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OverviewIn our research concerning the social history of this community, we combine archaeology with analysis of documentary sources, including tax records, census lists, deed information, and the wealth of data one can find in newspapers published during the life of the community. Our researchers have started a systematic review of the newspapers published in the region surrounding New Philadelphia, looking for articles, advertisements and notices that report events concerning the town and the regional context in which the town existed. To do this, we review copies of the old newspapers, mostly on microfilm, and transcribe the articles of interest. This project is ongoing, and we will be adding to this web page as we review more over time. We are grateful to the Research Board of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, which has provided support for this project. ![]() Set out below are selected transcriptions of newspaper articles related to New Philadelphia (which is sometimes referred to as Philadelphia), and the surrounding region. Section I and Section II present transcriptions of articles and excerpts from the Barry Adage, Barry Breeze, and Barry Record newspapers from the period of 1870 through 1914. We will be expanding the list of available transcriptions under Section I in the near future. The town of Barry is located approximately six miles west of New Philadelphia. The articles discuss events in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, the Philadelphia school house, and burials in the nearby cemeteries. (For some of these entries, we have been unable to provide citations to the exact page and column numbers due to the character of the microfilm copies of these newspapers.) Section III presents transcriptions of articles and excerpts from newspapers published in the Quincy area in the period of 1850-1873, and the stories focus principally on developments concerning the construction of railroads. The town of Quincy is located along the Mississippi River, about 40 miles northwest of New Philadelphia. None of these stories from the Quincy papers directly explains why New Philadelphia was bypassed by the Hannibal and Naples Railroad in 1869. A September 7, 1857 article reprinted from the Pike County Press mentioned a possible route "down Keyser creek." Kiser Creek runs in a roughly north-south direction and is located just to the east of the New Philadelphia town site (view a topographic map of the vicinity). A July 30, 1870, article reports that the new town of Pineville, also known as "Summit Station" due to its location on higher elevation, was situated on the newly-completed Hannibal and Naples Railroad line, and had just established a Postoffice. Pineville, later renamed Baylis, was at the top of a northward arc of the railroad's route that diverted its path away from New Philadelphia. ![]() Additional transcriptions of news articles from Pike County newspapers are available online from the Illinois GenWeb project, although these items are not targeted specifically at the social history of New Philadelphia. A brief essay on the history of newspaper publishing in this region is also available online from the Illinois Newspaper Project. Microfilm copies of most newspapers published within Illinois are available at the Lincoln Presidential Library in Springfield. The format used in newspapers of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries differs greatly from the format of many newspapers today. Such older newspapers often had minimal headlines and rarely included any photographs. Newspapers published in that period also had clear political affiliations, usually with the local Democratic or Whig (later called Republican) party. Articles were written by reporters and editors based on their own perspectives and biases. These newspapers also occasionally used language and expressions which we now find offensive. In the article excerpts presented below we have transcribed relevant news reports and editorial statements without editing out language we don't agree with. We present this information as data concerning past events and the variety of past attitudes and opinions concerning the perceived significance of those events.
I. Excerpts from 1870-1895 Barry NewspapersBarry Adage, November 4, 1871, p. 2, c. 3 St. Louis are making Herculean efforts to attract to themselves trade which heretofore centered at Chicago. The merchants of other cities are not behind those of St. Louis. The c.s of the daily papers in nearly every Western city are filled with advertisements of leading business men, and their efforts in this respect are telling strongly in their favor While in St. Louis, a few days ago, strange faces were everywhere visible; the hotels all crowded, and we were assured that trade has never been so active as at present." The leading houses in St. Joseph are much behind in this regard. If they would attract trade it would be well for them to set forth in the shape of well displayed advertisements, the inducements they can offer. In this way a rich harvest may be reaped this fall and winter Barry Adage, November 4, 1871, p. 3, c. 2. We notice that Mr. James Yancey has been thoroughly overhauling and repairing his blacksmith shop and putting it in a much better condition for a workshop and adding very much to its general appearance. There are many other buildings in Barry that could be greatly improved in the same Manner, or burning them up. Burning up might not help the buildings, but it would certainly help the looks of the streets upon which they are situated. We hope to be able to chronicle repairing of more of them soon. Barry Adage, November 4, 1871, p. 3, c. 1. HANNIBAL AND NAPLES RAILROAD
TRAINS EAST Toledo, Wabash & Western Railroad The shortest route between all eastern cities and the Mississippi River. Trains leave Bluff City, on and after September 10, 1871, as follows.
Geo H. Burrows General Superintendent Toledo, Ohio Barry Adage, December 16, 1871, p. 3, c. 1. With characteristic enterprise peculiar to western men, the few dwellers near where the Quincy, Alton and St. Louis Railroad crosses the Hannibal and Naples Railroad have recently had an artist on the ground and a magnificent city is now on paper. They certainly have a fine cite for a town there and no doubt quite a village will spring up in time. We are pleased to notice a good substantial station house nearly completed there. If the company that controls the Hannibal and Naples Railroad would imitate the example set by the Q. A. and S. Company by putting up better station houses on the line between Hannibal and the Bluffs, no one would be likely to find fault about it.
Barry Adage, December 16, 1871, p. 3, c. 2. The Barry Dramatic Club will open the season on Saturday evening the 23d inst. by producing the Limerick Boy with full cast of characters, James McTucker as "Limerick Boy," Mr. Dan Rider will present for the first time his Duch specialties . . . . Barry Adage, May 4, 1872, p. 1, c. 1. A. F. and A. Masons; Barry Chapter, No. 88 R.A.; Masons; Barry Council Number 22 R and S. Masons. Barry Adage, May 4, 1872, p. 3, c. 2. Just received by Smith and Crandall a well selected stock of Queensware direct from Boston. Barry Adage, May 18, 1872, p. 3, c. 3. A splendid assortment of glassware and Queensware at Harvey and Chrysup's. Barry Adage, June 1, 1872, p. 3, c. 3. A fresh arrival of Mason's fruit jars at Harvey and Chrysup. Barry Adage, June 8, 1872, p. 3, c. 3.
We had the heaviest rain and thunder storm here on Saturday night last to the best recollection of the oldest inhabitants that was ever known in this section. Acres of corn were washed up, trees torn up and carried off by the overflowing of small streams that never before was known to be above the banks. S. Coss, a farmer, living north of this place had fifteen acres of corn and a mile of fence washed away J. Chambelain's house was struck by lightning, doing considerable damage. Mr. Chamberlain was knocked senseless but has recovered. There was no wind with the rain. Barry Adage, June 8, 1872, p. 3, c. 3. NEW SALEM, June 5, 1872 Mr. John Cover, living two and a half miles south of Philadelphia, had a horse and saddle stolen on Friday night, May 24th. He started after the thief on Sunday morning, and caught him Monday afternoon eighteen miles west of Bowling Green, Missouri. He had traded the horse off but had the saddle in his possession. Mr. Cover, with another man, went to his house, called him out, and with a shot gun and pistol for a warrant, arrested him and took him to Bowling Green. --- They then got out a warrant for him, gave him an examination and put him in jail. I did not learn the name of the thief. He appears to be a separate character, and this is the fourth time he has been in the Bowling Green jail. Mr. Cover had considerable hunting for his horse, but finally found out. Barry Adage, August 10, 1872, p. 4, c. 1. A little son of Mrs. McTucker broke an arm and collarbone in falling downstairs a few days since. Barry Adage, May 18, 1872, p. 3, c. 3. The new depot will be ready for occupancy next week. There has been a terrible "taking off" of snow during this week, and mother earth has again appeared in muddy colors. On Tuesday it rained powerfully nearly all day and night. Mr. Leander Blake lost about a thousand bushels of corn on Tuesday night by being washed away by Hadley Creek. On Monday several men who reside north of Hadley Creek came to this place and were unable to get home again for several days owing to high waster. It is said that there is not a wagon bridge spanning that stream from its source to its mouth. . . .
Barry Adage, January 25, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. The trains were greatly behind time owing to the storm on Thursday. Barry Adage, January 25, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. A malignant type of fever is prevailing in and about Naples, of which there has been several fatal cases. Barry Adage, January 25, 1873, p. 4, c. 2. Respectfully announces to the people of Barry and vicinity that he has located in this place and solicits a share of the patronage of the public. . . Barry Adage, January 25, 1873, p. 4, c. 2. The undersigned has opened a gallery of fin arts in Barry, Illinois, with all the best improvements, and are prepared to make pictures cheaper and better than any other gallery in the west. Also, will keep a large stock of frames for sale cheap. -- Bring along your old pictures and have them nicely copied and enlarged. Call and see us in Churchill's new block, north side of the public square. Barry, Illinois Barry Adage, February 1, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. Call at Burnham's gallery for your pictures. Barry Adage, February 1, 1873, p. 4, c. 2. This mill in 1872 made the following goods: 23,366 yards of flannels; jeans, 13, 564; tweeds, 8724; cassimers, 3625; sattinet, 1325; 176 pairs blankets; stocking yearn 15978 pounds. To make these goods it has taken nearly 50,000 pounds of clean washed wool. Barry Adage, February 8, 1873, p. 4, c. 2. Barry Adage, February 8, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. Barry Adage, March 1, 1873, v. 2, n. 17, p. 4, c. 2. At the residence on the bride's mother, by J. F. Philips, February 2th, 1873. Mr. George A. Dutcher of Hadley to Miss Sara A. Morey of Pleasant Vale. Accompanying the above notice was the ever welcome greenback for which Mr. and Mrs. Dutcher has our choicest thanks on the same string with our very best wishes for a multiplicity of blessings to ever attend them in their terrestrial pilgrimage. Barry Adage, March 22, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. Mr. Hugh Davidson of Pineville, had a valuable horse stolen from his stable on Saturday night last. Barry Adage, March 22, 1873, p. 4, c. 2. There are hundreds of country villages in the states that attain a population of about a thousand people and they come to a standstill and remain in a torpid condition, as it were, for years so far as building and business advancement is concerned, deteriorating instead of advancing. Many villages that were contiguous to small cities and were doing a thriving business before the advent of the railway, have seen their prosperity take wings at the approach of the iron horse. -- Others have been materially benefited by railways and Barry can be reckoned as one of them owing to its isolation from any navigable stream, thus getting an outlet for the immense amount of grain and pork annually produced in this vicinity. Before the railroad all this had to be hauled to the Griggsville or Cincinnati landings twelve and twenty-two miles distant. Now all the grain for several miles distant is either bought and shipped by dealers here or ground by the mills and the flour sent to the south and east, while three-fourths of the hogs are slaughtered and packed here thus furnishing work for a great number of men during most of the winter. The barrels used for packing pork and flour are all manufactured here furnishing employment for several coopers. The year round. About ten thousand hogs were packed during the past winter. Preparations are being made to pack double the amount next winter. Last summer two large brick business houses were erected, together with several fine dwelling houses. That the coming summer is to be a busy building season here is evidenced by a large amount of building material being got in readiness and the tearing away of old buildings to make way for new and more commodious ones. It is a healthy sign to see new stores find tenants as fast as completed. Within a year there has been an addition of several new firms, and others are soon to be added. Taking the wholesale and retail trade of Barry into consideration it probably exceeds that of any other place in the country. Barry Adage, March 29, 1873, p. 4, c. 2. On Friday last a bloody shooting affray occurred at the cut-off in which Patrick Vaughn was mortally wounded and Richard McCormick and Thomas Stapleton received slight injuries. It appears that some of the laborers entertained an idea that the time keeper, Mat Harris, had misstated the time. Thomas Stapleton, (the walking boss had also incurred their displeasure, and as Friday was payday, and all hands to-gether, they concluded to clean out Harris and Stapleton. Directly after dinner as the first two named came out of the store they were set upon by the men. The rushed back into the store and drew their revolvers and commenced firing into the [illegible] crowd as they attempted to enter the store, which resulted in the assailants falling back for consultation. Harris and Stapleton mounted their horses and went to Hannibal. Shortly after their arrival, a warrant was sworn out by Con Harrigon, who had followed them to the city, and they were lodged in the calaboose. Owing to vague rumors that the workmen from the levee were to follow and lynch them it was deemed advisable to convey the prisoners to Palmyra Jail and they were removed in a close carriage about 8 o'clock on the same evening. They were taken back to Hannibal on Monday, but the authorities again got frightened off and took them back to jail. On Monday, Sheriff McFarland of this county, went to Springfield to get a requisition from the Governor of this State to bring the prisoners to this county, the affray having been committed within the county limits. Owing to the miss-naming of some of the parties, he had to go back to Springfield on the following day to get the matter righted first coming to this place to get some one from here to go to Hannibal and see that the prisoners were not discharged from custody until the proper documents could be procured from the governor of this state, to arrest them. John Morris was the man deligated (sic) and went to Hannibal the same evening McFarland was in town again on Wednesday on his way to Mo. And Harris and Sapleton (sic) are doubtless now on Illinois soil. So intense is the feeling against Harris and Stapleton by the laborers, the sheriff proposed to take them via Quincy to avoid a collision with the irate co-laborers with Vaughn who died from the effects of his wound on Sunday. Vaughn is said to have been trying to quell the disturbance when he was shot Harris and Stapleton were acting in self-defense and took all who tried to enter the door as enemies. Barry Adage, April 12, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. The Barry woolen mills are again in active operation working thirty hands and no more small pox. Barry Adage, April 12, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. Mr. J. F. Clark will open his select school in the Congregational Church Monday next. Terms: common branches $6.00. Higher branches $7.00. Barry Adage, April 12, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. Beer to be or not to be sold was the question Barry voted on Tuesday. The to be's beat the not to be's. A fresh arrival of Queensware at Harvey and Long's, low for cash. From present prospects there will be a fair crop of cherries which will somewhat repair the loss of the peach crop. Barry Adage April 19, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. Barton Gray has a new carpenter shop. Barry Adage, May 2, 1873, p. 6, c. 1. Daneil Wallace and his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Turner, both died of measles near this place recently. The residence of Robert Brown of New Salem, was entered by burglars on Saturday night last and robbed of $500 and a valuable watch. They entered at the window and chloroformed Mr. Brown. The money was in a bureau draw. Barry Adage, May 2, 1873, p. 6, c. 2. Mr. Hugh Davidson of Pineville, who had horse stolen a few days ago, has recovered the animal. Mr. William Wright and family started for Colorado on Friday. He started out with four wagons and several head of young horses. Barry Adage, May 10, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. Apple and cherry trees are in blossom. A colored man known as Thomas Thomas, who resided about five miles southeast of this place, died very suddenly on Friday last. He was sitting in a chair filling a pipe, when he fell forward on his face and in less than ten minutes life was extinct. He was a man of very plethoric habit and his death was caused by apoplexy. Only a few moments before he fell he was boasting of how well he felt. Quincy is having serious time with burglars these days. Barry Adage, May 24, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. Cal Jackson has opened a book and music store. Edgar Gray and his family started for California on Monday. They went in company with M. Lane and family who go to Oregon. Barry Adage, May 24, 1873, p. 4, c. 2. A horse thief named James Breedlove was captured in the streets of Hannibal on Tuesday riding a fine horse. A colored woman named Maria Anderson died at Hannibal on Tuesday from the effects of poison which she took through mistake. She had been in the habit of taking a dose of cough medicine from time to time, and on the day in question asked her adopted daughter to get her the bottle containing the mixture, which she could not find. The old lady then made a search for the bottle, and on finding it took a swallow of its contents, and in less than half an hour thereafter she was dead. The bottle was found to contain a deadly poison and suspicion of foul play is entertained. Barry Adage, May 24, 1873, p. 4, c. 2. Eight car loads of oats were shipped East from this place last week. Barry Adage June 7, 1873, p. 4 , c. 1. One hundred head of fat cattle were shipped to Buffalo from this place on Tuesday. They belonged to S. McWorter. The celebrated B. C. Taylor spring tooth Sulky Hay Rake at Chrysup and Strubluger's. Barry Adage, June 7, 1873, p. 4, c. 2. The hog cholera has appeared in Calhoun county. Barry Adage June 28, 1873, p. 4 , c. 1. Harvey Gray started for California Thursday night. Barry Adage, July 12, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. Just now, while cholera is raging in some parts of the land, and preventative sanitary measures should be inaugurated everywhere, those places that allow cholera breeding pools and sinks to go untouched, should be severely censured. Barry is in that condition to-day, and many are making grievous complaint about it and severely blame the members of the present council. Now it is quite probable that if the men who are finding fault with the councilmen, were in their places, they would do just about as the council men do -- a little of nothing toward cleaning the streets -- and why. Barry Adage, July 12, 1873, p. 4, c. 2. Two fatal cases of cholera at White Hall this week. From White Hall to Barry, is but five minutes walk for a traveler like the cholera, and there is plenty of filth here to entice it along. Barry Adage, July 12, 1873, p. 4, c. 3. We hear a great deal of complaint because the council does not have the streets and alleys cleaned out. A gentleman informed us a day or two ago, that he knew of five dead hogs in one alley, whose carcasses were in an advance stage of decomposition. The matter should be attended to at once. Barry Adage July 12, 1873, p. 4 , c. 1.
Trains on the Toledo and Wabash leaving Hannibal at 7:15 a.m. arrive at St. Louis at 7:00 a.m. Sleeping car from Bluff City. PITTSFIELD BRANCH Makes connection with all trains at Maysville. Toledo Wabash and Western Railroad. The shortest route between all Eastern Cities [illegible] Mississippi River. [Illegible] Baggage checked direct through to Buffalo, New York and Boston. GEO H. BURROWS, Gen'l Sup'T Toledo, Ohio Quincy, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad
Barry Adage, July 19, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. The Wabash Company are to have telegraphic connection at Hulls. A telegraph office has been established at Baylis (better known as Pineville) and a man named Vance made agent and operator. There has been no case of cholera in this vicinity up to date. Mrs. Ruth Shipman met with quite serious accident on Saturday last by having her left arm broken. She was descending a hill near E. Dara when one of the buggy wheels broke down throwing her and two or three other persons out. The rest escaped uninjured. Barry Adage, August 9, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. Trains are now running on the Q.A. and St. Louis Road between Hannibal and Quincy. Barry Adage, August 9, 1873, p. 4, c. 2. The price of land compared with last year, on the Mississippi bottom, may be shown by a sale lately made, of the south-east quarter of the north-west quarter section 21, in township 4 south, 8 west, which sold at $25 per acre, being an advance of 100 per cent in one year. Barry Adage, August 9, 1873, p. 4, c. 3. The undersigned world inform the citizens of Barry and vicinity that he has opened a saloon opposite J. Carswells' for the sale of beer and native wines, where he intends to keep the best brands, and an orderly house. Barry Adage, August 23, 1873, p. 1, c. 4. Opened by prayer by Elder Clark. Miscellaneous business. On the Motion of J.N. Dowell, article 13, of constitution was adopted to read: "It shall be the duty of the vice-president to organize a township Sabbath school convention to meet quarterly: officers of said convention shall consist of president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. Barry Adage, September 13, 1873, p. 4, c. 1. Cyrene Johnson has bought a house and lot of J. T. Carter and the occupant, John Large, was invited to move right out. There must be a lady somewhere that expects to soon become Mrs. Johnson. Barry Adage, February 14, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. Johnson Brothers close out balance of goods on hand at auction Monday and Tuesday next. Sales at auction each afternoon and night. Barry Adage, February 21, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. As Henry Gray was attempting to shift a revolver in his skirt pocket, in Johnson's barber shop, one night this week, the thing went off, the ball striking the floor and then glancing struck John Scott in the forehead, but luckily, did not hurt him very much. You had better carry double barreled candle strike young [illegible] they don't go off, and nobody ever suffers from revolvers but yourselves. Barry Adage, March 7, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. . . . . A telegraph office has been established at the east end of the Hannibal bridge and Ned Ham manipulate the electricity. During the last eight months thirty new members have been added to the Christian Church of this place, the most of them having united in the last few weeks. The meetings will close for the present on Sunday evening next. A good deal of interest is being manifested in the union meetings of the Baptist and Methodist churches and several have been converted. The ladies of Pittsfield, Illinois, have organized a temperance alliance, and commenced holding meetings in and about the saloons of that town.
