of Anthropology
University of
at Urbana
– Champaign
109 Davenport Hall
South Mathews Ave.
IL 61801
email: lylek (at) illinois (dot) edu
Known-age data
The following data was collected under the generous support of the National Science Foundation (
As the data represent relational databases, they are only
available as zipped Microsoft Access databases (zipped because your
browser may not recognize *.mdb as a down-loadable file).
If you require
comma-delimited versions I may be able to supply these.
McKern and Stewart Korean War Dead
- The data here come from "Key Sort" cards that contain Stewart's
original observations, and are maintained in the National
Anthropological Archives at the Smithsonian. The pubic symphyseal
scores were done by me, Nicholas Herrmann, and Danny Wescott using
casts at the Smithsonian.
Terry Collection-
These data are from a sample of 802 individuals from the Terry
Collection, scored by the same three (Danny, Nick, and me) in 1998.
Gilbert Data -
data are from casts and pubic bones that were (probably) all used in
Gilbert and McKern's study. The scoring is by Konigsberg.
Beware the possibility that some of the casts may represent bones
already in the collection (check ID numbers carefully).
The following papers are recent enough that they have R-scripts, data, etc. that you can download.
Konigsberg LW.
1990. Analysis of prehistoric biological variation under a model of
isolation by geographic and temporal distance. Hum Biol 62:49-70.
Zipped R workspace, documentation, and data.
The original analysis was done in Fortran, but R is better for
this. And aside from the threshold distance, this R workspace
will also do CAB Smith's MMD.
Adams BJ and Konigsberg LW.
2004. Estimation of the most likely number of individuals from
commingled human skeletal remains. Am J Phys Anthropol 125(2),
R Script for Fig. 3, some Excel files without macros Konigsberg LW, Herrmann NP, Wescott DJ, and Kimmerle EH. 2008. Estimation and evidence in forensic anthropology: Age-at-death. J Forensic Sci 53:541-557.
R ScriptsKonigsberg LW, Algee-Hewitt BFB, and Steadman DW. 2009. Estimation and evidence in forensic anthropology: Sex and race. Am J Phys Anthropol 139(1):77-90.
R Scripts & wxMaxima derivationsShackelford LL, Harris AES, and Konigsberg LW.
2012. Estimating the distribution of probable age-at-death from dental
remains of immature human fossils. Am J Phys Anthropol 147(2):227-253.
R Scripts
LW, and Adams BJ. 2014. Estimating the number of individuals
represented by commingled human remains: A critical evaluation of
methods. In: Adam BJ, and Byrd JE, editors. Commingled human remains:
Methods in recovery, analysis, and identification. New York: Academic
Press. p 193-220. R Scripts
Konigsberg LW. 2015. Multivariate cumulative probit for age estimation using ordinal categorical data. Ann Hum Biol 42(4):368-378. - R Scripts
Konigsberg L, and Frankenberg S.
2016. Postmarital residence analysis. In: Pilloud MA, and Hefner JT,
editors. Biological distance analysis: Forensic and bioarchaeological
perspectives. New York: Elsevier Inc. p 335-347. - R Scripts
Konigsberg LW, Frankenberg SR, and Liversidge HM. 2016. Optimal trait scoring for age estimation. Am J Phys Anthropol 159(4):557–576. R Scripts
Konigsberg, LW, and Frankenberg, SR. 2019. Letter to the Editor: Multivariate ordinal probit analysis in the skeletal assessment of sex. Am J Phys Anthropol. R Scripts.
LW, and Sgheiza. (2019). Technical note: The use of Roche, Wainer,
and Thissen's skeletal maturity of the knee. J. Forensic Sci. R Scripts
Transition analysis
Age estimation workshop
- This is a workshop that was held Dec. 9, 2014 at St. Catherine's
College, Oxford as part of a combined meeting of the Society for the
Study of Human Biology and the British Association for
Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology. It uses "R" and
Chico State University workshop
- This is a workshop that was held Nov. 5, 2017. It uses "R" and
Supplementary Materials from: Mielke, Konigsberg, and Relethford (2011) Human Biological Variation, 2nd ed. New York, NY:Oxford University Press.

people have "hit" counters. I have all the compositions of 10 items
(as in the ten Todd symphyseal stages, see Konigsberg et al. 2016).