COPYRIGHT INFORMATION This document has been transcribed from excerpts of the Bible and LDS scripture published in the Deseret News, 1859-1860 and 1864. Scanned as images by the the J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah, and made available to the public at, the original excerpts are understood to have no copyright protection in the United States and are transcribed here under fair use provisions. CITATION FOR THIS TRANSCRIPTION Illinois Deseret Consortium. 2022. Phonemic transcription of scripture excerpts published in the Deseret News in the Deseret Alphabet (1859-1860, 1864). Accessed , from TRANSCRIPTION CONVENTIONS Transcription conventions are based on SAMPA (Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet), a computer-readable phonetic script using 7-bit printable ASCII characters based on the International Phonetic Alphabet. Some modifications to SAMPA have been implemented. Digraphs are avoided as much as possible to simplify searches. However, to preserve readability, concessions are made for two diphthongs: The digraphs AU and AI correspond to single symbols in Deseret, viz., 𐐍 and 𐐌; researchers interested in the vowels 𐐂/A, 𐐋/U, or 𐐆/I should take note. No sequences of *𐐂𐐋 or *𐐂𐐆 are anticipated in any Deseret Matter. QI corresponds to the digraph diphthong 𐐉𐐆 in Deseret. Punctuation from the original texts is preserved. The characters .,;!:-'%|#=^()<>{} used in the text have no phonemic value. ^ is used to indicate a stray mark before a word. {¶} is used to indicate the paragraph symbol. Hyphenation is indicated by the character =. Capitalization is indicated by angle brackets <> around the letter or entire word(s). Comments, including page numbers, appear on separate lines preceded by %. If a character is only partially visible, it is preceded by #. * Indicates Deseret spellings that are out of conformity with other examples of the same or phonologically-similar words elsewhere in the Deseret News corpus. -------------------------------------------- INCIPIT -------------------------------------------- % Deseret News (02/16/1859, p. 1) % Roman Alphabet We present to the people the Deseret Alphabet, but have not adopted any rules to bind the taste, judgment, or preference of any. Such as it is you have it, and we are sanguine that the more it is practised and the more inti=mately the people become acquainted with it, the more useful and beneficial it will appear. The characters are designed to represent the sounds for which they stand, and are so used. Where one stands alone, the name of the character or letter is the word, it being the only sound heard. We make no classifications into vowels, consonants, &c., considering that to be of lit=tle or no consequence; the student is therefore at liberty to deem all the charac#ters vowels, or consonants, or start=ers, or stoppers, or whatever else he pleases. In the orthography of the published examples, Webster's pronunciation will be generally followed, though it will be varied from when general usage