Barry Adage, March 7, 1874, p. 4, c. 3. The firm of McTucker and Chesebro is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Chesebro selling out his interest to McTucker, who will continue business at the old stand. All accounts will be settled by James McTucker Barry Adage, March 14, 1874, p. 1, c. 3. Mr. Jeff Pence would give notice that he has opened a New Billiard Hall. In the Pike block, over Smith and Crandall's store; has fitted it up and put in tables of the latest style and finish, and that the place will be conducted in a strictly first class style. All lovers of this fashionable amusement are invited to call. He has also a choice variety of tobacco and cigars. Barry Adage, March 14, 1874, p. 1, c. 3. The undersigned would inform the citizens of Barry and vicinity that he has opened a saloon opposite J. Carswells' for the sale of beer and native wines, where he intends to keep the best brands, and an orderly house. Barry Adage, March 14, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. The Hannibal Courier states that there has been ninety four cases of small pox in that city during the recent scurge, twenty proving fatal. Of these forty-two were colored. The disease has subsided. Barry Adage, March 14, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. The ladies of Hannibal are thinking of joining the Great Western Tidal Waves of Temperance Association and sing and pray about the saloons of that city. Barry Adage, March 14, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. Johnson Brothers have hung their tanner on the outer wall and [illegible] that they are coming to stay. Barry Adage, March 14, 1874, p. 4, c. 3. The firm of McTucker and Chesebro is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Chesebro selling out his interest to McTucker, who will continue business at the old stand. All accounts will be settled by James McTucker. Barry Adage, May 9, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. Of thirty-four deaths during the month of April in Quincy nineteen were of a lung nature. Barry Adage, May 16, 1874, p. 1, c. 1. James McTucker is doing a lively business in the cattle trade buying for St. Louis markets in Illinois and Missouri. Barry Adage, May 16, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. C AND S Davis shipped two hundred thousand pounds of pork from this place on Saturday last. Barry Adage, May 30, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. GOSNELL [illegible] By a letter received [illegible] James McTuker, we understand that it does not intend to [illegible] but that his debts will be paid [illegible] last farthing. Barry Adage, June 20, 1874, p. 4, c.1. A warehouse 24 x 80 is to be built at Hadley station by L. Angle and J. Gilvin, W.T. Mitchell has the contract and will commence work next Monday. Barry Adage, June 20, 1874, p. 4, c. 2. Since the death of Bacchas by the ballot in this place the vinous god has flourished and fattened at a little town a few miles west of here and very much of the money that has been gathered by the insatiate demon has gone from this immediate vicinity and many incidents have occurred between this place and the shrine of liquids that are a disgrace to civilization . . . [long essay follows discussing availability of whiskey and hard spirits in New Canton and incidents of drunkenness] Barry Adage, July 11, 1874, p. 1, c. 5. Mr. John Whittleton, who has a farm about a mile east of town, on the line of the T.W. and R.R., was burned out on Tuesday last of nearly ten acres of wheat that was standing shocks, two acres of oats and one of grass; also 40 rods of rail fence. The fire was communicated by sparks from a locomotive. Barry Adage, August 1, 1874, p. 1, c. 4. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE NAMES OF THE TEACHERS AND PEOPLE ATTENDING THE NORMAL SCHOOL Ladies Allen, Lydia; Bonnell, Jennie; Bonnell, Helen; Blades, Mary; Barkley, Sarah; Blake, Annie; Burke, Mattie; Carswell, Ray; Carson, Libbie; Chandler, Fannie; Chandler, charlotte; Conrad, Jennie G; Cromwell, Ellen; Davis, Annie; Davis, Eva; Dunham, Cordelia; English, Luella; Fitch, Elia; Furnis[illegible], Ada; Grammer, Ada; Gray, Carrie; Grammer, Evie; Harvey, Mattie; Haycraft, Katie; Hewitt, Melissa; [illegible];Hunt, Julia; Hume, Sallie; Higgins-Lissle; Lippencott, Ella; Monroe, Marcia S.; Morris, Carrie; O'Neil, Mary J.; Parker, Mary W.; Quarles, Mary E.; Rankin, Rachel; Sewell, Lucy; Shipmann, Hattie; Smith, Lizzie A.; Smith, Betty; Scott, Annie; Sutton, Ada; Sweet, Lillie; Triplet, Maria; Whittleton, Nettie. Gentlemen Chamberlian, Emmett M.; Clark, Herbert C.; Conrad, David; Dunham, Eddie H.; Fitch, Charles S.; Greenwood, B.S.; Hatch, D.; McDonald, Robert; MacIntire, Douglas; Newport, George; Ottawa, F., L., C.; Page, N. L.; Sellers, Elcana W. shinn, Henry; Slade, J. S.; Smith, Geo S.; swan, J. E.; Sweet, William H.; Triplet, William; Webster, James G.; Wilson, S. J.; Widby, John; Woodworth, John. Barry Adage, August 22, 1874, p. 1, c. 4. Dr. Baker has sold his celebrated trotting horse Barry Adage, August 22, 1874, p. 1, c. 5. Married -- by Reverend Mason, at the house of the bride's friends, Mr. Eugene D. Hadsell, to Miss Dadie [?] Robertson, both of this county, August 13, 1874. Barry Adage, August 22, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. Mr. James McTucker returned from his western tour last Sunday. Barry Adage, August 22, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. The President of the Wabash road, together with all the grand mandarins and big guns of the company passed through here, on Wednesday last, en route for Springfield. Barry Adage, August 29, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. Johnson departs in a day or two for Chicago to purchase their new fall stock. Barry Adage, August 29, 1874, p. 4, c. 3. The town of Griggsville is opposed to the crusade business, and has passed an ordinance prohibiting public meetings on the business streets. Barry Adage, September 5, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. Mr. Cobb will return next week. Barry Adage, September 12, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. Tycoon repps at Johnson Brothers. Barry Adage, September 19, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. James McTucker is building a house on the bottom and will remove there. Mr. Henry Cray of this place who has been engaged as brakeman on the Keokuk branch of the T.W. & W. railroad for some months past, had a narrow escape one day last week. He was in the act of setting a brake when the wheel broke and precipitated him downward between the cars. Fortunately he caught on the coupling and thus saved himself going under the wheels, and escaped with some severe bruises. Shield Front Quaker City shirts now in at Johnson Brothers. Barry Adage, September 19, 1874, p. 4, c. 3. Mr. Patterson station agent of this place informs us that . . . [illegible]. This branch of the Wabash road has nearly doubled its business in the last year and at the present time, eight regular trains daily pass over it, and scarcely a day passes, but what one or more extras go over the road. Great numbers of cattle are being transport just known. Barry Adage, October 10, 1874, p. 1, c. 5. The women of Barry held a meeting at the Methodist Evangelical Church on Wednesday evening for the purpose of organizing a permanent Temperance League. . . . We hope every lady young or old in the town of Barry will be with us at our next meeting which will be held in the Baptist Church one week from Saturday, at 4 o'clock p.m. and for the benefit of some who are troubled on this score we will say this is not a woman's rights meeting nor are we meditating a crusade; not at present anyway. Barry Adage, October 10, 1874, p. 4, c. 1. At the residence of Dr. A. C. Baker, Barry, Illinois, on Sunday evening, October 3, by the Reverend Win. Green, Mr. Thomas Lucien Wilson to Miss Carrie Baker. Barry Adage, November 7, 1874, p.3, c. 1. Call Hadsell didn't go to California as we reported last week. Pineville is to have a new hotel. It is going up on the east side of the station. There was a blind woman in town on Monday soliciting aid to build her a house at Pineville. William Bright says that if everybody will go according to his directions, what beer he is allowed to sell them will answer in all cases, and none need apply who can't be satisfied with what satisfies him. Barry Adage, November 7, 1874, p. 3, c. 2. The Barry woolen mills had to shut down a couple of days this week to wait the arrival of wool. Winter goods are in great demand just now.A gentleman called our attention to the fact that Barry has no cemetery association, the other day, and asked us to urge upon the citizens the importance of such an association. Under the existing regulation of the burying ground of this place, anyone can select a spot in any part of the yard to deposit the remains of a departed loved one, and the next day another party can come along and bury the dead just beside the first one, and no one can say aught against it. He mentioned a lady who had a husband buried here, who is about to remove his remains to Pittsfield where she can buy a lot and know that no one else can molest it. He is anxious to move in the matter, and asks the cooperation of others. Barry Adage, November 14, 1874, p.3, c. 3. On Tuesday last the Wabash railroad company set hands to work burning off the grass and underbrush on their right of way on say island [which is on the Pike County shore of the Mississippi River]. But the wind raised and the fire became manageable, and soon the woods were in a blaze . . . [article describes fire destruction of neighboring farmers' fields]. Barry Adage, November 21, 1874, p.3, c. 1. A party of four young men were arrested by officer Huntly on Wednesday last, charged with running horses on Kiser creek on Sunday last. They were arrested at the instigation of Frank Triplett. The case was put over until to-day. Barry Adage, November 21, 1874, p. 4. Johnson Brothers One Price, Square Dealing, Dry Goods House! -- Winter Goods in Now. Barry Adage, November 28, 1874, p.3, c. 1. The young men arrested for horse racing on Keyser Creek on Sunday were discharged. Barry Adage, November 28, 1874, p. 4. Johnson Brothers One Price, Square Dealing, Dry Goods House! Barry Adage, December 5, 1874, p. 3, c. 1. Nathan Johnson is in Chicago this week, More new goods. Barry Adage, December 5, 1874, p.3, c. 3. Pork packing is progressing at a live-rate in this place, both slaughter houses being worked to their greatest capacity. Good hogs bring six and three quarter cents per pound on foot. Barry Adage, December 12, 1874, p. 2, c. 2. An Ordinance Regulating the Sale of Spiritous Liquors in the City of Barry . . . [text of the ordinance printed, which requires businesses to obtain a license from the city of Barry and providing fines for violation of this requirement, dated December 8, 1874]. Barry Adage, December 12, 1874, p. 3, c. 1. Very nice cardigan jackets just in at Johnson Brothers. [Illegible] A. N. Baker formerly of the [illegible] Nursery is in town solicit the Tallula. [illegible] spring delivery. All those wishing fruit and ornamental trees and hedge plants, will do well to give him an order. Johnson Brothers bought of Sweet Dempster & Company traveling salesman 115 pair of sample gloves -- no two pairs alike -- will be sold low -- we bought them cheap -- the assortment includes some of the very best hand made buckskin gloves. Barry Adage, January 9, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. Miss Effie McTucker left this place on Thursday morning last for Chicago, where she expects to spend the winter with relatives. Barry Adage, January 9, 1875, p. 3, c. 2. The public is hereby cautioned against one T. R. Clark, professing to hale from Chicago, who has been of late traveling quite extensively in these parts, repairing sewing machines and selling attachments. He run his face for hotel bill and livery hire to the tune of about twenty dollars and then left the place in disguise and went to Griggsville and commenced his old tricks. The accounts from here followed him with copies and placed in the hands of a constable of this place who was either bribed or carelessly or indifferently let him slip. The public would do well to make a note of this scamp. Barry Adage, January 16, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. Circumstances have made it necessary for us to dispense with the services of Mr. H. C. Cobb, who has for a long time been employed as a compositor in the Democrat office, but we have always found him a very steady, industrious and intelligent employee and therefore say so publicly, and without his request of knowledge that we proposed to do so. Barry Adage, January 16, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. L. A. Stearnes filled his ice house with frozen water from Keiser creek, the finest ice put up this season. He laid in about eighty tons. Barry Adage, January 23, 1875, p. 2, c. 3. [Illegible] Ed. Adag[illegible] -- A young liar left your quiet city a few days since for it few days recreation, and went to Quincy to have a good time, and no doubt fell in with some of the boys, judging from his appearance as I met him on his return. He had to wait some time at a certain railroad junction for a train and concluded he would enjoy himself in a [illegible] smoke to while away the lonely hours-as you know it is very [illegible] waiting for trains. This young man procured a Havana from his valise and began to puff away. For a few minutes all went well; bus soon he began to think that the room needed ventilating, and a little later he concluded that the room was altogether too warm for him and stepped out to try the fresh air; but this did not appear to relieve him. He soon came into stand near the stove and warm himself up, and take a good 'wamic' and he would feel better; but this he declined, seated himself, and soon he was heard to say, 'A sicker boy you never saw!' and inquired if we had a 'doctor in this here town.' He was informed that he could find Dr. Bowlware at the Johnson House, and soon the above said young man might have been seen wending his way toward the above named Johnson House to procure from the doctor something to alleviate his suffering. 'Never give it up, William -- such is life -- you will feel a great deal better when you get well,' was the advice from the attending doctor. The young man, however was able at 5:30P to take the train for his home a much better, if not a wiser man. Friend William, I advise you never to try smoking again. I swore off last Christmas. Barry Adage, January 30, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. A bill has been introduced into the General Assembly of this State to compel railroad companies to stop all passenger trains at every station on the line of their respective roads. The idea probably originated in the brain of some ambitious Cinncinnattus who lives at some way station comprised of a blacksmith ship and a country store, and who wants as much courtesy shown his little burg as is extended to a city of thousands. Should this become law, trains that now run from Hannibal to Toledo in seventeen hours would require double the time, and through passengers subject to this slow coach arrangement all because some buckwheat legislator wanted to see a palace car stand before his door. Barry Adage, January 30, 1875, p. 3, c. 2. Mr. William Marion met with a terrible accident on Saturday last. As he was descending a hill near Philadelphia with a load of lumber, his horses ran away throwing him from the load and falling under the wagon, one of the wheels passed over his body. He was at first reported fatally injured but we hear he is now getting better. Barry Adage, January 30, 1875, p. 3, c. 2. [Illegible] and only one death has occurred. Still there are a good many sick. Mr. Allen Robinson is lying very low with pneumonia, with but very little hope of recovery; while Mrs. Rhodes, mother-in-law of L. Walker, is suffering with a malignant carbuncle on the back of her neck which is feared will terminate in her death. Barry Adage, February 6, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. N. Johnson is in Chicago this week after that stock of new goods. Barry Adage, February 13, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. The Barry Mutual Fire Insurance Company for the townships of Barry, Beverly, Hadley, Kinderhook, Pleasant Vale, and El Dara, pursuant to notice and in conformity with the articles of incorporation, met the 27th day of January 1875, at the city hall in Barry for organization. Mr. Grammer was called to the chair and E. Whittleton appointed secretary pro tem. An election of Directors resulted in the choice of James Syke -- Beverly; John Grammer --Hadley; N. P. Hart -- Barry; Rufus Murray -- Kinderhook; G. A. Dutcher -- Pleasant Vale, and J. B. Steadman -- El Dara. At large -- C. M. Grammer, M. Evans, E. Whittleton. The first meeting of the directors will be held at the Grange Hall in the City of Barry, February 12, 1875, for the purpose of electing a President, Secretary and Treasurer, and to make blanks and by-laws for the adoption of the company. Adjourned to meet at the call of the President Barry Adage, February 13, 1875 p. 3, c. 3. Alex Burke has removed his boot and shoe shop, two doors east of Johnson Brother's dry goods store, northside of public square, where he will be glad to accommodate all of his old customers and all the new ones that may favor him with their patronage. Particular attention paid to repairing as he has always done and at reasonable rates. Barry Adage, March 13, 1875, p. 3, c. 2. Miss Effie McTucker arrived home from Chicago on Wednesday last. Barry Adage, March 27, 1875, p. 3, c. 2. Elmer, a little son of Mrs. Sarah Gray died on Tuesday of [illegible] spinal meningitis. He was not sick but five days, but his sufferings were very great. He was nine years old. Barry Adage, March 27, 1875, p. 3, c. 2. On Saturday last, Mr. William Moran and two sons were arrested by officers Huntley and Kirtright, on complaint of Mrs. Rebecca Seber, for selling intoxicating liquors down on Beebe creek. They were fined $80 and costs and turned out a [illegible] of horses for the amount. The old man Moran was arrested again on Wednesday, and again at instigation of Mrs. Seber, who alleges that Moran threatened her life. The trial was postponed ten days. Barry Adage, April 3, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. Nathan Johnson is in Chicago after new goods. Dr. A.C. Baker bid in the old Congregationalist church on Saturday for $110. Barry Adage, April 24, 1875, p. 3, c. 2. James Hardbarger came up off Beebe creek the other day and much [illegible] extremely happy, swelled his muscles to a prodigious size, and made him totally oblivious to all external circumstances. He seized upon a little black dog and a strange dog at that, and choked the little brute unmercifully. A respected citizen expostulated with him whereat James shook his fist and swore he would choke all the dogs and whip all the men in Barry if he took a notion to. And then James addressed some obscene remarks to some ladies that were passing by. On Wednesday officer Kirtright went down after James telling him that the authorities here were anxious to see him. He consented to come up and Spire Ferris said it would be ten dollars and costs. That was just ten dollars more money than James had about him -- he was out of whisky too, and was the sorriest man that has been seen for a long time He didn't want to go to the calaboose, and was finally allowed to go home on his solemn promise to come back soon and pay his fine. Barry Adage, May 8, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. Lemmel Green of Hadley died on Saturday of lung fever, aged 61 years. Barry Adage, May 15, 1875, p. 3, c. 3. THE HADLEY COURTING AFFAIR AGAIN – DENIAL OF SQUIRE'S STORY Mr. Editor -- Since the twin virtues modesty and dignity throw a curtain of diffidence around those Hadley maidens, who have been the subject of so much newspaper notoriety, allow me, as their friend, and in justice to them, to give a different and a correct version of the courting affair heretofore spoken of. The Squire was right in two instances, and in two only, viz: it did take place on Saturday night, and there were two ladies interested instead of one, but as to the statements that one young man's hat was missing, or that they were forcibly detained by the young ladies seizing their coat-tails, forcing them into a chair, locking the doors, or hindering their departure in any way, is as false as the mind that conceived the fabrication contained in Squire's article. Equally untrue, also, is the assertion that these maids gave the young men an invitation to escort them to a neighbor's house or spend the evening with them. suffice it to say, as I detailed in a former article, these young men called at the house wherein dwelt the young ladies and prolonged their stay late the we small hours of the night unmindful of the hints of their fair companions as to the lateness of the hour, etc. It was not until the old family bedstead groaned the alarm of 12, that these gallants thought of going; then seizing their hats, they flew over gates and fences, through mud and bush, never halting until they arrived at home. Now Squire, I will dismiss you, with this injunction, that in the future when you attempt to write about young ladies, confine yourself strictly to the truth, and respect them if you do not respect yourself. Barry Adage, May 22, 1875, p. 3, c. 3. SQUIRE RISES TO EXPLAIN Mr. Editor -- Allow me briefly to reply to J. R.'s communication which was published in last week's ADAGE. Your correspondent, "J.R." is well known, and I will say, positively, that he has both lied and contradicted himself and I intend to pay no more attention to such barking [unknown] as lie. As to the Hadly Station affair, I have already stated the true facts in regard to it, but would not have done so if he hadn't started it. Now, J. R., I will dismiss you, but I must say you ought to have some respect for those of who you write, if have none for yourself. Barry Adage, June 5, 1875, p. 2, c. 2. Captain C. N. Clark received several specimens of a new species of bug which suddenly descended on one of his cornfields in the Say Bottom, and in twenty-four hours destroyed about 30 acres of young corn. This new pest is a small black bug encased in a hard shell when its wings are closed. It is armed with a long sharp sting, and burrowing into the ground at the roots of the corn, perforates the root with its sting, causing the blades to wilt and die as suddenly and completely as though stricken by a severe frost. Barry Adage, June 5, 1875, p. 3, c. 1 and c. 2. Mr. Joe Clark of Des Are Missouri is spending a couple of weeks with relations and friends in this place. Johnson Brothers