Rakesh Bhatt
Professor of Linguistics

Office Location:
4080 Foreign Languages Building
707 S. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
rbhatt at illinois.edu
Office Hours:
Wednesday, 12-2pm
Education and Interests
Rakesh M. Bhatt received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Illinois. He is
now Professor of Linguistics and SLATE (Second Language Acquisition
and Teacher Education) as well as the Associate Head of the Department of Linguistics at the University of Illinois. He is a former director of the
Program in SLATE and associate director of the Program in South Asian and Middle
Eastern Studies at the University of Illinois.
He specializes in sociolinguistics of language contact, in particular, issues of migration,
minorities and multilingualism, code-switching, language ideology, and world Englishes.
The empirical focus of his work has been on South Asian languages; particularly,
Kashmiri, Hindi, and Indian English.
His study, Verb Movement and the Syntax of
Kashmiri (1999, Kluwer Academic Press), was published in the prestigious series,
Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. He has also co-authored another
book, World Englishes (2008, Cambridge University Press). He is the author of essays in
the Journal of Sociolinguistics, Annual Review of Anthropology, International Journal of
the Sociology of Language, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Lingua, World
Englishes, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Research, English
Language and Linguistics and other venues.
He is working on a book-length manuscript, under contract with Cambridge University Press, on the sociolinguistic patterns of subordination of Kashmiri language in Diaspora.
Curriculum Vitae
A copy of Dr. Bhatt's CV is available for download in PDF format.
Image from the cover of World Englishes: The Study of New Linguistics Varieties (Cambridge Africa Collection), Rajend Mesthrie and Rakesh M. Bhatt.