demands. All words having the same pronunciation will be spelled alike, and the reader will have to depend upon the con=text for the meaning of such words. Since the arrival of the matrices, &c., for casting the Deseret Alphabet, it has been determined to adopt anoth=er character to represent the sound of EW, but until we are prepared to cast that character, the characters 𐐆𐐋 will be used to represent the sound of EW in NEW. The characters 𐐇𐐈 are sounded as AI in HAIR, for which one character will also be used, so soon as it can be procured. DESERET ALPHABET. %Table omitted . nd si-IN D mVl-tI-tIUdz, hiwEnt* Vp In-tu E mAUntIN: and hwEn hi wQz sEt, hIz dI-sAI-plz kem Vn-tu hIm. 2. nd hi o-pnd hIz mAUT, and tOt DEm, se-IN, 3. lEs-Ed Ar D pur In spIr-It: fOr DEarz Iz D kIN-dVm Qv hE-vN. 4. lEs-Ed Ar De Dat morn: fOr De Sal b kVm-fVr-tEd. 5. lEs-Ed Ar D mik: fOr De Sal In-hEr-It D ErT. 6. lEs-Ed Ar De hwIc du hVN-gEr and TVrst af-tEr rAI-cVs-nEs: fOr De Sal b fIld. 7. lEs-Ed Ar D mEr-sI-fUl: fOr De Sal Qb-ten mEr-sI. 8. lEs-Ed Ar D pIUr In hArt: fOr De Sal si Qd. 9. lEs-Ed Ar D pis-mek-Erz: fOr De Sal b kOld D cIl-drEn Qv Qd. 10. lEs-Ed Ar De hwIc Ar pEr-sI-kIU-tEd fOr rAI-cVs-nEs sek: fOr DEarz Iz D kIN-dVm Qv hEvn. 11. lEs-Ed Ar y hwEn mEn Sal rEvAIl yIU, and pEr-sI-kIUt yIU, and Sal se Ol man-Er Qf* i-vl a-gEnst yIU fOls-lI, fOr mAI sek. 12. rE-jOIs, and b Ek-sid-IN glad: fOr gret Iz yIUr rE-wOrd In hE-vn: fOr so pEr-sI-kIU-tEd De D prQf-Its hwIc wEr bE-for yIU. 13. Ar D sQlt Qv D ErT: bVt If D sQlt hav lQst hIz se-vVr, hwEr-wIT Sal It b sQlt-Ed? It Iz DEns-forT gUd fOr nVT-IN bVt tu b kast AUt, and tu b trQd-n Vn-dEr fUt Qv mEn. 14. Ar D lAIt Qv D wVrld. e sI-tI Dat Iz sEt Qn an hIl kan-nOt b hId. 15. i-DEr du mEn lAIt e kan-dl, End* pUt It Vn-dEr e bUS-El, bVt Qn e kan-dl-stIk: and It gIv-ET lAIt Vn-tu Ol Dat Ar In D hAUs. % Deseret News (02/23/1859, p. 1) % Roman Alphabet Preface and table as in 02/16/1859 %Roman Alphabet [Concluded.] 16. lEt yIUr lAIt so SAIn bE-for mEn, DEt* De me si yIUr gUd wVrks, and glo-rIfAI yIUr fA-DEr hwIc Iv* In hEv-n. 17. {¶} INk nQt AI am kVm tu dEs-trOI D lO, Or D prQf-Its: AI am nQt kVm tu dEs-trOI, bVt tu fUl-fIl. 18. Or vEr-I-lI, AI se Vn-tu yIU, tIl hEv-n and ErT pas, wVn jQt Or wVn tIt-l Sal In no wAIz pas frQm D lO, tIl Ol b fUl-fIld. 19. hu-so-Ev-Er DEr-for Sal brek wVn Qv Diz list kQ-mand-mEnts, and Sal tic mEn so, hi Sal b kOld D list In D kIN-dVm Qv hEv-n: bVt hu-so-Ev-Er Sal du, and tic DEm, D sem Sal b kOld gret In D kIN-dVm Qv hEv-n. 20. Or AI se Vn-tu yIU, Dat Ek-sEpt yIUr rAI-cVs-nEs Sal Ek-sid D rAI-cVs-nEs Qv D skrAIbz and far-I-siz, y Sal In no kes En-tEr In-tu D kIN-dVm Qv hEv-n. 21. {¶} hav hErd Dat It wQz sEd bAI DEm Qv old tAIm, DAU Salt nQt kIl; and hu-so-Ev-Er Sal kIl, Sal b In den-jEr Qv D jVj-mEnt; 22. Vt AI se Vntu yIU, Dat hu-so-Ev-Er Iz aNgrI wID hIz brVDEr wID-AUt e kOz, Sal b In den-jEr Qv D jVj-mEnt: and hu-so-Ev-Er Sal se, tu hIz brVD-Er, reka, Sal b In den-jEr Qv D kAUnsIl: bVt hu-so-Ev-Er Sal se, DAU ful, Sal b In