are two buy to write local ads -- lots of new goods just in -- more on the way -- come early for they go early. Barry Adage, June 12, 1875, p. 3, c. 1 and c. 2. A number of the band boys went to the Say bottom on Wednesday, on a fish-frying excursion. They were the guests of James McTucker, who has become a resident of tat fertile region, and who is making the wilderness blossom like the rose. Mr. J. T. Clarke has been engaged as principal of the high school in this place for the coming fall and winter term. Mr. Clarke has been teaching in this county for a year or two past, and has given universal satisfaction in every instance. A good school may be confidently expected. Barry Adage, June 19, 1875, p. 2, c. 3. From all quarters com reports of great damage done by the storm of Monday night never before within the recollection of the oldest settlers was there such constant, vivid and destructive lightning. The heavens seemed to be literally on fire. The day before had been so cold as to make a fire actually a matter of comfort. About five o'clock in the afternoon a heavy black cloud appeared in the north, but the rain did not set in here until about dark and then it came in torrents and it scarcely ceased raining during the entire night. Although the lightning struck in many place in this immediate vicinity we hear of no damage being done: but within a few miles of this place did considerable damage, and many strange freaks of the subtle fluid are reported. John Amerine, near Beverly, had twenty hogs killed. They were all running up a path one after another, and one stroke killed them all. A post near the head one was shivered to pieces. Chas. Winner, living a few miles north of this city had a horse killed, and the house of A. S. Grammar, who resides a little north of Hadley Station was struck and badly damaged, although no one was much hurt and there were nine persons in the house at the time. This stroke came from a storm that passed over about seven 0'clock Tuesday morning. The strangest feature about it is that not one of the family remember of hearing it thunder when the stroke came and the flying splinters, bricks and mortar, and a peculiar smell, were the first indications of the crash, but the shock nearly took the family of the nearest neighbor off their feet. Jas. Tolon had a solitary turkey gobbler roosting on a tree near his house. The tree was struck and the turkey killed. The feathers on the back of the bird were burned off perfectly smooth. At Hannibal the storm was terrific and much damage done by the water sweeping through the streets, while at Quincy the storm assumed the form of a tornado and swept everything before it, completely blowing houses to pieces. One man was killed by falling timbers. It is estimated that property to the amount of $50,000 was destroyed. Barry Adage, June 19, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. An infant child of Darius Baker was buried on Wednesday last. Barry Adage, July 3, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. Tarletan, Swiss and Bishop Lawn Fans at Johnson Brothers. Quaker City white shirts at Johnson Brothers; they are the best. Coat's and Clark's Thread -- all Nos. now in again at Johnson Brothers. Dr. E. E. Gray of New Salem, took an overdose of chloral on Sunday night last, from the effects of which he came very near dying. Barry Adage, July 17, 1875, p. 2, c. 4. Alex Burke has removed his boot and shoe shop, two doors east of Johnson Brothers dry goods store, north side of the public square, where he will be glad to accommodate all of his old customers and all the new ones that may favor him with their patronage. Particular attention paid to repairing as he has always done and at reasonable rates. Barry Adage, July 17, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. Suspenders in variety, just in at Johnson Brothers. Mrs. W.F. Bruns and sister have gone east on a visit. They have nice white Marseilles quilts at Johnson Brothers. Some young men are about to establish a baseball club. Frank Gray, son of B. T. Gray of this city recently returned home from Washington where he has been attending the Deaf and Dumb Institute. He recently carried off the prize for scholarly attainments awarded by the institutions. Barry Adage, July 31, 1875, p. 2, c. 6. A. C. Laing [illegible] CHANCERY NOTICE State of Illinois, Pike County, -- In the Circuit Court October, 1875 -- John Brennan vs. Emily A McColley Edward O. McColley, Lizzie M. Eszell, Thomas J. Ezzell, Ella E. Davis, Willam c. Davis, William J. McColley, Walter Scott McColley, Frederick M. Mccolley, deceased in chancery. Affidavit of the non-resident of Emily a. McColley, Edward O. McColley, Lizzie M Ezzell, Thomas J. Davis, William J. McColley, Walter Scott McColley, Frederick M. McColley, impleaded with above with above named defendant, Alfred C. Baker, administrator of estate of Lewis McColley having been filed in the Clark's office of the circuit Court of said county, notice is therefore hereby given to the said court, on the Chancery side thereof on the 26th day of April, 1875, and that thereupon a summons issued out of said court, wherein said suit is now pending, returnable on the second Monday in the month of June, A.D. 1875, and that thereupon a summons issued out of said court, wherein said suit is now pending, returnable on the second Monday in the month of June, A.D. 1875, which summons has been returned duly served upon the said Alfred C. Baker. Now unless you, the said non-resident defendants above named, shall personally be and appear before said Circuit Court, on the first day of the next term thereof, to be holden at Pittsfield, in and for the said county on the Second Monday in October next, and plead, answer or demur to the said complainant's bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and decree entered against you, according to the prayer of said bill. Barry Adage, August 7, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. Quaker City Fine Shirts, Johnson Brothers sell'em. Heavy yard wide Sheeting 10 cts. per yard, or 9 cents by the bolt, at Johnson Brothers. Farmers made hay while the sun shone this week besides threshing a good deal of wheat. A man by the name of Cobb from Pleasant Hill, will open a saloon in the new Chamberlin building next week. Barry Adage, August 14, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. Mrs. Benj Johnson wife of the engineer at the woolen mills, was quite severely injured by a fall on Tuesday last. She was crossing the branch near the factory with a little child in her arms when her foot slipped and she fell backwards. Barry Adage, August 14, 1875, p. 3, c. 2. Died in Barry, August 11, of cholera infantum Mabel, infant daughter of J. H. and Julia E. Cobb, aged nineteen months. Our heart is too full to write of the little dead darling now, and words can but feebly echo the sorrow occasioned by the loss of a child, as only those can know who have laid away their little ones forever. Barry Adage, August 28, 1875, p. 3, c. 3. CLOSING REMARKS OF DR. A. C. BAKER AT THE OLD SETLERS' RE-UNION It is a trite saying that history repeats itself and this is to the great extent undoubtedly true. Human hopes human loves, human ambition, human avarice, in fact all the passions that animate humanity are continually a repetition of the past; but the early history of Illinois can never be repeated, and no such precedent ever existed. The clime, the fertile soil, the spontaneous fruits, the abundance and the variety of the game all contribute to render it a home for the pioneer such as will never be seen again, and more than that the fee, ungrudging hospitality. . . . Barry Adage, September 9, 1875, p. 1, c. 1. [MASTHEAD] Published [illegible] Morning by M. H. Cobb J. H. Cobb, Editor and Manager Barry Adage, September 18, 1875, p. 3, c. 1. J. Johnson of the firm of Johnson Brothers is build a fine residence on Walker's addition. Jack Baker killed a rattlesnake just north of this place a few days ago which measured four feet eight inches in length. Barry Adage, October 2, 1875, p. 3, c. 3 and c. 4. Dr. Baker's horse Cray Jack took second money at the Pittsfield races on Tuesday. Frank Gray, son of B. T. Gray of this place, started for Washington on Friday last to again attend the National Deaf and Dumb Institute-Frank has been at home for a number of weeks, but now goes back to stay ten months. He is one of the brightest pupils of the institutions. Barry Adage, November 6, 1875, p. 3, c. 2. We are under great obligation to our friend Burdick for his charming parrot story which he says was furnished to him by a well-known Sabbath school superintendant of a neighboring city who has often read it to his scholars. Owing to a press of other matter we are unable to reproduce it in our columns. Barry Adage, November 6, 1875 p. 3, c. 3. On Tuesday last as James McTucker and a hired hand were taking twelve head of two and three year old steers, belonging to William Grammer, to the bottom, the cattle were run into by a train of cars at Chase's station. Barry Adage, December 4, 1875, p. 3, c. 2. Alpheus Baker an old citizen of this place died on Wednesday evening last of apoplexy. His age was seventy-three years. Barry Adage, December 25, 1875, p. 3, c. 2. The Hannibal Courier says: A man named Johnson has a contract for furnishing 2,000 cords of wood to Quincy parties, the wood to be delivered at Seehorn station, and the price paid is $2 a cord. The wood is cut in the Say bottom, and several car loads are being slipped to Quincy daily. Barry Adage, December 25, 1875, p. 3, c. 3. School names of Those who Received Blue Cards High School -- Harlen Merrick, David Green, Harry Hartshorn, Reuben Bowers, Della Angle, Lillie Sweet, Flora Sweet, Jennie Green, Carrie Morris, Eva Frike, Stella Yaney, Ida Triplett, Bessie Allen, Vie Hartshorn, Jessie Conrad. Grammar School -- Grace Clark, Della Sweet, Louella Stoddard, Clara Gard, Ella Barney, Augusta Ray, Lydia Davis, Lucy Hart, Cora Doran, Francis McTucker, Nettie Whittleton, Ella Boulware, Flora Higgins, Kate Bowers, Mary Boules, Ella Hoyle, Birdie Bowers, Jennie Bull, Charles Fitch, Thomas Eddingfield, Freddie Eddingfield, John Nance, Marion Stouffer, Esley Rippey, George Carter, George Hughes . . . . Barry Adage, January 1, 1876, p. 3, c. 3. NAMES OF STUDENTS NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY Bessie Allen, Lena Carswell, Carrie Davies, Julia Goodner, Jennie Green, Jennie Mitchell, Carrie Morris, Florence Phillips, Katie Shipmann, Ida Triplet, Jennie Widby, Stella Yancey, Arie England, Alice Cahoon, Eliza Green, Flora Sweet, Lizzie Smith Ella Fitch, Edwin Allen, George Blair, Reuben Bower. Barry Adage, January 1, 1876, p. 3, c. 4. Blue Cards -- Joseph Dabney, Frank Green, [illegible], David Green, [illegible] Merrick. Grammar School -- Joseph Dabney, Frank Green, [illegible], David Green, Carleton Merrick, [illegible], Henry Wendorf, Edward Fitch harry Sweet, Lewis Sweet, Esley Rippey, George Hart, George Hughes, Evelyn Yancey, Ella Barney, Willie Earley, Louella Stoddard, Callie hall, Katie Bower, Birdie Bower, Cora Doran, Ella Hoyle, Nettie Whittleton, Dolla Sweet, Francis McTucker, Lydia Davis, Gracie Clark Intermediate -- Alfred de Mirandiville, Charles Divens, Chas. Smith, [illegible] Whittleton, Lillie McIntire, Eugene McDaniel, Nathan Hays, Thomas Brennan, Elmer Lawton, Fannie Allen, Belle Allen, Lizzie [illegible], Mamie Walton, Fannie de Mirandiville, Dora Frike, Flora Harvey, Nettie Jennings, Marilla Nickerson, Della Whittleton. Third Primary -- Elsie Askew, Carrie Bull, Minnis Bright, Nettie Barney, May Baker, Linnie Hubbard, Mattie Hubbard, Hattie Hubbard, Cassie McDonald, Lizzie Mays, Ollie Strubinger, Carrie Strubinger, Jennie Whittleton, Lissie Morgan, Emina Rinehart, Mary Bradshaw, Ida White, harry Hatch, Bruce Harvey, Nettie McDonald, Eddie Nickerson, Charley Pence, Frank Hays, Lewis Walker. Second Primary -- Minnie Ablen, Jennie Askew, Jennie Chrysup, Ida de Mirandiville, Anna Earley, Jessie Frederick, Nettie Hubbard, Ida Mitchell, Amanda Likes, Anna Terry, Alice McPherson, Lewis Askew, Allie Burke, Willie Booth, Clarence Clark, Ollie Davis, Orie Emerson, Freddie Howlett, Mason Laing, Johnnie McConnell, Robbie Palmer, Frank White, Eddie Hays, Herbert Lawton, Johnnie Olson, Charles Blake First Primary -- Jennie Watson, Sara Olson, Joseph Howlett, Clara Walk, Walter Potter, Newton Harvey, Zella Wolf, Harvey Booth, Eddie McIntire, Linnie White, Letha Burke, Rice McDaris, Tannie Rice, Fannie Cloyd, Elmer McDonald, Freddie Rice, Ruth Clegg, Nellie Strubinger, Minnie Lawton, Josie Dodson, Johnny Whittleton. Willie Clarke's name should have appeared among the names of those who received blue cards. Barry Adage, January 8, 1876, p. 3, c. 3. At the election of directors for the Barry Mutual Insurance Company held in this place on the 4th inst. resulted in the choice of James Likes, Beverly; William Grammer, Hadley; N. P. Hurt, Barry; Rufus Murry, Kinderhook; Cicero Gard, Pleasant Vale; A. B. Steadman, El Dara, At-Large -- T. J. Jones, El Dara; Seth Grammer, Beverly; E. Whittleton, Hadley. At the meeting of directors same day N. P. Hart was elected president, E. Whittleton secretary and A. B. Steadman treasurer. The amount of policies written during the year was $1,225.17. Liabilities of the company nothing. Farmers wishing a safe, reliable and cheap insurance will do well to look into the advantages of insuring in this company. Barry Adage, January 15, 1876, p. 3, c. 3. Below we give as perfect a list of the amount of money expended on new buildings and repairs on old ones as we are able to obtain at this time. It seems to be a difficult mater to get some of our builders to furnish the figures: Work compled W. T. Mitchell in the year 1875. Mr Patterson's house, costing $1,400; house for S. Mors, $1,200; house for T. Hays, 600; house for H. Rowand, 700; house for J. S. Gorton, 1,300; house for J. C. Gregory, 900; house for William Spencer, 750; store for J. B. Chamberlin, 2,260; store for G. W. Chrysup, 2,500; store for J. J. Smith, 1,200; marble shop for C.R. Churchill, 600; building for W. T. Mitchell, 500; repairs on L. Angle's pork house, 3,000; repair on Mrs. Digby's house, 135, barn for E.A. Crandall, 275; barn for M. Widby, 375; barn for Jas. Ray 150, with residence for W.F. White which will be completed by the first of February costing 3,500. Barry Adage, January 22, 1876, p. 3, c. 2. James Taylor has a car load of horses which he intends to ship east in a few days. Henry Clark, who has long been confined to the house by sickness, died on Friday night last. Regular outgoing freight trains from Hannibal on the Wabash are drawn by two locomotives as far as Baylis, the highest point on the road between the two rivers. Barry Adage, January 29, 1876, p. 3, c. 2. A young man named Delos Burdick died very suddenly of congestion down on the bottom last Monday. Barry Adage, January 29, 1876, p. 3, c. 3. Names of Students Who Were Neither Absent nor Tardy High School -- Bessie allen, Lena Carswell, Ida Hull, Carrie Morris, Florence Philips, Lillie Sweet, Jennie Widby, Arie England, Alice Cahoon, Flora Sweet, Lizzie Smith, Reuben bower, Joseph Dabney, Isadore Hull, Charley Mays. Grammar School -- Austin Askew, Louis Bright, Robert Davis, Alfred James Edgar McDonald, Alonzo Shearer, George hart, Birdie Bowers, Stella Churchill, Francis McTucker, Ella Hoyle, Cora Doran, May Rice, Nettie Whittleton, Flora Higgins, May McConnell, Callie Hall, Ella Barney, Gracie Clark, Clara Gard, Lydia Davis, Jennie Hollembeck, Jennie bull, Nellie Davis, Harry Sweet, Willie early, Esley Rippey, John Nauce, Selwyn Yancy, Lewis Sweet. Intermediate -- Alfred de Mirandiville, Owen Harvey, Charles Smith, Nathan Smith, Fannie de Mirandiville, Arthur Morgan, James Whittleton, Thomas Brennan, Elmer Lewton, Fannie Allen, Bell Allen, Lizzie Dodson, Flora Harvey, Della Whittleton. 3d Primary -- Elsie Askew, Minnie Bright, Gertie Bowers, Nettie Barney, Linnie Hubbard, Hattie Hubbard, Cassie McDonald, Ollie Strubinger, Carrie Strubinger, Jennie Whittleton, Ida Dodson, Lizzie Morgan, Jennie Maxfield, Johnnie Brennan, John Conloy, Harry Hatch, Bruce Harvey, Matie Mcdonald, Charley Pence, Lewis Walker 2d Primary -- Minnie Ables, Jennie Askew, Ida de Mirandiville, Anna Early, Nettie Hubbard, Amanda Likes, Ida Mitchell, Anna Terry, Alice McPherson, Lewis Askew, Nelson brown, Allie burke, Mason Laing, John McConnell, Robbie Palmer, Eddie Hays, George Selby, Herbert Lowton, John Olson. First Primary -- Georgie Davis, Josie doran, Lena Day, John Early, Marion Hays, Newton Harvey, John Murphy, Eddie McIntire, Rice Medaris, Elmer McDonald, Nellie Strubinger, John Whittleton, Zella Wolf, Lunna White, Tommie Rice, Walter Potter, Freddie Rice, Mary McPherson, Eddie Ables, Minnie Lewton, Sarah Olson Barry Adage, February 12, 1876, p. 3, c. 1. Through a mistake of Mr. Clark the following named scholars, when received blue cards at the last school examination, were overlooked when the list was prepared: Willie Hart, Willie Orton, Eddie Orr, Allie burke, Frank White, Orie Emerson, Charlie Blake, Eddie Hurt, Nelson Brown, Robby Palmer, Clarance Clark, Eddie Hays, Lottie McIntire, Hurbert Luton Johnson was in Chicago last week and attended the grand opening of New Spring goods in that city -- Look at the new styles of Dry Goods and Carpets now being opened in Barry at Johnson Brothers. Barry Adage, February 12, 1876, p. 3, c. 2. It is doubtful whether Billy Spencer will ever forgive Cell Harvey and Jim McTuker for eating up his soap grease and what aggravates the case is that they went there in the family's absence. It will be remembered that Billy has recently moved into a bran new house and this was the very first soap grease "raised" in the new domicile. Barry Adage, February 19, 1876, p. 3, c. 1 and c. 2. Johnson Brothers are selling goods at Beverly and Kingston this week. James Taylor started for Dover Delaware on Tuesday last with a car load of horses. Barry Adage, February 26, 1876, p. 3, c. 3. Names of Those Neither Absent nor Tardy High School -- Callie Williams, Isadore Hull, David Green, Joseph Dabney, Albert Chamberlain, Reubeu Bower, Katie Haycroft, Jenie Widby, Ida Triplet, Arie England, Lena Carswell, Carrie Davis, Alice Cahoou, Bessie Allen. Grammar School -- Austin Askew, John Nance, Marion Stouffer, Willie Jackson, Esley Rippey, Geo Hughesw, Selwyn Yancy, James Collins, Willie Early, Charlie Early, Katie Bower, Jennie Hollembeck, Cora doran,Ella Hohyle, May Mcconnell, Jenie Green. Intermediate -- Charlie Divens, Cyrus Early, Thomas Brennan, Owen Harvey, Robert McDonald, Charlie Smith, Nathan Smith, Eugene Terry, Lillie McIntire, Nathan Hays, Belle Allen, Fannie Allen, Flora Harvey, Nettie Jennings, Mamie Watson, Elmer Lewton. Third Primary -- Elsey Askew, Lena Brennan, Mamie Baker, Mary Bradshaw, Linnie Hubbard, Nettie Hubbard, Jennie Maxfield, Cammie Shumate, Ollie Strubinger, Jennie Whittleton, Albert Ables, John Conboy, Harry Hatch, Bruce Harvey, Robbie Howlett, Matie Mcdonald, Charles Pence, Lewis Walker, Harry Burke Second Primary -- Minnie Ables, Nettie Gray, Nettie Hubbard, Anna Terry, Aliee McPherson, Katie Shumate, Louis Askew, Nelson Brown, Allie Burke, Willie Booth, Freddie Howlett, John McConnell, Frankie White Eddie Hurt, Albert Fisher, Eddie Orr, John Olson, Chas. Blake, John Booth. First Primary -- Harvey Booth, Letha Burke, Ruth Clegg, Goldie Clegg, George Davis, Jessie Doran, Lena Day, Arion Hays, Josie Hewlett, John Murphy, Sarah Olson, Nellie Strubinger, John Whittleton, Nora Ware, May McPherson, Eddie Ables Barry Adage, March 4, 1876, p. 3, c. 3. Names of those who Received Blue Cards at the Last Examination High School -- Fatie Haycroft, Ida Hull, Lizzie Smith, Ella Fitch, Vie Hartshorn, Venie Hudson Elza Green, Eva Frike, Flora Sweet, Sella Thompson, Henry Tilbe, David Green, Joseph Dabney, Reuben Bower, Bessie Allen Grammar School -- James Collins, Thomas Eddingfield, Marion Stouffer, Geo Hughes, Alfie James, Fred Eddingfield, Austin Askew, Birdie bower, Francis McTucker, Lowella Stoddard, Cora Doran, Ethel Keifer, Nellie Davis, Clara Gard, Ella barney, Jennie Bud, Callie hall Jennie Green, Louis Sweet, John Nance, Willie Jackson, Selwyn Yancy, Esley Rippey, Harry Sweet, Willie Early. Intermediate -- Louis clark Willie Clark Alfred deMirandiville, Chas Divens, Cyrus Early, Owen Harvey, Flora Harvey, Marilla Nickerson, Elmer Lewton, Robert McDonald, Natha Smith, Louis Wendorf, Nathan Hays, Elmer Churchill, Nettie Jennings, Alice Ray Fannie Allen, Eugene McDaniel, Belle Allen Lizzie Dodson, Fannie De Mirandifiville, Ida Rinehart, Bell Mclain, Mamie Watson. Third Primary -- Mary Conboy, Linnie Hubbard, Hattie Mitchell, Ollie Strubinger, Nellie Foss, Cassie McDonald, Lena Brennan, Mamie Baker Ida Dodson, May Rowand, Carrie Strubinger, Gussie White, Lewis Walker. Second Primary -- Charlie Blake, Rollie Potter, Orie Emerson, Eddie Orr, Mason Laing, John McConnell, Allie Burke, Harry Turner, Frank White, Eddie Hurt, Nelson Brown, Willie Hubbard, Anna Terry, Ida DeMirandiville, Jennie Chrysup, Minnie Ables, Jennie Askew, Nettie Gray Josie Frederick, Nettie Brown, Anna Green, Allie McPherson, Anna Early. First primary -- Jessie Watson, Nora Whiters, Fannie Rice, Willie Griffin, Walter Potter, Rice Medaris, Effie Gregory, Newtie Harvey, John Murphy, Sammie Davis, Nellie Conboy, Fannie Cloyd, Letha Burke, Emma Bull, Belle Clark, Goldie Clegg, Mamie Eddignfield, Hester Lonsbury, Ollie McIntire, Lena Day. By mistake, Charlie Mays name was omitted from the list of those neither absent nor tardy. Barry Adage, March 18, 1876, p. 3, c. 3. In order to fulfill a promise made long ago to our friend Prof. Widby to visit his school at Kinderhook, I invested to the amount of forty-five cents in a piece of pasteboard and started for the "Hook," and on arrival my first visit was paid to our young friend Ned Allen, who with Dr. Tandy is carrying on the drug business and by the way, Ned bids fair to become quite a good business many, only, "it's so awful lonesome," he says. After resting a little while I took up my line of march for the school house. The school consists, as stated in a former issue of the Adage, of two departments; but neither by mistake of under spirituall influence its correspondent omitted naming Prof Widby as principal of the school, and Miss Mattie Terry as teaching the primary department. I spent in the school, alternately visiting either one or the other of the rooms. It gives me great pleasure to accord to Miss Terry merited praise in the way she conducts her department, and [illegible] years more of experience -- this being her first school -- will put her in the foremost [illegible] of our teachers. Prof. Widby's department to which I give special attention, reflects great merit on him and his pupils, and evidenced that his time had been fully given [illegible] change under him. His