, dobrego (after k, g, or a soft consonant, insert -i-: d ugiego, Krasickeigo, g upiego) |
-ej |
gen. sg. fem. of pronouns & adjectives: naszej, jej, dobrej (after k, g, or a soft consonant insert -i-: d ugiej, Krasickiej, g upiej) |
- |
acc. sg. of fem. nouns: ksi k , babci |
acc. sg. of ta: t ("t ") |
-i |
nom. sg. ending of some fem. nouns: pani |
nom. pl. male-personal ending for pronouns, adjectives, and some nouns: oni, m odzi (shifts to -y after a hard consonant: starzy, Polacy) |
gen. pl. of some nouns: dzieci (shifts to -y after hard consonants: rzeczy, pieni dzy) |
-o |
nom. sg. of kto |
nom. & acc. sg. of co |
nom. & acc. sg. neut. of ten: to |
nom. & acc. sg. of neut. nouns: pióro, dziecko |
-ogo |
acc. & gen. of kto: kogo |
-u |
gen. sg. of some inanimate masc. nouns: domu, samochodu |
-ów |
gen. pl. of some masc. nouns: panów |
-y |
gen. sg. of fem. nouns (and masc. nouns of 2nd declension): kobiety, rzeczy,
m czyzny (after k, g, or a soft consonant, shifts to -i: babci, kolegi, powie ci) |
nom. sg. masc. of adjectives (and with inanmate masc. nouns, also acc.): dobry,
du y (after k, g, or a soft consonant, shifts to -i: polski, tani) |
nom. & acc. pl. or some nouns that denote other than male persons: okulary (after soft consonants, shifts to -i-: drzwi, dzieci) |
-ych |
gen. pl. ending for pronouns and adjectives: tych, dobrych (shifts to -i- after k, g, or a soft consonant: takich, ich) |