den-jEr Qv hEl-fAIr. 23. Er-for, If DAU brIN DAI gIft tu D Ol-tEr, and DEar rE-mEm-brEst Dat DAI brVD-Er haT Ot a-gEnst D, 24. iv DEar DAI gIft bE-for D Ol-tEr, and go DAI we; fVrst b re-kQn-sAIld tu DAI brVD-Er, and DEn kVm and Of-Er DAI gIft. 25. -gri wID DAIn ad-vEr-sa-rI kwIk-lI, hwAIl DAU Art In D we wID hIm; lEst at En-I tAIm D ad-vEr-sa-rI dE-lIv-Er D tu D jVj, and D jVj dE-lIv-Er D tu D Qf-Is-Er, and DAU b kast In-tu prIz-n. 26. Er-I-lI, AI se Vn-tu D, DAU Salt bAI no minz kVm AUt DEns, tIl DAU hast ped D Vt-Er-most fArD-IN. 27. {¶} hav hErd Dat It wQz sEd bAI DEm Qv old tAIm, DAU Salt nQt kQ-mIt a-dVl-tEr-I: 28. Vt AI se Vn-tu yIU, Dat hu-so-Ev-Er lUk-ET Qn e wU-man tu lVst af-tEr hEr, haT kQ-mIt-Ed a-dVl-tEr-I wID hEr Ol-rEd-I In hIz hArt. 29. nd If DAI rAIt AI Q-fEnd D, plVk It AUt, and kast It frQm D: fOr It Iz prQ-fI-ta-bl fOr D Dat wVn Qv DAI mEm-bErz SUd pEr-IS, and nQt Dat DAI hol bQd-I SUd b kast In-tu hEl. 30. nd If DAI rAIt hand Q-fEnd D, kVt It Qf, and kast It frQm D: fOr It Iz prQ-fI-ta-bl fOr D Dat wVn Qv DAI mEm-bErz SUd pEr-IS, and nQt Dat DAI hol bQ-DI SUd b kast In-tu hEl. 31. t haT bIn sEd, hu-so-Ev-Er Sal pUt a-we hIz wAIf, lEt hIm gIv hEr e rAIt-IN Qv dI-vors-mEnt: 32. Vt AI se Vn-tu yIU, Dat hu-so-Ev-Er Sal pUt a-we hIz wAIf sev-IN fOr D kOz Qf fOr-nI-ke-SVn, kOz-ET hEr tu kQ-mIt a-dVl-tEr-I: and hu-so-Ev-Er Sal mar-I hEr Dat Iz dI-vorst, kQ-mIt-ET a-dVl-tEr-I. 33. {¶} -gEn, y hav hErd Dat It haT bIn sEd bAI DEm Qv old tAIm, DAU Salt nQt fOr-swEar DAI-sElf, bVt Salt pEr-fOrm Vn-tu D Ord DAIn oDz. 34. Vt AI se Vn-tu yIu, swEar nQt at Ol: ni-DEr bAI hEv-n, fOr It Iz Qd'z Tron: 35. Or bAI D ErT: fOr It Iz hIz fUt-stul: ni-DEr bAI E-ru-sa-lEm; fOr It Iz D sIt-I Qv D gret kIN. 36. i-DEr Salt DAU swEar bAI DAI hEd, be-kOz DAU kanst nQt mek wVn hEar hwAIt Or blak. 37. Vt lEt yIUr kQ-mIU-nI-ke-SVn b, ye, ye; ne, ne; fOr hwQt-so-Ev-Er Iz mor Dan Diz, kVm-ET Qv iv-l. 38. {¶} hav hErd Dat It haT bIn sEd, an AI fOr an AI, and e tuT fOr e tuT. 39. Vt AI se Vn-tu yIU, Dat y rE-zIst nQt iv-l: bVt hu-so-Ev-Er Sal smAIt D Qn DAI rAIt cik, tVrn tu hIm D VT-Er* Ol-so. 40. nd If En-I man wIl sIU D at D lO, and tek a-we DAI kot, lEt hIm hav DAI klok Ol-so. 41. nd hu-so-Ev-Er Sal kQm-pEl D tu go e mAIl, go wID hIm twen. 42. gIv tu hIm Dat ask-ET D, and frQm hIm Dat wUd bOr-o Qv D, tVrn nQt DAU a-we. 43. {¶} hav hErd Dat It haT bIn sEd, DAU Salt lVv DAI ne-bVr, and het DAIn En-I-mI: 44. Vt AI se Vn-tu yIu, lVv yIUr En-Im-mIz, blEs DEm Dat kVrs yIU, du gUd tu DEm Dat het yIU, and pre fOr DEm hwIc dE-spAIt-fUl-I yIUz yIU, and pEr-sI-kIUt yIU: 45. at y me b D cIl-drEn Qv yIUr fA-DEr hwIc Iz In hEv-n: fOr hi mek-ET hIz sVn tu rAIz Qn D iv-l and Qn D gUd, and sEnd-ET ren Qn D jVst and Qn D Vn-jVst. 46. Or If y lVv DEm hwIc lVv yIU, hwQt rE-wOrd hav y? du nQt iv-n D pVb-lIk-anz D sem? 47. nd If y sa-lIUt yIur brED-rEn on-lI, hwQt du y mor Dan VD-Erz? du nQt iv-n D pVb-lIk-anz so? 48. y DEr-for pEr-fEkt, iv-n az yIUr fA-DEr hwIc Iz In hEv-n Iz pEr-fEkt. % Last updated February 23, 2022