classes in [illegible] acquitted themselves very creditably, especially Miss Laura Sprague, [illegible] Cromwell and Stella Dewells in grammar, Mary Gillaspie, Emma Hausman and Sadie Churchill were quite brilliant wile geographically Miss Flora Colvin and Thomas [illegible] were quite proficient. Take [illegible] the school is quite a success, and from what I gathered from the directors and the better class of citizens, seems to have their approbation the best evidence of which is that Prof. Widby is to teach a summer term, after this one is finished fault finders not withstanding, and I play the man or woman who for some fancied offense would attack the reputation of a teacher without visiting his school or investigating matters before they pass sentence. Judge not less ye be judged. Barry Adage, March 25, 1876, p. 3, c. 3. Dear Sir; -- In justice to you and to refute certain unjust criticisms published in Barry ADAGE reflecting upon you as a teacher of our school, we deem it our duty as well as privilege to say to you at the close of a six months term taught here that we, as Directors, have noticed its progress throughout, have no hesitation in saying that for good and thorough work in the school room; for advancement made by the pupils in the various branches taught; and for general satisfaction given to both parents and pupils from the beginning to the close of the term, the (your) school has not had its equal here for many years. And we can assure you sir, notwithstanding the few fault finders, that you have more than met the expectations of the public and your employers. Barry Adage, April 17, 1876, p. 3, c. 2. We, the committee, appointed to draft resolutions of respect to little Ellen Gray, make the following report: WHEREAS, It has pleased the Divine Father to take from our school little Ellen; therefore RESOLVED, That we, the members of this S. S. offer this as a testimonial of our love for her, and an expression of our sympathy for the bereaved ones RESOLVED, That in her death we have lost a faithful attendant and a earnest little worker and although we sorrow that "her soul hath gone down while it is yet day," yet in this we recognize the hand of an All Wise Father and we bow to the chastening rod. RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolutions be placed on the S. S. record and another copy presented to the relatives. At a preliminary meeting for the purpose of giving a Martha Washington Tea Party for the benefit of the Barry Library and Reading Room Mrs. Long was called to the chair, and M. Harvey secretary. The tea party was decided upon and the following committees and officers were appointed: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEMrs. Dr. Long, chairman; Mrs. C. Davis, Mrs. A.R. McDonald, Mrs. Dr. Baker, W. B. White, E. Smith, M. Harvey, J. H. Cobb, W. T. Mitchell. TABLEAUX AND DECORATION Mrs. Coultas, chairman; Miss Anna Jones, Mrs. Frederick, Mrs. Dr. Green, Mrs. John Chamberlin, E. R. Burnham. CENTENNIAL TEA TABLE COMMITTEE Mrs. L. Angle, chairman; Mrs. E. Whittleton, Mrs. N.P. Hart, Mrs. C. R. Churchill, Mrs. M. Blair, Mrs. J. B. Allen. M. Harvey on music; George Lewis stage manager; W.F. White treasurer. Barry Adage, April 8, 1876, p. 3, c. 1. Prof. John Widby commenced the spring term of school at Kinderhook on Monday. George Brown, an old-time resident of this place, is back again and at work for S. Kirtright. Barry Adage, April 15, 1876, p. 3, c. 1. Mr. Clark, a brother of J. F. Clark of this place, has been engaged to teach the El Dara School the coming summer. Barry Adage, April 22, 1876, p. 3, c. 1. Last Tuesday was an exciting day in this place, owing to the corporation election. As soon as the polls were open a great rush was made to deposit ballots. Although there were many spirited discussions and all the consequent excitement incident thereto, there was no quarreling, and utmost good feeling prevailed. The friends of temperance won a great victory, the majority being 117 against license. The following ticket was elected: Mayor, William McIntire; Aldermen, John G. McKinney, G. D. Mayes, M. Widby; city Clerk, warren Lyons; City Attorney, J. H. Cobb, Police Magistrate, D.W. Greene; City Treasurer, Eugene Smith. After the result was announced the church bells were rung, [illegible] fired; and huge bonfires [illegible]. Barry Adage, April 22, 1876 p. 3, c. 2. Lord Huntley returned from Joilet on Thursday where he had been with the last batch of prisoners sent up from this county. He saw all of the old offenders who have gone from this place in the last few years. The Warden of the prison told him that Lomux who was sent up for attempted highway robbery near this place last summer, is the meanest man in the institution-John Higgins dropped his head as he passed him. He had a conversation with Henry Gray who has been there for nearly ten years and who will soon be out. The last addition to the penitentiary was composed of Jack Platt, Henry Hooker, Daniel McClain and John C. Newmanbery get for years each, John C. Newman for stealing hogs, one year; Daniel McClain five years for highway robbery. After they were all safely with the enclosure of the great stronghold for evil doers there was some show of the spirit of "wish I hadn't" evinced by them all, and the stripped suits were anything but pleasing to them. The Warden also told Mr. Huntley that Henry Gray is one of the most civil and gentlemanly man in the prison Barry Adage, April 29, 1876, p. 3, c. 1. Chas Gray has a patent tack hamer for sale. See it, try it, buy it. Henry Cobb's saloon at New Canton was broken open again a few nights ago and a quantity of liquor and some other articles taken. Barry Adage, May 6, 1876, p. 3, c. 1. "No mam," said Hank Taylor on Tuesday, when a lady stepped into Chrysup and Griffin's hardware store and asked him if they kept hard cider for sale there. That was all he said, but a beautiful crimson spread over his rubicund visage. Barry Adage, May 13, 1876, p. 3, c. 1. James McTucker has gone West. Barry Adage, May 20, 1876, p. 3, c. 3. [illegible] E. W. Baker and [illegible] congratulate you on the admirable selections made by him. We have seldom, if ever, met a person, not a bookseller, and but few that are better posted in books generally both as regards authors and subjects. Barry Adage, May 27, 1876, p. 3, c. 3 and c. 4. Eugene Cooks says there was no need of going to Pittsfield to see a circus, as there was a better show at home. It happened in this way: Dr. Baker sold a horse to Dan Lowton for so much, provided he could trot a mile in three minutes and a half, and on Monday the trial of speed came off at the trotting ground of Mr. Pierce, who lives about six miles northeast of this place. A number from Barry went out to witness it among the rest a certain tonsorial artist who went in one of Coke and Long's livery wagons, in company with several others, Mr. Cooke driving the team. One of the horses was very high spirited, and seemed inclined to want to run, which made the man of the razor a little timid. The boys seeing that he was somewhat afraid, "put up a cold deck on him" about the animal saying how that on various occasions it had ran away and broke up buggies and kicked the smithereens out of everything, and that it would git up and git at the least provocation, and that it was not safe to ride after it -- He said that if he had known that he would have stayed at home rather than to have risked his neck behind such a horse as that. The driver then took particular pains to hit every stone and mud hole there where in the road, just to see him raise of his seat preparatory to jump at the first signal of danger, expecting every time that the wagon went into a rut or hit a stone it would upset, or the horse would take it into his head to make kindling wood of the vehicle; how he jumped out on one or two occasions when he thought he was about to be killed: and how he rode home on a horse that a man was leading, in order to get home with a whole hide. Cooke says it was the best "circus" he has seen since he was a small boy Barry Adage, June 10, 1876, p. 3, col. 1 The village of Philadelphia, [in] this county, has been readjusting lines, and it is found that most of the people are on other than their own lands. There will have to be some moving of property or a general compromise. Barry Adage, July 8, 1876, p. 3, c. 1 and c. 2. Johnson Brothers will remove about the 1st of August to the Row and Block John Donnelly, formerly of Pineville, commited suicide in Vandalia, Missouri a few days ago by cutting his throat. No particulars give as to the cause of commiting the rash act. Barry Adage, July 15, 1876, p. 3, c. 1. H. C. Cobb is confined to his home with sciatic rheumatism. Barry Adage, July 29, 1876, p. 3, c. 1. The room in the Rowand building to be occupied after the first of August by Honson Brothers is now ready for them, and one of the firm is up to Chicago buying goods for their opening in the new store. Barry Adage, August 19, 1876, p. 3, c. 2. Mr. H.C. Cobb is no longer connected with this paper in any capacity whatever. Barry Adage, September 2, 1876, p. 3, c. 2. Thomas Johnson living a mile and a half east of Kinderhook lost his barn by fire on Thursday last. -- He had about $200 worth of tobacco in it and built a fire under the tobacco for the purpose of curing it. In his absence the barn took fire and together with contents was entirely consumed. The entire loss was about $800, and falls heavily upon Mr. Johnson who is said to be a poor man. Barry Adage, September 2, 1876, p. 3, c. 3 and c. 4. Owing to the repainting of the School building, the Barry Public School will open the second Monday in September instead of the first Monday. The Board has employed the following teachers:
Room No. 5 has been seated, and an additional teacher employed, so that we now have ample room for all. Maps, globes, charts, and other apparatus have been purchased during vacation. An able and experienced teacher has been employed to assist in the High School. Hence those students outside the district, who attend our school this year, will enjoy greater advantages than formerly. Non resident pupils will be charged the same tuition as formerly -- $3.00 per month. Barry Adage, September 16, 1876, p. 3, c. 2. Walter Scott has sold his house and lost to J. M. Widby. Barry Adage, November 18, 1876, p. 3, c. 2. High School -- Cora Doran; Lida Harris, Lizzie Smith, Horace Clark, Calvin Dabney, Francis McTucker, Stella Yancy, Ida Triplett, Harry Tilbe Grammar School -- Louelle Stoddard, Nettie Whittleton, Clara Gard, Owen Harvey, Nellie Davis, Jennie Bull First Intermediate -- Katie Woodard, Lena Brennen, Emma Bedwell, Gussie White, Mary Baker Third Primary -- Mary Fitch, Almeda Bedwell, Nettie Gray, Rollie Potter, Eddie Orr, Willie Orton, Frank White, Henry Kimball Second Primary -- Ida Churchill, Celia Conway, Bessie Phenneger, Emma Bull, Sadie Doyle, Josie Doran, George Koontz, Warrie Cashman, Nora Ware, Minnie Luton, Clara Walk, Lena Day, Letha Burke, Stella Leach, Fannie Cloyd, Clay Decker, Golden Clegg, Newton Harvey Barry Adage, December 2, 1876, p. 3, c. 2. Henry Gray who has long been absent from this place has just returned. Thomas Gray and Henry Lewton are building new houses in the south part of town. Barry Adage, December 2, 1876, p. 3, c. 2 and c. 3. Johnson will be at Chicago next Monday morning buying goods. Johnson Brothers will open next week. A very nice line of goods bought for the month of December in Cloaks, Shawls, Furs, Dressgoods, &c., &c., expressly for Holiday trade. Barry Adage, December 2, 1876, p. 3, c. 4. As a gentleman who has always been closely connected with, and attached to the interests of this county, it is our pleasure to mention the name of T. T. Gray, Esq. This gentleman is one of the earliest pioneers of our town or county, and one who has always endeavored to further its progress, without a special eye to personal benefit or fame. During the many years of his residence here he has been extensively engaged in mercantile transactions although retired from his former active life. It is interesting to state that the first mail made up in Barry was by the hands of T.T. Gray, and that the first edited paper was published in his establishments. The gentleman is now having built a handsome cottage which will not only be a creditable building as to architecture but also as to comfort. Barry Adage, December 9, 1876, p. 3, c. 4 and c. 5. Names of Those Either Absent nor Tardy [illegible] November 4 Week [illegible] December 1, 1876 High School -- Ida Brown, Dorn Shearer, George Blair, Charley Mays, Jennie Widby, Stelia Yancy, Reuben Bower, Henry Temple, Ida Triplet, Chico Bowen, Horace Clark. Grammar School -- John Nance, Desoto Phennegar, George Hart, Stella Churchill, Mary Triplett, Ella Hoyt, Ida Lunthy, Ado Lunthy. 2nd Intermediate -- John Conboy, Herbert Lewton, Harry Turner, Lewis Walker, Willie Stewart, Elsie Askew, Laura Bennett, Mary Conboy, Ida Dodson, Limmie Hubbard, Mattie Hubbard, Cammie Shumate. 3rd Primary -- Jennie Askew, Nettie Brown, Mary Crossan, annie Daily, Nettie Gray, Dora Kimball, Katie Shumate, Anna Terry, Willie Booth, Clarance Clark, Willie hart, Henry Kimball, Masie Laing, Eddie Orr, Rollie Potter, Robbie Palmer, Bertie Turner, Frank Turner 2nd Primary -- Celia Conway, Lewa Day, Zella Wolf, Joseph Howlett, Harvey Booth, Bennie Brown, Golden Clegg, Edgar Decker, Eddie McIntire, Johnnie White 1st Primary -- Mary Avery, Emma Day, Ruth Clegg, Ida Booth, Nellie Conboy, Oliver Spencer, Bennie Brown, Nora Green, Bell Clark, Ava Keifer, Ora Stearns, Alice Terry, charley Walker, Frank Ware, Stephen Bowers, Viola Baker, Walter Ware, Nettie Brown, Jennie Henderson, Alva Ellington, John Cropen. Barry Adage, December 23, 1876, p. 3, c. 2. On Wednesday night the dry goods store of Johnson Brothers and the grocery store of Crandall and Smith were broken open by burgulars. Entrance was effected to both stores by prying-up back windows with a Jimmy and it was a very easy job to accomplish. In the former store the burgulars obtained $7 in cash and carried off about a dozen ladies silk handkerchiefs and a pair of ladies' gloves while in the latter from $20 to $25 in cash was stolen. Nothing else was molested with the exception of a few cigars. Barry Adage, January 6, 1877 p. 3, c. 2. Mr. Samuel Johnson of New Canton having been appointed deputy by Sheriff Blades has moved to Pittsfield and entered upon the duties of his office. Barry Adage, January 13, 1877 p. 3, c. 2. Names of those who received blue cards in the examination upon the three months work: High School -- Jennie Widby, Lizzie Smith, Harry Tibbe, Ida Hull, Bessie Allen, Calvin Dabney, Henry Temple, Lena Carswell, Frances McTucker, Ernest Gard, Ida Greene, Mary Coley Grammar School -- Nellie Davis, Jennie bull, Mary Triplet, Lou Stoddard, Clara Gard, Lizzie Carter, Augusta Ray, Belle McClain, Jennie Greene, Ella Barney, Owen Harvey, Willie Jackson, Willie Orr, Ella Hoyle Second Intermediate -- Eugene Terry, Alice Ray, Ida Rhinehart, Lydia Hendricks, Della Whittleton, Louis Wendorff, Milford Widby, Cyrus Barly, Mamie Watson, Ollie Strubinger, Chas. Divens, Charles Swan, Nettie Jennings, Flora Harvey, Dora Frike First Intermediate -- Lena Brennan, Laura Bennett, Emma Bedwell, May Rowand, Norman Fitzpatrick, Mary Conboy, Kate Woodward, May Baker, Gussie White Third Primary -- Almeda Bedwell, Jennie Chrysup, Nettie Gray, Robbie Palmer, Mary Orton, Anna Early, Anna Fitch, Henry Kimball, Mary Fitch, Willie Hart, Willie Orton Second Primary -- George Davis, Lina McDaniel, Eddie McIntire, Josie Doran, Sadie Doyle, Helen Rowand, Warrie Cushman, Emma bud, Golden Clegg, Johnnie Early, Harvey Booth, Florence Gregory, Ida Churchill, Bessie Phenneger, Celia Conway, Willie Griffin, Newton Harvey, Mattie White, Lena Day, Stella Leach, Josie Lonsbury, Fannie Cloyd, Linnie White, Letha Burke, Nora Ware, Minnie [illegible] Barry Adage, January 13, 1877 p. 3, c. 2. Henry Gray, son of Thomas Gray who has been long absent from this place, has returned, and has rented a stone quarry a little west of town, where he is engaged in getting out building stone. He is spoken of as being a very sober industrious young man. Barry Adage, January 13, 1877 p. 3, c. 4. "Kurnel" Baker who was sent to New York some days ago to accompany back the mother of the editor of this paper, returned on Saturday last, safe and sound, while our mother got back two days ahead of him, not having met the Colonel in his travels. When the Colonel got to Dunkirk where he as to leave the Lake Shore Railroad to go south on another line, he was informed that the trains on that road were snow-bound, so he went to Buffalo, and from Buffalo to Jamestown, thence north to Sinclairville. But in the meantime, the lady he was after had been there where she expected to meet the Colonel, and departed for the west reaching Barry on Thursday. It may be as well to state that the Colonel was "thar," nevertheless, if it was a little too late, and is fuller of stories than a peach-tree of blossoms in a favorable season. His was the last passenger train that passed over the Ashtabula bridge before it went down with its seven car loads of human beings; saw the ruins as he came back; saw "Samuvil" J. Tilden in Buffalo together with many of the old time associates of "we, ourself" in Sinclairville, who told him many stories in regard to our youthful escapades, etc., etc., etc. We will further state that the Colonel has got down to business again and no longer ravels in the ethereal; set a good proof this week, and as we write is manipulating th roller, as all good devils are supposed to do, while George pulls the press on the virgin sheets of volume 6, number 11. Barry Adage, January 20, 1877 p. 3, c. 5. Names of those neither absent nor tardy during three months. High School -- Ida Triplett, Chloe Bowen, Charlie Mays, Henry [illegible] Grammar School -- Mary Triplett First Intermediate -- John Coubey, Harry Turner, Linnie Hubbard, Mattie Hubbard Third Primary -- Nettie Gray, Massie Laing, Robbie Palmer, Frank Turner Second Primary -- Harry Booth First Primary -- Nora Green, Ava Keifer, Frank Ware, Nettie Brown, Bennie Brown, Ida Booth Reuben Bower came from home one morning when it was bad walking and cold, and was tardy one half minute. The name of Willie Clark and Louis Clark should have been on the list of blue cards, published last week. Barry Adage, February 3, 1877 p. 3, c. 2. H. R. Gray an old Barry boy is now Wells, Fargo and Company's express agent at Los Nietos, California Barry Adage, February 3, 1877 p. 3, c. 3. Names of those who received Blue Cards, January 25 High Schools -- Cora Doran, Lizzie Smith, Calvin Dabney, Horace Clark Grammar School -- Freddie Eddingfield, Charles Brewster, James Brackley, Jennie Hollenbeck, Ella Barney, Clara Gard, Nettie Whittleton, Jennie Green, Louis Stoddard, Nellie Davis, Jennie bull, Mary Hall, Mary Triplett, John Nance Second Intermediate -- Eugene Terry, William Clark, Willis McIntire, Louis clark, Ollie Strubinger, allice Ray, Louis Wendorff, Elmer Churchill, Nathan Smith, Mammie Watson, Lydia Hendricks, Charles Swan, Lizzie Dodson, Nettie Jennings, Flora Harvey, Fanny Crandall, Ida Rinehart. First Intermediate -- Carrie Bull, Fannie Bedwell, Gussie White, May Rowand, Mary Baker, Cassie McDonald Third Primary -- Nettie Brown, Mary Fitch, Amanda Likes, Amanda Bedwell, Frankie White, Nettie Gray, Mary Orton, Robbie Palmer, Henry Kimball Second Primary -- Ida Churchill, Sadie Doyle, Josie Doran, Emma Bull, Bessie Phennegar, George Davis, Warren Cushman, Helen Rowand Barry Adage, February 3, 1877 p. 3, c. 4. A Little Wagon-Maker Attempts to Whip a [illegible] Just as the Senatorial and Compromise Bill excitement had [illegible] and the every-day monotony of life had again assumed away, it was suddenly announced, on Friday afternoon, that John Nickison, a little wagon-maker of this place, whose physical ability in comparison with an ordinary man is like a sepucker to a chicken-hawk, had been up to the house of John Widby, one of the teachers in the high school, to administrator condign punishment upon the pedagogue for an alleged ill-treatment of one of Mr. Nickison's children at school. It appears that Mr. Nickison has two children attending school, one under the supervision of Miss Bently, and the other under Mr. Widby. Miss Bently had occasion to correct the little boy, and the sister told Miss Bently that she had wrongfully accused her brother -- in plain English that she lied. The young lady told some of her schoolmates tin the presence of Mr. Widby, what she had told Miss Bently. Mr. Widby, however, took no action in the matter until the principal of the school, Mr. Clark, came to his room, and in the presence of his scholars informed Mr. Clark, came to his room, and in the presence of his scholars informed Mr. Widby that the young Miss in question should remain half an hour after school every night until she apologized to Miss Bently. The first installment of the sentence was carried out on Thursday night. About noon on Friday, Mr. Nickison might have been seen wending his way towards the home of Mr. Widby, trotting along like a banty rooster, his manner and bearing indicative of great excitement. Arriving at the house he rapped nervously, the summons being answered by Mrs. Yancy. Mr. Widby's grandmother. Mr. Widby, who was eating his dinner at the time, was duly informed that a gentleman at the door wished to see him, and at once repaired to the place to met the infuriated little man, who at once informed him that he had come up to kick him about the person usually hit when a man intends to do a right good job of kicking. Mr. Widby informed the waspish little hewer of wood that he was using language unbecoming a gentleman, in the presence of ladies -- to control himself, and reason the matter, and he would soon convince him that he (Mr. Widby) was perfectly justifiable in the course he had pursued. "You can't reason nothing," was the reply, and the little man used precisely the same language as before. Patience ceased to be a virtue with Mr. Widby, so he slapped the wagon-maker in the face with the flat of his hand, turned him around facing the gate and the toe of his boot assisted him out of the yard into the street. As the little man hobbled away he informed Mr. Widby that he schools teaching was all over now and that he was gong up to serve Mr. Clark in the same manner he came to serve Mr. Widby. Mr. Clark is still able to attend to his duties, however, and Mr. Widby still holds his position as one of the teachers. Barry Adage, February 10, 1877 p. 2, c. 2. Names of those neither tardy nor absent High School -- Chloe Brown, Ida Greene, Francis McTucker, Alice Parker, George Blair, Reuben Bower, Joseph Dabney, Calvin Dabney, David Greene, Clarke Mays, Henry Temple Grammar School -- Owen Harvey, John Greene, James