Stature estimation a la Bayes
We will use OpenBUGS to estimate the stature, but OpenBUGS is "hungry." So first we will have to "feed" OpenBUGS some numbers from R.
# from:
vec2sm = function(vec, diag = FALSE, order = NULL)
# dimension of matrix
n = (sqrt(1+8*length(vec))+1)/2
if (diag == TRUE) n = n-1
if ( ceiling(n) != floor(n) )
stop("Length of vector incompatible with symmetric matrix")
# fill lower triangle of matrix
m = matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=n)
lo = lower.tri(m, diag)
if (is.null(order))
m[lo] = vec
# sort vector according to order = rep(NA, length(order))[order] = vec
m[lo] =
# symmetrize
for (i in 1:(n-1))
for (j in (i+1):n)
m[i, j] = m[j, i]
return( m )
model { # Uniform (uninformative) prior stat[1] ~ dunif(0,10000) # N(1710, 84.5) prior from reference sample, multiple regression estimate = 2159 stat[2] ~ dnorm(1710, 0.00014) for(j in 1:4){ for(i in 1:2) {Y.pred[i,j]<-theta[j] + theta[4+j] * stat[i]}} for(i in 1:2) {Y[i,1:4] ~ dmnorm(Y.pred[i,], tau[,])} } #data, note "stuttering" of long bone data list(Y=structure(.Data=c(440,329,633.5,539,440,329,633.5,539), .Dim=c(2,4)),theta=c(4.4156, 2.396, -29.9263, -35.693, 0.1915698, 0.1447976, 0.2900154, 0.2466041), tau = structure(.Data= c(0.01405, -0.006103, -0.003993, 0.000363, -0.006103, 0.019939, 0.000473, -0.00886, -0.003993, 0.000473, 0.010499, -0.005133, 0.000363, -0.00886, -0.005133, 0.011968),.Dim=c(4,4))) |
Stature as an evidentiary problem
model { bones[1:4] ~ dmnorm(bones.pred[], tau[,])<- -deviance(bones[1:4],bones[1:4])/2 } #data - for N(1710, 84.5) list(bones=c(440,329,633.5,539),bones.pred=c(332, 250, 466, 386),tau = structure(.Data= c(0.0131532986, -0.00570302, -0.0053065435, 6.0402E-05, -0.00570302, 0.0197598473, 0.0010589323, -0.0087248683, -0.0053065435, 0.0010589323, 0.0085757009, -0.0055758772, 6.0402E-05, -0.0087248683, -0.0055758772, 0.0118660013),.Dim=c(4,4))) #data - for N(2310, 25) list(bones=c(440,329,633.5,539),bones.pred=c(446.9419, 336.8786, 640.0092, 533.9625),tau = structure(.Data= c(0.0137861427, -0.0059854557, -0.0043798194, 0.0002739931, -0.0059854557, 0.0198858971, 0.0006453392, -0.0088201931, -0.0043798194, 0.0006453392, 0.0099327771, -0.0052630986, 0.0002739931, -0.0088201931, -0.0052630986, 0.0119380905),.Dim=c(4,4))) |