Brackley, Charles Brewster, Esley Rippey, Willie Orr, Salwyn Yancy, DeSoto Phenneger, Louis Bright, Mary Triplett, Mary Rice, Jennie Greene, Louella Stoddard, Ellis Hoyt Second Intermediate -- Eugene McDaniel, Cyrus Early, Charles Divens, Nathan Smith, Charles Swan, Fannie Allen, Nettie Jennings, Gertie Gray, Flora Harvey, Belle Allen, Fanny DeMiradiville, Fannie Woodruff, Ollie Strubinger, Charles Holmes, Mary Conboy, Katie Woodward First Intermediate -- Allie Burke, John Conboy, Eddie Clarke, Harry Hatch, Bruce Harvey, Harry Turner, Louis Walker, Elsie Askew, Carrie Bull, Laura Bennett, Mary Bradshaw, Lizzie Mays, Limmie Hubbard, Mattie Hubbard, Hattie Hubbard, Emma Rinehart, Jennie Whittleton Third Primary -- Charles Allen, Willie Booth, Nelson Brown, Orion Emerson, Willie Hart, Eddie Hays, Henry Kimball, Masie Laing, George McIntire, Robbin Palmer, Thomas Selby, Burt Turner, Frank Turner, Frank White, Jennie Askew, Jennie Chrysup, Anna Daily, Anna Early, Nettie Gray, Dora Kimball, Katie Shumate, Alta Urton, Anna Terry Second Primary -- Lara Day, Minnie Lewton, Josie Lounsbury, Bessie Phenneger, Joseph Howlett, Zelia Wolf, Harvey Booth, Warrie Cushman, George Davis, Johnnie Early, Newton Harvey, Marion Hays, Eddie McIntire First Primary -- Nettie Clegg, Nora Winders, Nellie Strubinger, Laing, Eddie Rohn, Peter Nattie Brown, Bemme Brown, Nora Green, Laura Whittleton, Sylva Rinehart, Ava Keifer, Ida Booth, Flora Swan, Frank Ware, James McKinne, Elmer McDonald, Oliver Spencer, John Murphy, Harry Pinger, Stephen Bowers, Zella Peterson, Lillie Lyons Barry Adage, February 17, 1877 p. 2, c. 2. George McClain and William Kirtright started for Texas on Monday. Young Kirtright is much out of health Barry Adage, February 24, 1877 p. 3, c. 2. H. R. Gray recently sent home from California a collection of "seaweed and barnacles" which to in land dwellers is a great curiousity. Barry Adage, March 3, 1877 p. 3, c. 4. On Tuesday Jack baker, living two or three miles north of this place had big John Brown, George Tyra and William Fox arrested for stealing seven dead hogs out of a cistern where they had fallen in and drowned some time about Christmas. They had an examination before Justice Allen on Wednesday, and were allowed to go their way without fine or imprisonment, as the Court did not consider the matter worth taking to the Circuit Court. The parties did not deny taking the hogs, and it was proven that the animals had been in the cistern -- which is near an old mill-a long time and were greatly swollen and decomposed. The hogs were sold for soap grease. Barry Adage, March 12, 1877 p. 3, c. 5. A Burke and M. Widby were appointed judges of the election, with W. Lyons as clerk. Barry Adage, March 31, 1877 p. 1, c. 3. Ed Bower fell from a ladder the other day, striking across a round jarring him considerably. N. L. Page and J. M. Widby will teach a normal term of school in Kinderhook during the coming summer. They have an old house cat a Dr. Baker's that recently gave birth to a litter of kittens. In the early days of their kittenhood a young fox squirrel was brought into the house and the old cat at once transferred the care and attention that naturally belonged to them to the squirrel permitting [illegible] to suckle her and fighting the kittens away. Barry Adage, April 14, 1877 p. 1, c. 3. Miss Carrie Gray has gone to Missouri to teach school. Barry Adage, April 14, 1877 p. 4, c. 2. Names of those neither tardy nor absent during the four weeks ending March 30, 1877 High School -- Reuben Bower, Charlie Mays, C.E. Brewster, Harry Sweet, DeSota Phennegar Grammar School -- Mary Hull, Grace Clark, Amy Hester, Jennie Bull, Mary Triplett, John Nance Second Intermediate -- Nettie Barney, Fannie Allen, Fannie DeMaranville, Nettie Jennigs, Bell Allen, charles Swan, Eugene McDaniel, Charles Divens, William Nicol, Alfred DeMarandville, Nathan Smith, William Case First Intermediate -- Eddie clark, Ray Goodale, Eddie Hurt, Harry Turner, Annie Daily, Dora Kimball, Robbie Howlett, Willie Booth, Nelson Brown, Elmer Fitzpaterick, Anna Fitch, Laura Keifer, Henry Kimball, John McConnell, Frank White, Cora Doyle, Match Fitch, Ida Dodson, Emma Rinehart, Carrie Strubinger, Nettie Brown, Nettie Gray Third Primary -- Minnie Ables, Jennie Askew, Nettie Barney, Ida Mitchell, Anna Terry, Fannie Cloyd, John White, Lena Day, Minnie Luton, Josie Lonsberry, Limmie White, Clara Walk, Letha Burke, Charlie Allen, Orion, Emerson, Eddie Hays, Fred Howlett, Masie Laing, George McIntire, Bertie Turner, Harvey Booth, Golden Clegg, John Early, Newton Harvey, Marion Hays, Eddie McIntire Second Primary -- Zella Wolf, Hester Lonsberry, Nellie Strubinger, Ora Stearns, Nora Winders, Nellie Conboy, Harvey Gordon, Allie Bean, Peter Laing, Thomas Winders, Bennie Brown, Fannie Rice, Freddie Rice, John Whittleton, Ernest Edom, Gordon Bull First Primary -- Elmer Jackson, Katie Brennan, George Orton, Stephen Bowers, Harry Pinger, nettie Smith, Oliver Spencer, Eddie Ables, Floyd Nance, James McKinney, Frank Ware, Walter Ware, Ida Booth, Ava Keifer, Allice Terry, Sylva Rinehart, Emma Day, Elena Shelby, Nannie Edingfield, Laura Whittleton, Kate Daily, Viola Baker, Nora Greene Barry Adage, April 21, 1877 p. 1, c. 3. Colonel Baker an attache of this office, got his left hand caught in the job press about the time the platen was nearing the press-bed, and as might be expected, his hand was considerably bruised up. Barry Adage, May 5, 1877 p. 1, c. 3. Mr. William Grammer, accompanied by Miss Effie McTucker, started for California on Monday last. Mr. Grammer goes to settle some business matters of the John McTucker estate that have long been in litigation there, and will be absent about three weeks. Miss McTucker goes to visit relatives and her stay will depend somewhat upon how well she likes the country and her surroundings. Barry Adage, May 5, 1877 p. 1, c. 4. "Colonel" Baker our off and on compositor, whose soul has long revolted agains this "pent up Utica" took the road in the interest of the art preservative of all arts," counting railroad ties and soliciting cold victuals, at precisely half-past five o'clock last Monday morning. He went west, and nobody bid him God speed for the reason that the "Col." Was the only soul that knew he was going. We are happy in the thought that "God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb." May he ever find a soft and dry railroad tie to rest himself upon, and may they who stand behind free-lunch counters ever treat him with the courtesy and respect that his rank entitles him to. He is sixteen years of age. Barry Adage, , 1877 p. 1, c. 6. Names of those who recived (sic) Blue cards the last examination. High School -- Mary Coley Grammar School -- Nellie Davis, Jennie Bull, Alice Ray, Ida Luthy, Jennie Hollenbeak, Mary Triplet, Delia Whittleton, Owen Harvey Second Intermediate -- Elsie Askew, Carrie Bull, Mattie Hubbard, Hattie Mitchell, Gussie White, Flora Harvey, Dora Frike, Nettie Barney, Mamie Baker, Lena Brennan, Emma Badwell, Eurgene McDaniel, Charles Snow, /Fannie Crandall, Allie Strubinger, Mary Conboy First Intermediate -- Emma Rinehart, Ida Dodson, Nelson Brown, Mary Fitch Third Primary -- Letha Burke, Lena Day, Stella Leach, Lina McDaniel, Annie Terry, Nettie Potter, Rollie Potter, John White Second Primary -- George Davis, Earnest Edoun, Celia Conway, Emma bull, Effie Nicol, Josie Doran, John Whittleton, Joe Howlett, Mary Wendroff, Sadie Doyle, Willie Griffin, Denise Kinnie, Helen Rowand, Nellie Conboy, Nellie Strubinger, charles Walker, Gordon Bull, Nora Winders, Hester Lounsberry, Harry Gorton, Bennie Brown, Nettie Brown, Peter Laing, Effie Gregory, Ruth Clegg, Ora Stearns Barry Adage, May 12, 1877 p. 1, c. 3. Henry Gray, a Wabash freight conductor, a Barry boy, met with an accident on Monday at Orleans on the main lines. He was climbing up on a car while the train was in motion and his body came in contact with a cattle shute. He was not seriously injured. Barry Adage, May 26, 1877 p. 1, c. 4. The City council held an adjourned meeting on Tuesday night. The only business of importance was the adaption of an Assessment Ordinance, published in another column giving night watchman Hays the power to make arrests, and ordering Pratt street opened, extending from the residence of J. L. Sweet to M. Widby's The following named scholars were neither tardy nor absent during the year. High School -- Charlie Mays Grammar School -- Mary Triplett First Intermediate -- Harry Turner, Nettie Gray Third Primary -- Bertie Turner, Masie Laing First Primary -- Ava Keifer, Frank Ware, Nora Green Barry Adage, June 23, 1877 p. 1, c. 4. Miss Mary Clark has been appointed Librarian vice E.W. Baker resigned. Ned Baker is selling Appleton's American Cyclopedia, having taken the agency for Macoupin county. Barry Adage, July 21, 1877 p. 1, c. 6. I want to sell Lots No. 1, 2, 7, and 8 in College Square, Barry, Illinois, known as the John Gorton property. For particulars apply to: Barry Adage, July 28, 1877 p. 1, c. 3. Perrin Burdick is no more. He died at the residence of J. E. Haines in this place on Friday night last. For a number of years past, he has drank to access, and at times he took great quantities of morphine. A short time before his death he told parties here that he had received a letter from his brother in New York city stating that his (Perrin's) boy was lying at the point of death. He was supplied with funds by parties here and started eastward. He only went as far as Springfield however, where he indulged in a heavy spree. He got back to this place on Monday night of last week, and it was soon apparent that his end was near, and he died a the time above stated. His brother in New York was telegraphed of his condition on Friday and reached here on Sunday [illegible]. The deceased was buried on Sunday afternoon. He was at one time possessed of a good deal of property, but squallered it. For a number of years past he has been employed as a bookkeeper in this place and Hannibal. He was one of the best bookkeepers and most accurate accountants that ever had charge of a setbooks, and but for alcohol would undoubtedly have been an honorable and useful member of society. Barry Adage, July 28, 1877 p. 1, c. 4. Someone entered the residence of Mrs. S. Gray on Friday night last and stole three napkin rings. Barry Adage, August 4, 1877 p. 1, c. 4. S. Kirtright's two sons are contained to the house by sickness. They both have the consumption. S. Kirtright has removed his meat market to the west room of the new row on the north side of the square. He has a good location and has things fixed up in first-class order. Barry Adage, August 11, 1877 p. 1, c. 4. E. W. Baker will read col. Ingersoll's lecture entitled, "the Liberty of Man, Woman, and Child," in the Park on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. All are cordially invited. Barry Adage, September 1, 1877 p. 1, c. 2 and c. 3. M. Widby and family have gone to Missouri on a visit. Barry Adage, September 1, 1877 p. 4, c. 1. A. C. Baker being duly sworn on [illegible] in the month of April 1877. A. C. Hollembeck, J. M. of the city of Barry, county of Pike and State of Illinois, came to the said A.C. Baker of his own free will and accord, and without any solicitation on the part of the said Baker, and said to him, the said Baker, that inasmuch as he the said A.C. Hollembeck has held the office of Post Master in the city of Barry for many years and that [illegible] said Baker having generously withdrawn in favor of the said Hollembeck when he needed the [illegible] of said office much more than he did at this time, be the said Hollembeak, thought it [illegible] of duty in him the said Hollenbeck to resign the office in favor of him the said Baker. Said deponent [illegible] for their says that sometie afterward-when G. W. Chrysup became an applicant for the appointment of the office, said Hollenbeck informed the said Baker that Mr. Chrysup and his friends contend that for him to resign in favor of said Baker was making an unjust distinction in favor of said Baker and against Chrysup and that they were bulldosing him and threatening to injure him in his business, and on that account the said Baker informed Mr. Hollenbeck that he was not the man to hold a friend to a contract that would injure him and that he might assure Chrysup and his friends that he, Hollembeck, would send in his resignation without designating his successor, although at the same time he expected said Hollembeck to write the department that he was willing to be superceded by the said A.C. Baker. Said deponent further sais that the said Hollembeck gave the said Baker the privilege to a pledge his word as a gentleman [illegible] the friends of Hollembeck that the facts were as above stated. Said deponent further says that in consequence of said Hollembeck he said Baker, and his friends spent time and trave to secure his appointment to said office. Said deponent further says that said Hollembeck has now in the public papers repudiated his promise and makes an amusing effort to throw the responsibility on the patrons of the office. And further the deponent sayeth not. Barry Adage, September 8, 1877 p. 1, c. 2 and c. 3. Rev. H. D. Clark of Pittsfield delivered a very able temperance lecture in this place on Monday evening last. William Clark, who had a horse stolen a short time ago, received a telegram from Mt. Sterling on Wednesday stating that the horse and thief were at that place. Barry Adage, September 15, 1877 p. 1, c. 4 and c. 5. Milford Widby is very sick with typhoid fever. The celebrated trotting stallion Col. E.D. Baker will trot agains time for a purse on Whittleton's track tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. Other fast horses will also be there. Barry Adage, September 22, 1877 p. 1, c. 4. Mrs. C. Johnsons is visiting Missouri. Dr. Baker will enter one or two steppers at the Pittsfield fair. Tom. J. Widby has gone to Chicago to attend law school. J . W. Johnson and Ed Dooey are to speak in City Hall on Saturday night. Barry Adage, September 29, 1877 p. 1, c. 3 and c. 4. They are going to build a new school house up at Baylis. One of Dr. Baker's horses took second money at Pittsfield races on Tuesday. Barry Adage, October 13, 1877 p. 3, c. 1. Milford Widby is improving. Barry Adage, October 20, 1877 p. 1, c. 3 and c. 4. Floyd Gray has become a commercial traveler, having secured an engagement with H. Abbott of Naples, Floyd is a good boy and we wish him every success. Drs. Baker and McKinney performed a surgical operation on a little four-year-old son Sam. R. Watson on Monday. The little fellow has been suffering for some time with a sleep iliac abcess. We understand that [illegible] good prospect for an appropriation being made to cut down the [illegible] on the Hannibal and Naples Railroad. The [illegible] news of the line is constantly increasing and the reducing of the grades will soon become a matter of necessity. Barry Adage, October 20, 1877 p. 1, c. 5. Council met pursuant to call on Thursday evening, October 11, 1877; all members were present; G. W. Doyle presiding. Journal approved. Bills to the amount of $199.60 were allowed: Finance Committee instructed to report on finances at the next regular meeting. The clerk was ordered to notify persons living in block 36 to open alley running north and south in said block within five days, under penalty of law. On motion by M. Widby all public work (except working poll tax) ordered suspended until further orders. William Harris applied for permit to run a pool table; on motion label. Council adjourned to first Tuesday in November. Barry Adage, November 24, 1877 p. 1, c. 4. Geo. W. Crow and Miss Jennie Widby were married at the residence of the bride's parents on Wednesday evening. Barry Adage, December 2, 1877 p. 1, c. 6. Jas. Johnson of Johnson Brothers has been in Chicago this week, buying goods. Barry Adage, December 22, 1877 p. 1, c. 3. Isaac Baker an old citizen of Kizer creek vicinity, was buried last Sundy The wife of Charles Johnson, residing a little east of town, died of consumptions last week. Rufus Johnson living about 3 miles south of this place, lost a valuable horse last week. The animal jumped into a neighbor's field and someone tied a bush to its tail. It was found with its neck broken, having fallen into a ditch in its fright. Barry Adage, December 22, 1877 p. 4, c. 2. Names of those who received blue cards at the last examination. High School -- Harry Tilbe, Joseph Dabney, Cora Doran, Ernest Gard, J. L. Booth, Francis McTucker, Dora Shearer, David Green, Calvin Dabney Second Grammar School -- Ada Sutly, Grace Clark, Mary Triplett, Augusta Ray, Jennie Bull, Mary Hull, Owen Harvey, Selwyin Yancy, Dell Baker Alice Ray, Della Whittleton, Lizzie Sewell, Lillie McIntire, Eddie Claudy, Willie Clark, Lewis Clark, Willie Starks, Alice Lock, Edwin Orebaugh. First Grammar -- Hattie Mitchell, Katie Woodard, Gussie White May Rowand, John Conboy, Charles Swan, Flora Harvey, Ollie Strubinger, Lillie Talbert, Anna Brewster, Fanny Allen, Mamie Watson. Second Intermediate -- Mary Fitch, Nellie Blodgett, Bruce Harvey First Intermediate -- Almeda Bedwell, Jennie Chrysup, Anna Terry, Anna Allen, Nora Ware, Golden Clegg, Newton Harvey, Orie Emerson Barry Adage, December 29, 1877 p. 1, c. 3 and c. 4. The wife of Darius Baker died of consumption a few days ago. Tom Widby came down from Chicago to pick his teeth over Christmas turkey. Barry Adage, January 19, 1878 p. 1, c. 5. Names of those who receive blue cards at the last examination. High School -- Jennie Bull, Ida Lunthy, Mary Triplett, John Nance, Mary Coley, Harry Tilbe, Francis McTucker, Calvin Dabney Second Grammar School -- Louis Clark, Willie Clark, Eddie Claudy, Eugene McDaniel, Alex Terry, Ollie Strubinger, Lizzie Dodson, Anna Brewster, Mary Conboy, Lida Dunkeson, Frank Landrum, Edwing Orebaugh, Willie Starks, Charles Holmes, Alfred DeMaranville, Flora Harvey, Lydia Henricks, Fannie DeMaranville, Alice Ray, Lizzie Sewell, Charles Swan, Cyrus Early Willie Nicol, Mamie Watson, May Worden, Lillie Talbert. First Grammar -- Harry Turner, eddie Hurt, Cora Sprague, Emma Rinehart, Emma Bedwell, Carrie bull, ida Dodson, Carrie Strubinger, Nellie Blodgett, Anna Greene, Mamie Baker, Louis Walker, Elva Laing, Louis Carter, Hattie Mitchell, Katie Woodard, May Rowand Second Intermediate -- Hattie Brown, Anna Fitch, Mary Fitch, Nettie Gray, Amanda Likes, Willie Orton, Minnie Ables, Almeda Bedwell, Annie Terry, Rollie Potter, Frank Turner First Intermediate -- Lena Day, Nettle Hubbard, Josie Lonsberry, Mattie White, Eunice Bull, Nellie conboy, George Davis, Tommie Starks, Lutie Pamplin, Helen Rowand, Mary West, Luella West, Frank Brown, Joseph Howlett, Golden Clegg, Newton Harvey, Ralph Webber, harry Webber, Thomas Selby, Freddie Irvington, Dennie Kinney Second Primary -- Bell Clark, Ora Stearns, Charlie Walker, Gordon bull, Nora Winders, ruth clegg, harry Gordon, Hester Lonsberry, Thomas Winders, Peter Laing, John Weisenburger, Mert Smith, Eddie Ables, Floyd Nance, Mary Avery, Nellie Strubinger, Ella Underbrink, Willie Underbrink, Lillie Lyons, Laura Whittleton, Katie Dally, Ava Keifer, Sylvia Rinehart, Frank Ware, Oliver Spencer, Frank Carter, James McKinnie, Walter Ware. Barry Adage, January 6, 1878 p. 1, c. 4. H. N. Gray express agent at Griggsville, sent a young man in his employ to the train on Thursday morning. He received a $3,000 package from the eastern train and left it lying on a seat in the public waiting room of the depot. He did not miss it until he had got up town when he informed Gray of the fact, who immediately started for the depot. Mr. Sargent, the station agent, happened to notice the package on the seat after every body had left and took care of it. He pretended that he didn't know anything about it for some time and got Gray considerably excited. Barry Adage, February 28, 1878 p. 1, c. 6. The following pupils have made the standing opposite their names in recitation and deportment for the month ending February 16
The County Superintendent of Schools has appointed the following committee to prepare the work and make other arrangements for the educational exhibition at the county fair; P. H. Harris, chairman, R. M. Hitch, A.C. Mason, J. T. Long, O. T. Swan, J. f. Clark, J. G. Hurley, J. L. Cravens, N. L. Page, J. P. Lucas, E. M. Chamberlain, Miss Belle Lewis, Miss L. e. Campbell, Miss Mays, Dooesy, Miss M. L. Benbrook, Miss Mary Lippencott, Miss Mattie Garret, Miss Emina Thornberry, Nathan English and W. R. Moore. The committee will meet at the Superintendent's office in Pittsfield Saturday, February 23d. A full attendance is earnestly requested. Barry Adage, March 2, 1878 p. 1, c. 4. Sam Johnson for a time Deputy Sheriff under E. w. Blades, died at Liz residence near New Canton of lung fever on Saturday last.The pupils of the high school presented Prof. J. F. Clark with a watch charm, and Miss L. M. Benbrook with a chaste ring, one day last week. The presentation speech was made by Miss Ella Barney. Barry Adage, March 31, 1892, p. 1, c. 1. Mrs. Ida Haines is visiting Mrs. Wm. Husband at Valley City. Mrs. M. Peterson and daughter Z. are the Guests of Mr. Henry Hadsell of your city this week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hen. McIntire, Thursday is a boy baby. Mesadames Husband and Tipton are among the sick this week. Miss Susie Mills spent to-day at New Salem. Mrs. A. E. Rulon and Miss Ella Barnes made a flying trip to your city yesterday. Jennie Van Zandt, of Fish Hook, is visiting her many friends here this week. Mrs. Derouse is in Hannibal this week visiting her son Roy and family. Mary Torrens, Bessie Stearns, and Julia McIntire, all of your city, were the guests of Baylis and friends Saturday. F. Varney and George Hall were callers in our village Sunday. The first M. E. quarterly meeting will be held at Mt. Carmel Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. C. Katz, the live merchant has gone to St. Louis and will return Friday with a full line of the latest styles of spring goods. Miss Mamie and Nellie Quinlan spent Sunday in Bluffs. Orie Bolman went to Pittsfield Saturday. Messrs. Weeks and Bently were also in Pittsfield last week. Barry Adage, April 14, 1892, p. 1, c. 3. Miss Lula Harvey, of Nebo, is visiting at her uncle's Mr. Chas. Grammer. Mrs. D. E. Allen will leave Saturday for Quincy, where she will visit her friend, Mrs. Henry. She will remain about ten days. B. O. Manker, of New Salem, was in town to-day. Jas. Boyd has gone to Jacksonville to work. Mr. and Mrs. Kratz, Mrs. M. Husband and Ora Peterson are among the [illegible] Mr. Morgan of Pittsfield, was in our vicinity last week buying horses. We understand he bought two of Charles Grammer and one of R. Blake. Misses Ollie and Cora Starkey made a trip to your city today. Easter will be observed with appropriate exercises Sunday evening at the M. E. church. F. Varney and Julia McIntire of your city were the guests of Miss Ollie Starkey Sunday. Tom Dunham and family and Elias Veach and family were the guests of M. C. Mills Sunday. Anthony Burch and Bon Haines were in your city to-day. D. E. Allen was hunting near Valley City yesterday and was quite successful. Geo Moore, wife and children, of Maysville, spent Sunday with Sam Moore and family. Mrs. Emma Kline is in the northern part of the state this week attending the meeting of the Woman's Missionary Cause, of which she is president. Attorney Bentley is in Pittsfield this week attending court. Miss Lizzie Gleckler, of Pittsfield, is the guest of her friend, Miss Clara Cory. Jim Boyd and Miss Mame Husband went to Fish Hook Sunday. Barry Adage, April 28, 1892, p. 1, c. 2. P. M. Donly was a Pittsfield visitor yesterday. Fred and Will Turnbull of Griggsville, spend Sunday at Henry Rhodes. Miss Clara Cory entertained a number of young ladies Friday afternoon and evening in honor of her friend, Miss Lizzie Gleckler, of Little York. Those who were present report a very enjoyable time. Geo Lake was in from South Prairie Saturday. Miss Mabel Blake spent Sunday at Mrs. Ella Pierce's. Mr. Chas. Grammer and son Frank went to Quincy to-day. David Miller was in Pittsfield Monday. Miss Della Walling celebrated the 14th anniversary of her birthday last Wednesday night by giving a part. About thirty-five young people were present and enjoyed the evening immensely. They presented her with a very handsome gold pen. Ben Haines wife and mother spent Sunday with Wm. Husband and wife, of Valley City. The Easter services at the M.E. church Sunday night were very good, but owing to the inclemency of the weather there were not too many there. Mr. C. C. Davenport and W. H. Veach are victims of the la grippe this week. Prof. H. P. Pierce, made his usual trip to Pittsfield Monday. Mrs. Rhodes and son Charlie are visiting Mrs. C. W. Holt and family. The former is quite sick with neuralgia. Dr. W. H. Fish was re-elected school director last Saturday. Mrs. Abbie B. Merrick was running for the office also and was beaten just one vote. Pretty close election. Mr. R. H. Rounds of Fish Hook, was to Baylis to-day. The prohibitionists of this place will give a literary entertainment in the Good Templar Hall, Friday night. Everyone invited. Ed Grammar went to Pittsfield today. Barry Adage, May 5, 1892, p. 1, c. 1. April 27, 1892 Quite a number took advantage of the excursion and went to Quincy to-day. among the number were Messrs. Wren. Nichols, Frank, Ed, and Rufus Grammer, Jonas Adney, Herb Rhodes and Mrs. M. C. Mills. Wm. Husband and wife of Valley City are in town, the guests of B. Haines and wife. Mame and Anna Quinlan went to Bluffs Saturday. They were accompanied home by Miss Celia Richards. Miss Fannie Tedrow, one of New Salem's best young ladies, spend Sunday with Miss Ruth Razey. Prof. F. M. Greene has put three new slate black boards in the brick school house which is quite an improvement to it. Miss Lucy McCleery has returned from Nebraska. She has improved in health considerably since she left. Mr. Leeds and wife, of Griggsville, were visitors at R. B. Foland's Sunday. Mrs. Laura McIntire and children and Mrs. J. R. Bagby and Miss Cora Fuson, of Bluffs are visiting in town. Miss Sallie Miller came home from Hulls and spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. F.M. Greene and children, of New Salem, spent last week here. Mrs. Foreman, of Cobden, is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Biggs. Mate McIntire is expected home from Texas this week. Barry Adage, May 5, 1892, p. 8, c. 3. STATE OF ILLINOIS, Pike county, ss. Town of Hadley Office of Township Treasurer, (School Funds.) The following is a statement by John McTucker, township treasurer of township No. 4 south range 5 west of the 4th P.M., in the county and state aforesaid of the amount of public funds received and expended by him during the fiscal year just closed, ending on the 4th day April, 1892, showing the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of said fiscal year, the amount of public funds received and from what sources received, the amount of public funds expended and for what purposes expended, during the said fiscal year, ending as aforesaid. The said John McTucker, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the following statement by subscribed is a correct statement of the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public funds received and the sources from which received and the amount expended, and the purposes for which expended, as set forth in said statement. DATE. Funds Received and from Am't1891. What sources Receved. Am't of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year, commencing the 30th day of June, 1891 . . . $ 635.02
Funds Expended and for what Purpose Expended
JOHN MCTUKER, Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 27th day of April 1892. G.W. CHRYSUP Justice of the Peace Barry Adage, May 12, 1892, p. 8, c. 3. They moved the post office late the Donly Jr. Bentley brick building Saturday; We think this an improvement on the former stand. Mr. Frank Grammer returned to Nebraska after a few months visit with parents. Mr. E. Biggs, wife and daughter left Thursday for Ottowa where they will remain in view of benefiting Mrs. B.'s health. John Mills and Fred Haines were in Hannibal last week. Mrs. B. R. Haines and grandson Fred are visiting in Camp Point this week with relatives. Mame Husband and Lou Burch are visiting their friend, Mrs. Alice Gay, of Pittsfield, this week. Charlie Boffs, of Griggsville, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. L. J. Cleveland. A little child of Miles Veach's died Sunday and was buried Monday. Mrs. Ed Cory and daughter Clara were in Pittsfield last week while Miss Clara was having some dental work done. Mrs. Ed. Cory and Abe Henthorn and wife attended the funeral of Mrs. Jennie Cory, of Mt. Sterling, yesterday. Quite a number attended the circus at Griggsville last Monday and rebounce it very good notwithstanding the rainy day. B. W. Richardson was down from Clayton the greater part of last week. Mrs. Dr. Fish and sister, Miss Comy and Miss Jennie Pierce were in your city Saturday. Prof. Moore and scholars gave a free entertainment in the Good Templar's Hall Friday evening. It was very good and creditable to the partakers. We think it very kind of Mr. Moore to prepare the entertainment gratis. Miss Hardbarger of your city was the guest of her cousin, Effie McKinney, over Sunday. Miss Mame Mulhern of Bluffs, came over this morning to spend the summer with Mrs. O'Brien. Chas Grammer, Wm. Stauffer, and D. E. Donly attended the Republican convention at Springfield last week. John Mills went to Berlin to telegraph a few days. The members of the Pleasant Hill church will give a basket supper Saturday night, May 14. All young ladies are requested to bring baskets, and the young gentlemen are invited to come and bring their pocket-books prepared to buy them. Proceeds to apply on getting an organ for the church. John Davis went to Hannibal Sunday. Mr. Emmet Hays of Barry, was in town Sunday. Mrs. Cindy Medaris and children of Griggsville spent Sunday with relatives. Misses Susie Mills and Clara Cory attended the commencement exercises at Griggsville Thursday night and reported the same excellent. D. E. Allen went to Hannibal last Wednesday. James Boyd is clerking for J. C. Kratz again. Bert Cochran and wife, of Rosemond, are visiting the former's parents. Geo. Husband of Valley City, spent Sunday at Ben Haines. Barry Adage, June 2, 1892, p. 1, c. 1. Miss Hooper of Clayton is visiting her cousins, Lucy and Emma McCleery, this week. Master Johnny Quinlan, of Bluffs, is visiting at Pat Quinlan's. Mrs. M. Husband is spending this week in Fish Hook. Julia and Lou Burch made a trip to Pittsfield Friday. Born to Will O'Donnell and wife Friday, a girl. Geo. Hall was up from your city yesterday. Miss Susie Mills will close her school at Crump Friday, and Miss Jennie Pierce will close hers at the Brick on the same day. Miss Clara Cory is visiting her many friends in New Salem. Henry Rhodes will attend the county S.S. convention at Summer Hills as delegate from the M. E. School. Fred Harvey, of Griggsville, is visiting his friend Herb Rhodes. The Ladies' Aid Society gave Rev. Agnew a surprise dinner part last Friday in honor of his 37th birthday. They also gave him some nice presents. Miss Annie Grammer came over from Hannibal Saturday to spend a few days with her parents. W.M. Glass of Clayton, was in town last week. Quite a number went on the excursion Sunday. Harry Owens will take charge of the Edom House in your city this week. Mr. Owens and family have made many friends wile here, who will be sorry to lose them. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Grapy spent Monday with Mrs. Ella Pierce. Miss Ora Peterson is spending this week in your city. The Ladies Aid Society will met at Mrs. Oscar Bentley's June 8. All are invited. Barry Adage, June 2, 1892, p. 5, c. 4. John McTucker [illegible], G. A. R, observed Decoration Day last Monday. It was done in a neat and pretty way and there was no particular display about it. A procession consisting of the old soldiers, ladies of the Relief Corps., boys' brigade, and school girls and boys, followed by scores of citizens, moved to the cemetery at 2 p.m. Arriving there the crowd formed around the grave of the late comrade, Joseph E. Haines, where the exercises were given. A NUMBER OF LITTLE GIRLS SANG A SONG. Prayer was offered by Chaplain S. C. Brown. J. R. Fox read the general order from the departmental commander. The ritual exercise of the order then followed, after which the little girls sang another song and the soldiers fired their salute. Miss Iva Hudson gave a recitation. Rev. Stephenson delivered a pathetic and worth eulogy of the deceased defenders of the country. His tribute was not lengthy, but it was an excellent one. Bertha Burbridge recited a poem, and the exercises closed with benediction by Rev. Heilner, after which the graves of all soldiers buried in the cemetery were decorated with flowers. The crowd in attendance numbered several hundred. Barry Adage, June 16, 1892, p. 1, c. 2. Abe Dunham, of New Salem was in town Tuesday. C.P. Chapman, of Pittsfield, was in our city yesterday. The I. O. G. T. will celebrate their 12th anniversary Tuesday night June 28. They will have exercises in the church for the public after which they will hold a reception in their hall. All old Good Templars are very cordially invited to be present. Mrs. Ella Pierce went to New Salem to-day. Rufus Grammer and sisters Florence, Ethel, and Stella and Miss Eva Hill were [illegible] medal contest at Pittsfield Thursday night. Mrs. Peterson and Clara Cory were in attendance at the same and report the contestants are going very well. Miss Etta Davidson made a trip to Barry Monday. Fred Harvey and Fred Evans of Griggsville were Bayliss callers Sunday. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Thompson, of Fish Hook was buried Monday in the Woodland cemetery. Susie and Alta Mills and brother Wiley are in Quincy this week visiting. Everett and Carrie Gray of New Salem, spent Thursday with Frank May Pierce. Mr. Mark White, who has been attending the U. B. ministerial college at Westfield, IL returned last Friday. Frank Shelly and wife and Miss Smith of your city, were the guests of friends here Saturday. A gentleman's Russia leather pocket book was left in the depot window at this place Thursday night just as the 6:12 train went east. I it was contained a school order of $20, payable to Jennie Pierce from the treasurer of Hadley township, several receipts, a picture of Sam McClintock, two notes, several extracts from papers, and C. L. H. Pierce's name printed on the inside of it. If the finder will please return it to Jennie Pierce he will be liberally rewarded. Fred Haines is telegraphing days at Maysville. Barry Adage, June 30, 1892, p. 1, c. 2. Where will you spend the Fourth, is now the common question of the day. The Good Templars celebrated their twelveth anniversary last night. Appropriate exercises were had at the M. E. church, after which the members of the order repaired to their half and did justice to the ice cream and cake which was prepared for them. All report a rousing good time. Messrs. Geo. Orton, James McKinney and Misses Ivan Hudson and Bertha Burbridge of your city, were the guests of Ora Peterson and Effie McKinney Sunday. Quite an excitement prevailed yesterday morning about 10:45 when people heard D. H. Patton had shot himself. The ball entered the head just behind the ear, but was removed by Dr. McConnell and M. R. Patton is yet among the living. Mrs. R. B. Foland and May Pierce, spent part of this week visiting in Jasonville, Chapin and Griggsville. Messrs. Geo Orton, Geo Hall and Misses Ivan Hudson, Ora Peterson and Jennie Pierce went to New Salem Sunday eve. Prof. H. P. Pierce is in Quincy attending a musical convention that is being held there this week. Mr. Kirkpatrick of Clayton, is the guest of his sister Mrs. Will Smith. Miss Lizzie Burch was in Chicago a few days of last week. James Boyd, Mame Husband, Fred Haines, and Alta Mills took a pleasure trip to the Illinois River Sunday. Barry Adage, June 30, 1892, p. 5, c. 4. Town is not to have a monopoly in the sensation line. Baylis has come to the front with a case that rivals our greatest effort. It is the story repeated of the widower with grown children marrying a young wife, comeatic infelicity, culminating in a tragedy. The sensational act of the drama occurred Tuesday went Ham Patton, a well known citizen of the county was found lying in his barn at Baylis in an unconscious condition with a bullet in his scalp. The ball was found to have penetrated the skin just back of the ear and passed around the skull until it lodged at the crown of his head. the would was inflicted by himself, but he made a poor job of it and he now lives to regret his action. previous to his last marriage Patten deeded all his land to three sons to the detriment of his new wife, but with the understanding that the deeds should not be recorded. This was some time since. A few days ago Patten learned to his sorrow that the deeds had been slipped from his charge and placed on record, thus depriving him of his possessions. An effort was made to annul the conveyances, but he found it could not be done. In his desperation came the attempt at suicide. What bearing the recent developments will have on the sons now in possession of the property remains to be seen. So far, however, the boys show no disposition to reconvey the land to their father [illegible] Barry Adage, July 7, 1892, p. 8, c. 2. Now that the fourth is over every one is looking forward to the Pike county fairs. Angel Walling returned home from Minneapolis, Minn., Sunday evening where he has been working for the past two years. He will remain about three weeks. Born Tuesday to Mr. Mrs. Pat. Inslow, a boy. Hebert McKinney is Kirksville, Mo. this week receiving medical attention. We were sorry to learn that Mr. J. R. Bagby's house was pretty badly torn up by a cyclone which passed through Bluffs Saturday. The damage is estimated at $500,000. Mr. Bagby was formerly a citizen of Baylis, and his many friends will sympathize with him in his loss. M. C. Mills and wife spent the fourth at their old home in Bowen, Hancock county. Tom Smith, of Bluffs, was the guest of Baylis friends Monday evening. Miss Lula Beach formerly of this place, but now of Bentley, Hancock county, won a prize of $10 and a cake at Burnside, for speaking. Miss Lula is a very good speaker having won a silver and gold medal and we are pleased to note her success. Messrs. Emmet Hayes and Frank Hancock of your city spent Saturday evening with Baylis friends. John Mills is visiting his best girl at Clayton. Mrs. L. Holt went to Bluffs yesterday. Mr. J. C. Kratz, our popular merchant and Dr. Fish, treated the people of our village to quite a display of fire works at their own expense. Thanks, gentlemen. Miss Lou Burch spent several days of last week at Sam Ramsey's at Masville. Mr. Frank Shelly removed his household goods from Barry here over Dr. Fisher's drug store. The school house is receiving some very much needed repairs. Harry Husband is the carpenter in charge. Barry Adage, July 21, 1892, p. 1, c. 1. Miss Alma Wilson came up from Griggsville and spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. Mrs. H. Husband went to Fish Hook and spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner. Mr. Frank Tipton will more to the country this week. B. Hardin and family will occupy the house vacated by them. Mrs. I. Holt spent Sunday in bluffs, the guest of Mrs. J. R. Bagby. Frank Shelly and wife went to your city yesterday. Miss McIntire of your city is the guest of M. Peterson and family. Messrs. Henry Day, Fred Lane, Arthur Hancock, Clarence Mitchell and Frank Hancock, of your city, spent Saturday evening at the home of Misses Ollie and Cora Starkey. There was also a crowd from the place there, and the evening was spent very pleasantly in singing and playing and social conversation. We should say the young gentlemen gave the music which was every creditable. The Epworth league of this place, will give a lawn festival Saturday evening, July 30th to which all are invited. The double tenement house occupied by H. Toland and B. Hardin and families, burned to the ground Friday afternoon. It is believed the fire caught in the northwest corner of the building, the part Mr. Hardin lived in. Mr. Merrick's house which stood about 16 feet from it, barely escaped being burned, and damaged some. the house burned was owned by Robt. Edmuston and was not insured. Liel Husband, of near Valley City, was visiting his parents here the first of the week. Barry Adage, July 28, 1892, p. 1, c. 3. Mrs. I. Holt is visiting friends in Kansas. Rev. M. M. Cooper of New Salem, was a Baylis visitor Wednesday. Emmet Hayes, of Barry, called on Baylis friends Saturday. Miss Clara Hill visited Barry one day last week. Mrs. J. A. McIntire was the guest of Mrs. M Peterson a few days last week. Mrs. Nannie Davenport is visiting in Quincy. Harry McKnight and Guy Hubbard of Pittsfield called on Miss Jennie Pierce and Ora Peteterson Wednesday evening. Mesdames Fay Allen and Pearlie Cleveland are visiting Bluffs. Emmet Hayes, Harry Ware and Willie Ferris, of Barry, were in town yesterday. Neal Allen is visiting his aunt in Griggsville. Barry Adage, August 4, 1892, p. 1, c. 1. Mrs. Woods and daughter visited El Dara Last week. Mrs. Pearlie Cleveland is the guest of Mrs. B. W. Richardson of Clayton. Mrs. Jennie Green of Quincy was the guest of Mrs. N. Davenport the last week. Mrs. Eugene Chamberlin of Pittsfield visited Mrs. M. Peterson Sunday. Miss Mellie Motter of Bowen Ill. is visiting her cousin Florence Herring. Mrs. Minnie Biscomb left for her home in Kansas City Monday after two weeks visit with friends. Miss Lou Burch was a Pittsfield visitor last Monday. Mrs. D. E. Allen has returned home from Bluffs after a few days visit with Mesdames McIntire and Bagby. Quite a number from here are attending the fair at Barry. Misses Gracie Pierce and Cora Starkey are visiting Barry friends and attending the fair. Barry Adage, September 15, 1892, p. 1, c. 2. Ringling Brothers' circus took quite a crowd from here to Pittsfield yesterday. It was estimated there were 8,000 under the canvas. Mrs. Lena Beeler (nee Fidler) is visiting her friend Mrs. Mary Feeman. R. M. Dunston, D.E. Allen and Frank Powell went to the Illinois river this morning fiwhing. Fred Evans of Griggsville, spent Sunday wit Miss Cora Starkey. Mrs. H. M. Fuson, of bluff, spent yesterday with her sister, Mame Mulhem. Mr. James Fish will remove his family to his mother's farm north of town this week. Master Harlen Buckley is visiting in Jacksonville this week. Barry Adage, September 15, 1892, p. 5, c. 2. Mrs. Rena McTucker went to St. Louis yesterday on a short pleasure trip. Barry Adage, December 15, 1892, p. 5, c. 3. The new officers of John McTucker post, No. 154, G. A. R., are as follows: Commander, H. L. Hadsell; senior vice commander, Thomas Sheperd; junior vice commander, Jacob Phenneger; quartermaster, F. Conway; officer of the day, C. C. Briggs; officer of the guard, G. L. Lounsbury; surgeon, Dr. Doyle; chaplain, H. W. Brown. II. Excerpts from 1895-1914 Barry NewspapersBarry Breeze, November 6, 1895, p. 1, col. 5 Revival meetings are in progress this week at the Philadelphia school house. Gospel Hymns No. 8, will be used in the meeting, and all good people are asked to work and pray for the success of the meeting. Barry Breeze, August 5, 1896, p. 2, col. 2 Mrs. Mary E. Payne died at her home 5 miles southeast of Barry Aug., 1st. 1896. She was born Sept. 11th, 1856 near Louisville Kentucky and was married to Samuel Payne Dec. 9th. 1875. She was mother of twelve children, she leaves a husband and ten children to mourn their loss; she was a member of the Methodist church about 25 years and ready and willing to go. Funeral services were conducted at the Philadelphia school house last Monday at 2 p.m. by Rev. W. N. Rutledge, assisted by Rev. Young. The burial took place in the grave yard south of the school house. Barry Breeze, October 27, 1898 To-night at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents in Philadelphia, six miles east of Barry, will occur the marriage of Miss Sarah M. Walker to Mr. Francis McWorter, Rev. A. J. Young officiating. The young people are well known here and are quite prominent in the social standing of their neighborhood. Barry Breeze, November 8, 1898, p. 1, col. 3 As announced in last weeks BREEZE, the McWorter-Walker wedding took place at the home of the bride. Only a few invited guests beside the near relatives and friends were present. It was a very pleasant occasion and the young couple were the recipients of many beautiful and useful presents. Barry Breeze, May 25, 1899, [pg. unclear], col. 2 The Grand Army of the Republic and the W. R. C. will unite in paying our annual tribute of flag and flowers to the memory of men, who in days gone by fought for the unity of the nation to secure to us as a people the inestimable blessings of liberty. . . . . . . . The following committees are appointed to visit the country cemeteries the morning of the 30th and decorate all soldiers' graves: Woolsey Cemetery . . . . Philadelphia Cemetery -- Guy F. Lounsbury, F. M. Starks, William Hall, A. Dell. Stony Point Cemetery . . . . Grubb Hollow Cemetery . . . . W. H. Marion, Com. H. L. Hadsell, Adjt. Barry Breeze, June 1, 1899, p. 2, col. 3 Geo. McWorter's barn in Hadley township was struck by lightning Friday morning, and burned to the ground. Five horses were killed and 100 bushels of corn burned. There being no insurance it was a total loss. Barry Breeze, June 29, 1899 Last Thursday afternoon, John Kirtright, of near New Philadelphia, drove in town with a load of hay and left it standing near the residence of J. H. Mallery, while he took his horses to water. During his absence some mischievous boys set fire to the hay and when he returned the fire had gained such headway that only the front wheels of the wagon could be saved. It is stated that several parties saw the boys about the hay but did not discover their mischief in time to prevent the occurrence. Friends of the unfortunate man started a subscription list to repay his loss; about $14 was subscribed. So far as we can learn, nothing has been done with the boys. Barry Breeze, July 13, 1899 James Miller shot and instantly killed George Gray at New Philadelphia. They were both employed on the farm of William Rich, near there. The men had been engaged in several fights during the previous two weeks, the feud resulting from a game of cards. Barry Breeze, July 20, 1899, p. 1, col. 2 The Philadelphia Sunday School will hold its annual picnic next Saturday afternoon and evening. Barry Breeze, July 27, 1899 The picnic at the Philadelphia school-house on last Saturday afternoon netted the Sunday school of that place about $20. Barry Breeze, October 5, 1899 Kellum On Saturday, Sept. 30, 1899, at the home of her son, occurred the death, by paralysis, of Mrs. Rebecca Kellum. Rebecca Sidener was born Sept. 8, 1846; and married John Kellum Dec. 1, 1861; she became the mother of one child, Nathan Kellum, who is now in South Carolina. A short service was held at the house on Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev. Young of the Baptist church, and the remains were then taken to the New Philadelphia burying ground for burial. Barry Breeze, October 6, 1899 . . . . A good congregation greeted the pastor at the Philadelphia school-house last Sunday afternoon. Will the Buckeye people do as well next Sunday? Barry Breeze, October 19, 1899 Entire Business Part of Town Gone Fire Starts in Ed Hill's Livery Barn and Spreads Through Entire Business District [A detailed and lengthy story describes all of the numerous business district buildings, including the Wabash depot, destroyed by this fire]. Barry Breeze, November 9, 1899 Sunday Services . . . . 8.00 Preaching at the Philadelphia school house. Barry Breeze, January 18, 1900 . . . . The pastor failed to reach his appointment at Philadelphia Sunday afternoon on account of bad roads. Barry Breeze, January 25, 1900 The Wabash railroad company is now engaged in erecting a new depot at Baylis. The building is to be fourteen feet longer than the old one and is to be the modern style as now put up by railroad companies. When completed it will be the largest and most handsome station on the road between Hannibal and Bluffs. Barry Breeze, April 12, 1900 . . . . Some of the Philadelphia people attended church in town on Sunday evening. Barry Breeze, December 6, 1900 Brown Miss Sarah Kirtright was born Dec. 4, 1828, and died Dec. 2, 1900, at the age of 71 years, 11 months, and 28 days. She came to Pike county with her parents when she was a small girl and settled in Hadley township where she spent her life. In 1843 she was married to Philander Hadsell and became the mother of seven children, of whom all are still living but one; she was bereft of her husband in 1883. In later years she was married to Mr. Henry Brown, of whom she was also bereaved. Aunt Sarah, as she was familiarly known, was a kind wife and mother and a good neighbor, always ready to lend a helping hand in time of need. Her friends who knew her best will greatly miss her. The funeral services were held at Philadelphia school house Monday afternoon, the Rev. A. J. Young officiating. The body was then laid to rest in the Philadelphia burying ground. A large company of friends and relatives attended he service. Barry Record, February 1, 1906 . . . . The remains of Wallace Sackett were laid to rest in the Philadelphia cemetery Monday afternoon. The family have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement. . . . . Fritz Sackett, of Montana, was called home by the death of his brother. He expects to remain a month with his parents and brothers. Clabe Winner and wife were visiting the sick at Elmer Burdick's Monday. Barry Record, February 8, 1906 Calvin Smith is again able to be out after a week's illness. Geo. McWorter, of Quincy, is here on a visit to friends and relatives. Miss Flo Kellum spent a couple of days last week with her sister, Mrs. Mande Smith. Mr. Welbourne spent last Wednesday with Geo. Venicombe and family. Fritz Sackett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Burdick. Trusty Winner, of Barry, spent Sunday afternoon and evening with his best girl. Rev. Chase spent part of last week visiting William Butler and family. Glen Hulse, who has been very sick the past three weeks, is again able to be around again. Harriet Gray spent Saturday and Sunday with Chas. Johnson and family. Mr. Riggs will begin his spring term of school next Monday. Mrs. Homer McGlasson and daughter Nora, spent last Saturday as the guests of her brother, Maze Miller, and wife, near Barry. Martin Kimbrew went to Barry on Monday. Little Georgia Smith is still very low at this writing. Miss Mary Mathew, of Rockport, is spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. Squire McWorter. Mary Hulse and Gertie and Mabel Seifers attended the part at Emery Kellum's Saturday night. Barry Record, February 15, 1906 Elmer Burdick's little son, who has been very sick for some time, is improving. Jake Coultas and family, Harriett Gray, Gertie and Mabel Seifers took dinner with John Wassell Sunday. Mrs. Ausa Wassell, of Barry, spent Saturday and Sunday with Charley Johnson and family. Mary Hulse spent Saturday and Sunday with Golden Melbourne near Shaw. Mrs. Ogden, of Hannibal, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pike. Fred Hulse went to Baylis Monday. Mr. Zimmerman and wife, of Perry, visited his son at this place Monday. Miss Bellis, of Barry, spent Sunday with her brother. Mrs. Jim Washington and daughter, Rubie, visited with Mrs. Bates Monday. Marshall Winner and wife, of Barry, were Sunday visitors with Fred Hulse and family; also Lyda Chamberlain and daughter Iva. Miss Lillian Payne, of near Barry, spent Sunday the guest of Mrs. Bates and family. Mrs. Chauncey Gray and little daughter were in our vicinity Monday canvassing. Barry Record, May 10, 1906 To Be Observed Decoration Day will be observed in Barry, and aside from the decoration of graves, it is hoped a local orator can be found who will do justice to the occasion in the park in the afternoon. . . . . . . . Below is a list of the committees appointed to decorate graves at the outlying grave yards of Decoration Day, May 30: Philadelphia -- Comrades Wm. Florence and L. Hadsell. Grubb Hollow . . . . Blair and Stony Point . . . . Stewart and Woolsey . . . . Finance Committees . . . . Barry Record, June 7, 1906 Chas. Venicombe was visiting his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Venicombe, last Sunday. Mrs. Anna Sigsworth was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson, Saturday and Sunday. Sylvester Zimmerman was out last Sunday for the first time since his recovery from pneumonia. Reuben McWorter, of St. Louis, who for the past two weeks has been visiting relatives here, returned Friday. Miss Anna Baker, an old resident of this place, who for the past seven months has been making her home at Barry, has returned to the old home place again. Albert Walker's horse became frightened at the excursion train Sunday and ran into the cattleguard near Arden, and was struck by the train and died about four hours later. Mr. Pike, who is suffering with a severe attack of heart trouble, is very low. Mrs. Ogden, his daughter, is rendering every possible assistance to her suffering father. Ever since the first symptoms of the attack she has been constantly at his side. Leaving her home in Hannibal, she came to take up her abode with him until some change develops. Barry Record, June 14, 1906 Mr. Pike is still very low. Jas. McKinney returned last Saturday from Idaho. F. Hulls now has a new binder and expects to begin cutting wheat next week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hill became papa and mama again last Sunday night. It's a girl. Mrs. Hawkins and Mrs. Williams were the guests of Wm. Butler last Saturday. Last Saturday a party of the New Philadelphia people went to the Illinois river fishing. They report having had a good time, and catching some fine fish. Barry Record, August 9, 1906 Messrs. O. Brown and [illegible] were the guests of Wm Butler on Sunday. Mrs. Very Tucker spent Sunday with Mrs. Elmer Burdick. The Postal Inspector visited Hadley Friday, and as a result may think Rural Route No. 1 may be cut out. Rev. Geo. Gibbens is holding a bible class at New Philadelphia school house every Wednesday night and Sunday morning, after Sunday school. Mr. S. N. Pike passed quietly away Wednesday, August 1st. Funeral services were held at the house at 3 p.m., by Rev. Scheer of Barry. Interment taking place in the cemetery south of New Philadelphia. Barry Record, August 16, 1906 Mr. and Mrs. McWorter returned from the Illinois river Sunday, where they went Saturday to fish. George Smith and family spent Sunday with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. William Watts of Jacksonville made a short visit in this vicinity Sunday. The Bible class meetings held at the Philadelphia school house with G. W. Gibbens as instructor, are doing nicely. Quite a crowd is expected at the fish fry at Philadelphia Thursday, as there will be ice cream, candies, etc. There is to be a Sunday school social at Shaw's school house Saturday night, August 17. Barry Record, January 11, 1907 Things were quite lively during the holidays. Several turkey dinners were served and many friends were with us to make it joyous. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson of Upper Alton visited Mrs. Oregon Walker. Mrs. J. C. McCain of Springfield and Mrs. T. Coleman of New Berlin visited Mrs. Bates. Mrs. Lucy McWorter, who teaches school about twenty miles west of Hannibal, came home to spend the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Bates, and other relatives and friends. The roads were awfully bad, and Rev. Bowerman was unable to get here Sunday on account of their horrible condition. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman of Berlin visited Mrs. Coleman's mother, Mrs. Walker, about ten days during the holidays. Miss Stella Zimmerman was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the marriage of Miss. Brown in the Quincy school. James Washington bought the farm known as the Hill farm. He is one of the best farmers in that part of the country. Francis and Arthur McWorter sold a nice bunch of hogs Monday. The Bible class is progressing nicely. Barry Record, February 8, 1907 Many in our neighborhood are suffering from the grip. The Philadelphia school will give an entertainment on Wednesday evening, Feb. 13. Mark Zimmerman attended a sale near Mt. Sterling Tuesday. Mrs. Chas Johnson entertained Mrs. Ida Taylor and Mrs. Proah Johnson of Barry on Wednesday last. Mrs. Fred Hulse and daughter Mary returned home Tuesday morning after a three week visit in Kansas. Preaching next Sunday night by Bro. Munch. Not many attended Sunday school as Hadley Sunday on account of the weather. Barry Record, May 10, 1907 How Observed Decoration Day will be observed in the usual manner Thursday, May 30th. The memorial address will be delivered by Rev. Bowerman at the Baptist church, Sunday, May 26th. . . . . The following details are made: Philadelphia Cemetery -- Wm. Florence, Leander Hadsell, Barney Bradshaw. Grubb Hollow cemetery . . . . Blair and Stony Point cemeteries. . . . Stewart and Woolsey cemeteries . . . . On finance . . . . Barry Record, May 17, 1907 . . . . Rev. Bowman delivered a fine sermon at the Shaw school house Sunday. . . . . The Philadelphia School will close Friday. Miss Letty Hubbard has proved herself a fine teacher. Barry Record, May 31, 1907 Baptist Sunday announcements -- Mr. Bowerman will preach at the Philadelphia school-house at 8:00 p.m. Barry Record, October 18, 1907 Are Married Last evening a wedding occurred at the pleasant little Thomas home in the west part of town, where sixteen of the relatives were present. The contracting parties were C.J. Walker, a worthy and industrious young colored man, who resides one mile north of Philadelphia, and Miss Stella Thomas, an estimable young woman and one of the fairest of the dark-skinned race. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Barton, after which a grand supper was spread. The bride received several nice presents, and she and the groom presented an appearance in their neat and tasty attire that would arouse envy in the hearts of many whites. One thing alone marred the pleasure of the evening, and that was the sudden sickness of Frank Lawson, uncle to the bride, who is a pullman car conductor of St. Louis, and came from that city yesterday to see the marriage of his niece. The doctor pronounced his ailment [illegible] poisoning, which is likely due to something he had eaten at a lunch in Hannibal. The happy couple will start on their wedding trip this evening and will first visit Mr. Walker's sister in Springfield. On their return they will begin housekeeping on the groom's farm, where the bride will be perfectly at home, as she spent her early years on her father's place in the country. Some one had this in view and very considerately presented her with a china nest egg. Barry Record, May 15, 1908 To Be Observed Decoration Day will be observed . . . . . . . . Grubb Hollow cemetery . . . . Woolsey cemetery . . . . Stony Point and Blair cemetery . . . . Philadelphia cemetery . . . . . . . . Barry Record, June 12, 1908 . . . . Francis McWorter was in town Saturday and said that the Philadelphia Sunday school would give a strawberry social this Saturday evening at the school house. Barry Record, January 1, 1909 . . . . Miss Lucy B. McWorter, a capable colored school teacher at Jerseyville, was home visiting relatives and friends during Christmas, but left Saturday for Kansas City to attend a teachers institute. . . . . Barry Record, January 1, 1909 Baptist Church . . . . At 3 p.m. the pastor will preach at Philadelphia. . . . . Barry Record, January 8, 1909 April 1905. G. B. Hall, sexton for the two graveyards of Barry, reports 59 graves dug in Park Lawn cemetery since May 1, 1905, and that many persons buried therein; in Barry cemetery, 49, for the same period of time, and one in the graveyard at Philadelphia. Barry Record, April 1, 1910, p. 1, col. 3 A Wedding Out at New Philadelphia last Sunday evening the marriage of Miss Eliza McWorter, daughter of Squire, and Garrison A. Brown of Michigan, took place, and Rev. J. R. McKeehan, the Baptist minister of this place officiated. Now it happens that the bride is a very popular young lady among the colored folk of this neighboring village, and her many friends and neighbors wanted to charivari the couple, but as her sister Lucy had been operated on but a few days before, rather than disturb her with any undue noise, the bride and groom were invited on Monday evening to the home of James Washington, where the friends congregated with the customary old tin pans, bells and the like. Washington, in order to add to the din and the noise, fired off his revolver. He aimed to shoot it in the air, but it went off prematurely and the bullet struck the arm of Ophelia McWorter and cut a gash both in the forearm and the upper arm and then passed on through a door and into a bed. The wound was not serious, but all were scared for the time being. Barry Record, February 4, 1910 A colored man from near Pittsfield, by the name of Roberts, had his [illegible] crushed below the [illegible] and bones broken while loading a hay baler at Squire McWorters, Philadelphia, last Tuesday. Barry Record, January 4, 1911 Philadelphia Miss Melicent Walker is spending her Christmas vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. Talbert of Missouri, spent a few days with Mrs. George McWorter. Frank McWorter and wife spent Sunday afternoon with Brother Arthur and family. Elmer Burdick and wife spent Sunday afternoon with their daughter Mrs. John Butler, Jr. Finley Richie is hauling lumber to build a new barn near his new home in Philadelphia. Miss Verle Hubbard of Louisiana, Mo. spent a few days with her nephew Sylvester Zimmerman, who is sick at this time. Mrs. Sophia Thomas celebrated her 85th birthday, Sunday, Jan. 1, 1911. She was remembered with post-cards and other gifts. Mrs. Mary Washington returned home Sunday evening after enjoying a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. Lucy B. North of Godfrey, Ill., and Ruben and John McWorter of St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia Sunday School opened New Years morning with a good attendance and if the interest continues throughout the year as it has started in, we will have a live and wide awake Sunday School. The Philadelphia Sunday School recently gave a Bazar that was a great success. The children rendered their parts in a creditable manner especially the solos by Master Ray Gleckler and Miss Alberta McWorter. Barry Record, February 1, 1911 . . . . Francis McWorter was over from Hadley Thursday on business connected with the advertising of the annual fair to be given at Philadelphia next summer. From here he went to Kinderhook the same day. . . . . Barry Record, July 12, 1911 . . . . The Philadelphia Sunday School will give a picnic July 14, afternoon and evening every body invited. A game of base-ball, a good program and plenty of refreshments. Come. Barry Record, August 23, 1911 Miss Cora Ball of Quincy is the guest of Miss Estella Zimmerman. Mrs. Lloyd Coleman of New Berlin, Ill., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Maggie Walker. Edward T. Forum of Springfield, Ill., spent a few days recently with his aunt, Mrs. F. J. Bates. James Washington and his wife and daughter Ruby, were the guests Sunday of F. T. Bates. Prof. W. A. Burgess of St. Louis, spent a pleasant week's visit with his aunt, Mrs. Nellie Walker and family. Miss Millicent Walker and brother Albert, entertained their friends Thursday evening in honor of their legal cousin, Prof. Burgess. Peter Walker met with a painful accident Sunday morning while feeding his hogs. He fell and crushed the thumb on his right hand. Mrs. Arthur McWorter entertained her friends Tuesday, in honor of her cousin, Prof. Burgess. The invited guests were Misses Verle Hubbard and Sarah Covington of Louisiana, Mo.; Mrs. Lloyd Coleman, New Berlin; Estella Zimmerman and Millicent Walker, Herbert Zimmerman and Albert Walker. Barry Record, October 25, 1911 . . . . The New Philadelphia school will give its annual pumpkin contest and social Friday night, Oct. 27. Everybody invited. Barry Record, May 8, 1912 Mrs. Mary Richard was calling on the sick one day last week. John Butler and wife of Perry are visiting Mrs. (sic) Butler's parents. Mrs. Nancy Venicombe entertained her sister, Mrs. Mary Mullagan Sunday. Mrs. F. Richie and Mrs. Nancy Venicombe were shopping in town last Saturday. Mrs. Elmer Burdick and Mrs. O. Harshman were unable to be out on account of sickness. Tom McWorter must mean business as he brought out from town last week a nice new set of work harness. Mrs. Finby Richie was compelled to go to the Doctor with her hand, which has been giving her so much trouble the last few weeks. Sunday was indeed a beautiful day and lots of people took advantage of it and were out to church and all enjoyed Rev. Claxon's sermon. Miss Lucy McWorter was pleasantly surprised one day last week when she received a box of beautiful red, white, and pink roses and carnations with ferns from her Michigan friends. Will Watt and wife will make their home in Chicago in the future. Mrs. Watt was unable to go with her husband and will remain a while longer under the Doctor's care. Barry Record, May 22, 1912 . . . . Francis McWorter of Hadley was in the city Thursday. He visited the Record office, in connection with the publication of the program and premium list of the Hadley Fair & Farmer's Exchange, which the office is working on. Barry Record, May 22, 1912 . . . . Mrs. Sophia Thomas, a respected colored lady who lived with her daughter, Mrs. Walker, at New Philadelphia, east of Barry, fell dead Tuesday morning of last week at 8:15 o'clock. An inquest was held and the verdict was that death was caused from a stroke of paralysis. Mrs. Thomas was 87 years old last New Year's day. A suitable obituary appears in another column. Barry Record, May 22, 1912 Miss Sophia Batize (Batine?) daughter of John and Maria Batize was born in St. Louis, Mo. Jan. 1, 1825 and departed this life at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nellie Walker six miles east of Barry Tuesday morning, May 14, at the age of 87 years. She was united in marriage with Thomas Thomas over 62 years ago in St. Louis and a few years later removed to Pike county and settled on a farm near Shaws school house, now known as a part of the farm owned by M. L. Davis of Barry. Here her husband died in 1873 and the widow continued her residence here with her son, Mr. Thomas until 1884 when he removed to Barry and she left the farm and most of the time since has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Nellie Walker of Philadelphia, a neighborhood near Hadley. Her children are: Mrs. Nellie Walker of Hadley, Wm. Thomas of Broken Arrow, Okla., Arnie another son of Lawrence, Kans. She also leaves 32 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn her death. Mrs. Thomas was born in slavery, but her freedom was purchased by her husband before their marriage. She was converted and received in the Methodist Episcopal church by Rev. Seymour many years ago and was a faithful Christian mother. Her sickness only lasted about six weeks, but just before her death she was able to be about the home and on Monday -- the day before she died -- she went to a creek not far from the house fishing and on the way home gathered some wild flowers that later decorated the casket in which she reposed. The funeral services were conducted from the Philadelphia school house Friday, May [page cut off]. Barry Record, May 29, 1912 Mrs. F. J. Bates has been suffering with her eyes the past few days. Mrs. Burgess of St. Louis was the guest of Mrs. D. A. Thomas Sunday. Ruby Washington is spending a few days with her grandma, Mrs. F. J. Bates. Freda Walker spent last Thursday with her aunt, Mrs. D. A. Thomas of Barry. Mrs. Arthur Walker served dinner to her mother and family and aunt, Mrs. Burgess Saturday at "high noon." Miss Melicent Walker, who has been in Kent City, Mich., with her sister Mrs. David Cook, came home for her grandmother's funeral. Mrs. Mary Burgess, who was here to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Sophia Thomas, returned to her home in St. Louis, Mo. Monday morning. Miss Christma McWorter spent Sunday with Miss Melicent Walker, Mrs. Nellie Walker and family and little granddaughters, Thelma and Bernice McWorter. Barry Record, October 16, 1912 Depot The citizens about Hadley station on the Wabash, four miles east of this city, are without a depot, and the general store of J. W. Gibson being some distance from the tract, the people feel that the accommodations are very poor indeed, when the number of people are considered who travel from that station every day in the year and have to wait hours sometimes for trains. They will petition the officials of the Wabash for a station house, and they ought to get it. The freight and express business also demands that a house be erected large enough to accomodate it. We hope the Wabash officials will see to this and grant the request of the long suffering public at that place. Barry Record, May 14, 1913 . . . . Miss Lucy McWorter died Saturday morning. Barry Record, March 11, 1914 Mrs. Daniel Sackett Lua Louise, daughter of Able and Marion Burdick, was born in Pike county January 10, 1857, and died at her home Match 4, 1914, aged 57 years, one month and twenty-two days. She was married to Daniel Sackett March 20, 1878. To this union ten children were born -- three having died in infancy and Wallace, who had grown to young manhood, died a few years ago. Those living are Mirt, Jotham, Fritz, James, Jonathan, and Dewey. Mrs. Sackett united with the Baptist church about thirty-five years ago during the ministry of Rev. J. T. Green and lived a Christian until death. When her health would permit she was faithful to the Sunday school and church at Philadelphia school house. Besides her husband and six sons she leaves to mourn their loss, three brothers -- Scott and Elmer Burdick of this community and Dow Burdick, living at Porterville, Cal., with many other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Philadelphia school house. Rev. G. W. Claxon, pastor Baptist church in Barry, officiating. Barry Record, June 17, 1914 The Philadelphia Sunday school will give a social and musical entertainment, at that place Saturday evening, June 27. Miss Stella Zimmerman, the talented musical artist, and others will appear on the program. Come and enjoy an evening of music and a social good time. You are cordially invited. Barry Record, July 8, 1914 (Too late last week) Miss Carrie Thomas of Barry attended the musical at this place Saturday. Otis Watts and wife called at the home of A. W. McWorter Sunday eve. Miss Christene Trumbul of Griggsville spent Saturday and Sunday with her friend, Freda Walker. Mrs. M. H. Walker is expecting her daughter, Mrs. L. T. Coleman of New Berlin, for a visit. Master Testus A. McWhorter has been sick, suffering with stomach trouble. Mrs. James Washington and daughter Ruby, called on Mrs. A. W. McWorter Monday evening. Mrs. Irene Brown and little daughter of Jacksonville are here visiting her father. The social given by the Philadelphia Sunday school was a success, socially and financially. Barry Record, August 12, 1914 (Too late last week) Mrs. F. J. Bates spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. James Washington. Mrs. Otis Watts spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. McWorter. Thelma Elise McWorter visited her Grandma Bates a few days this week. Mrs. Nellie Walker and daughter Freda, have gone to Jacksonville for a visit with her son and family. Miss Carrie Thomas of Barry is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Edward Washington. Mrs. Francis McWorter and little daughter, Gladys, spent Monday evening with her mother, Mrs. M. H. Walker. James Steel of Missouri spent Saturday and Sunday with James Washington and family. Miss Stella Zimmerman was a Hannibal visitor a few days the past week. Barry Record, December 30, 1914 Mrs. James Washington spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. F. J. Bates. Lloyd Coleman and wife [of] New Berlin spent the Xmas holidays with the latter's mother, Mrs. M. H. Walker. Mrs. Ed Washington and little sons went to Decatur, to spend the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Stella Walker. Albert Walker and Emmet Wright entertained their lady friends of Jacksonville at a turkey dinner Xmas. Mrs. F. J. Bates received a Xmas postal card shower, containing the principal buildings of Springfield, her girl hood home. Mrs. G. W. McWorter spent Xmas with her mother in Louisiana. She returned home Monday evening accompanied by her son Hermef. Chas. Washington and Shelby McWorter spent Xmas in Springfield. Arthur McWorter lost two valuable horses last week. Mrs. Belle Washington, who has been visiting her parents has returned to her home in Lawrence, Kan. Mrs. Viola Watts of Harvey, Ill. is visiting at the home of her parents, Squire and wife, and other relatives. Mrs. Lucy Thomas, while on her way home from Chicago, is visiting at the home of Peter Walker, and will return to her home in Lawrence, Kan., soon. Elmer Burdick butchered hogs this week. Frank McWorter and wife served a goose dinner Monday and those present were: Mesdames M. H. Walker, Lloyd Coleman, F. J. Bates, and also Arthur McWorter and family. Frank McWorter lost his buggy mare and a valuable registered Holstein heifer last week. III. Excerpts from 1853-1873 Quincy NewspapersQuincy Daily Whig, May 5, 1853, p. 2 We notice in one of the recent editorials of the Herald, a statement of the comparative distance and expense between the road from the Illinois river to Hannibal, and from the same river to Quincy. Now this statement may mislead, and it is important that the Herald should not be allowed to remain uncontradicted upon this point, as it might be relied on as true, because not denied. The motives for making the statement seems to us to be not friendly to Quincy, though the Herald editor is one of our citizens, for he is Postmaster. It is charged that there is some twenty odd miles difference in the length of the roads. That the road from Naples to Hannibal is some twenty odd miles shorter than the road from Naples to Quincy, &c., &c., that there will be several hundred thousand dollars difference in the cost of these two roads in favor of Hannibal. Any one who has access to a map of the Military Tract can demonstrate for themselves -- the truth is, that from Naples to Hannibal, in an air line, the distance is 37 1/2 miles -- the distance from Naples to Quincy, in an air line, 43 1/2 miles -- difference in an air line, 6 miles, instead of twenty odd miles. Now we should like to know the motive of a citizen of Quincy for such a misrepresentation as that of the Herald. But is is a well know fact that the western end of the Morgan & Sangamon road, terminating at Naples, is made without authority and in violation of the charter. -- That this fact has been recognized by our legislature -- that they intend that the town of Meredsia shall be the western terminus of that road where it will connect with our end of the road, as originally designed under the old internal improvement system of the State. And it is a new feature in generosity and friendliness for the Morgan & Sangamon road, manifested in the Herald, by the Postmaster of our young city; for him to pretend, in this indirect way, that the road to Naples is to be the permanent western terminus on the Illinois river, of that road. . . . Indeed, a road from Naples to Hannibal would necessarily have to run so crooked, if it benefitted Pike county to any degree, and avoided the hill and banks of the creeks west of Barry, that it would be as long or nearly as long as our road from Meredosia to Quincy; besides the expense of bridging the Snycarty, or Lost river, and besides the difficulties of the wide bottom of its sloughs innumerable, this side of the river. According to the report of Mr. Whittle, the whole length of our road to Meredosia, is 54 1/3 miles -- showing that we have to travel to get a suitable tract, about 10 miles out of an air line. Does any one, at all acquainted with the proposed route from Meredosia to Hannibal, or from Naples to Hannibal, entertain any doubt that the lower [latter] route will have to pass over at least as many extra miles as the northern route? . . . . Quincy Daily Herald, February 15, 1854, p. 3, col 1 The following dispatch was received in this city yesterday: Springfield, 14th Feb. To CAPT. JAT. M. PITMAN -- Pike county charter passed the Senate yesterday by a vote of seventeen to one. Rest of Senators absent, but would have voted for it if present. Internal Improvement committee of House agreed unanimously last night to report in favor of its passage. It will pass the house to-day or to-morrow without much opposition. ROBERT VOETH. Springfield, Feb. 14. To Capt. J. M. Pitman: -- Pike County Railroad Bill just passed the House by a vote of sixty-three to three. Query -- How much did Gen. Singleton oppose it? Quincy Daily Herald, April 8, 1854, p. 2, col 2 The Pike County Rail-Road Company was lately organized by electing Col. S. Parsens, President, O. M. Hatch, Secretary, and H. T. Mudd, Treasurer. The business interests of the Road could not have been confided to better hands. -- Pittsfield Union.
Quincy Herald, May 25, 1857, p. 2, col 2 The city council of Hannibal have ordered an election to be held in that city on Thursday, 28th inst., on the proposition to take stock to the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars in the Pike County Railroad. The Hannibal Messenger calls upon "every voter in the city" to go to the polls and "vote unanimously for the subscription." That's the way to do it. If there is a "voter" in Hannibal who refuses to "vote unanimously" for the subscription, he ought to be kicked out of the place. That's so. Quincy Herald, June 8, 1857, p. 2, col 3 It would appear by the following from the Hannibal Tri-Weekly Messenger, of Saturday last, that the prospects of that flourishing little city are becoming more flattering than ever, -- at all events in the estimation of its enterprising citizens: "Our city is continually crowded with strangers from all parts of the United States looking for locations for business. A large number are locating here, others are buying and locating on the farms in the vicinity, and on the line of the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad. Now that the construction of the Hannibal and Naples Railroad is a fixed fact, and will be built immediately, we may look for an unprecedented increase in our population. – Hundreds of persons have been watching the progress of this great enterprise, with a view of locating in our city, provided we could secure the building of it. We say to all, come on, the road is bound to be built, and Hannibal is destined to be the greatest city on the Mississippi, north of St. Louis." Quincy Herald, August 5, 1857, p. 4, col 5 A correspondent of the Republican writing from Springfield, Illinois, under date of the 23d, says the Great Western Railroad "has a brilliant future to hope for. Already is the Camp Point and Meredosia road in process of construction, which will form a connection with the city of Quincy, and thence on to Keokuk in Iowa. The Pike County road will certainly built before long which will form a connection with the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, making a direct line from St. Joseph to the Eastern cities. That the Pike County road will be built there can be no doubt. Anyone who will take the trouble to examine a map, will see that once that this forty miles of road will be necessarily be built. It has been proposed by responsible parties to built this road, providing the Great Western company would lease it for the sum of $86,000 per annum, being eight per cent upon the cost, but no arrangements of this kind has heretofore been effected on account of the embarrassments of the Great Western road." -- Hannibal Messenger Quincy Herald, August 17, 1857, p. 1, col. 3. "The Pike County Railroad Company advertises in today's paper for sealed proposals for grading and bridging this road . . . ." -- Hannibal Courier. Quincy Herald, August 17, 1857, p. 2, col 5 Eight years ago the only railroad track laid down in Illinois ran from Naples, on the Illinois river, to Jacksonville, a distance of twenty-two miles. Now there is scarcely a county in the State which is not either traversed by or within a short distance of a railroad. Quincy Herald, September 7, 1857, p. 1, col 6 As our readers know, there has been two or three routs surveyed for this road, at great cost to the company, and the road would have been now completed by for the impression that the two great interests each side of us would built it without aid from the citizens of Pike County. This delay has well nigh defeated its construction for years, and other interests have been advancing steadily along, we mean the road from Camp Point to Meredosia, by the way of Mt.Sterling, and from Quincy to Palmyra -- thus cutting us off entirely. Recently however, a new impulse has been given to the Pike road, and a new route is spoken of down Keyser creek. The citizens along that route, we are informed, have become aroused to the importance of a rail road to themselves, and with an almost entire anonymity, they propose to subscribe to the road, much more liberally than any other route. -- This route will soon be surveyed and we hop that it may be adopted as it brings the road down near the center of the county, and we suggest that the citizens along the line of that route to continue their exertions -- let Derry come up to the aid of the Pleasant Vale friends liberally, and if there should be natural objections to the route it may be secured. -- Pike County Free Press Quincy Herald, September 7, 1857, p. 2, col 8 Geo. W. Shields, Esq., one of the most energetic friends and directors of the above road, left this city yesterday for Springfield, Ills., where the Directory and Engineers of the road meet to-day to close the contracts for building the entire road. We are informed that the work is to be let to three different parties, and that in a few days the world of grading will be commenced in earnest. This road is now a fixed fact, and will be build in a very short period of time. -- Hannibal Messenger, Sept. 1. Quincy Herald, September 14, 1857, p. 1, col 3 We see it stated in the St. Louis papers, that the Illinois Great Western Railroad is advertised to be sold at auction at Springfield, on the 15th of October next. The assignees are J. N. A. Griswold and L. M. Wiley. The business of this road has increased considerably during the last five or six months, but it is said the energies of its directory have been seriously crippled by legislation. At least, this is the reason assigned for the selling that is to take place on the 15th of next month, and not, as many might suppose, on account of a falling off in its business. Quincy Herald, September 21, 1857, p. 3, col 5 The contracts for grading and bridging this road have been let on very reasonable terms. The engineers will commence surveying and locating the road to-day. They will commence operations on the eastern end of the present, and when the whole road is located, the different contractors will put hands on the entire work and push it through as fast as possible. The Chief Engineer, Samuel D. Barnes, Esq., informs us that in less than twelve months the iron horse will be running on the Pike County Road. The chief engineer's office is to be established in this city. -- Hannibal Messenger, Sept. 16th. Quincy Herald, October 26, 1857, p. 2, col 2 The Springfield Register says that the Great Western Railroad was sold in that city last Saturday, for the sum of $1,100. It was knocked of to Mr. Cornean. Cheap railroad. Daily Quincy Herald, January 7, 1858, p. 2, col 3 This work is now progressing with great rapidity. Operations were commenced on the western division about two weeks ago. On Saturday last we paid a visit to Douglasville, opposite this city, and were really astonished when we beheld the amount of work that has been accomplished in this brief period. The road way has been opened through the heavy timber for about a mile, and fully half a mile of grading has been done. A considerable quantity of ties have been prepared and are now piled up along the road, ready for use. This timber will also furnish much fine material for bridges. We understand that the grading from Naples to Griggsville, a distance of 18 miles has been completed, and that the ties are being laid. A large force is at work on the central division, and we understand that considerable grading has been done in the neighborhood of Barry, so that more than one half of the entire road is now ready for the ties. Should they continue to work with the same energy the road bed will be ready for the iron early in the spring. -- Hannibal Messenger Daily Quincy Herald, May 19, 1858, p. 2, col 4 The prospects for an early completion of this road are brightening. Mr. Starne, its faithful and energetic President, who recently returned from the East, succeeded in negotiating several thousand dollars of the Hannibal bonds and there will little doubt that the entire $100,000 will soon be taken. With this funds and the prompt payment of their instalments, by the subscribers residing along the line, the road will be pushed steadily and rapidly along until it is entirely completed and equipped. A large force is now employed at various points on the line, and several patent excavators have recently been brought from the east, to be employed on the heavy grades west of New Salem. -- Pittsfield Democrat. Quincy Herald, August 15, 1859, p. 1, col 4 Our Pike County Railroad Directors inform us that contracts are all made, signed, sealed and delivered, with persons of unquestionable and undisputed responsibility and character, to finalize and complete the Pike county railroad, on condition that the city of Hannibal vote additional subscriptions of one hundred thousand dollars of stock in the road. The balance is guaranteed in Pike county by the contracting parties. In this manner the question will be submitted to the voters of the city to say whether they will have the road or not. With them now rests the whole matter. Can our people hesitate for a moment, in so vital a project. -- Hannibal Messenger All that remains to be done, then, is secure the completion of the Naples and Hannibal railroad, is to have the citizens of Hannibal vote an additional subscription of stock to the amount of $100,000, which they will probably do. The completion of that road will render Hannibal not only a formidable, by in all probability a successful rival of Quincy, particularly if we lose the Palmyra road. And how is it about this latter contingency? We understand that the parties who have contracted to finish everything, after the completion of the road bed, and go on and construct the Palmyra road, are ready to go on with the work, but will not do so until our citizens have compiled with the terms of the contract. It is said that the comparatively insignificant sum of fifteen thousand dollars is requested for that purpose. Can it not be raised? One thing, we are assured, is certain – that the road will not be finished unless it is forthcoming, and we are also assured that it is equally certain the road will be built and in successful operation in thirty days if that amount shall be raised at once. The matter is one of great importance to our citizens, and it surely becomes them to act promptly. Quincy Herald, May 17, 1869, p. 4, col 1 We call attention to the very important law passed at the last session of the legislature, which we publish this morning, authorizing Adams county to vote the sum of $400,000 in aid of two projected railroads, extending north and south from this city, and also authorizing any township to vote an appropriation in aid of public improvements, to a limited amount. We publish this law at this time, that its provisions may be carefully considered by the people of the city and county, and especially in view of the public meeting called for Monday evening next at the Board of Trade Rooms which may deem it expedient to take some action upon it. The projected railroad south through Fall Creek and Payson townships and through Pike county to the Illinois river, and thence to Pana, connecting with two different lines to St. Louis, and with the Terre Haute and Alton road, giving a new competing line, and a shorter and more direct route to the East, is one of the very important roads contemplated by the act, and which in view of the progress of the Pike County railroad from Hannibal to Naples, it is vital that we act upon it promptly. The last number of the Pike County Democrat makes the following encouraging reference to this route, and also speaks of the progress of the Hannibal and Naples road, and we comment its remarks to the public consideration: A friend recently at Quincy informs us that among business men there the Quincy & St. Louis direct route is much discussed. Quincy has enjoyed for many years past a large trade from our county. That trade the competition of the Hannibal and Naples road threatens to wholly divert. Added therefore to the natural desire on the part of Quincyites to have the most direct and speediest communication by rail with St. Louis and Southern Illinois, the loss of a large and profitable trade from as wealthy a county as ours, and we find abundant reason why every effort should be made on her part to effect a connection with Southern railroads at Whitehall and the roads lying east thereof. We hear good accounts of the progress on the Hannibal and Naples road. Another hundred thousand tons of iron has been landed, a large force is at work, and the iron will be laid down at the earliest possible moment. We doubted in our chat last week, that any such railroad interests were involved in the matter as to secure the building of a bridge at Hannibal. We have been since authoritively informed that such is really the case, and that the bridge will surely be built, either during this, or next year. The Hannibal and Moberly road is being pushed forward by the parties interested in its completion. When it, and the Hannibal and Naples road are done, there will be no more direct route from Kansas City to Boston or New York than through this county. Consequently it will be of the most importance to those owning these roads, that there shalt be no delay and transshipment at the Mississippi river. Aside from this, however, the financial arrangements are already made that will secure the bridge so soon as the exigencies of the road shall demand it.
Quincy Whig, July 30, 1870, p. 4 . . . . New Postoffices have been established at Spring Creek and Pineville (Summit Station) on the Hannibal and Naples Railroad. W. B. Smith is the Postmaster at the former and Wm. Pine at the latter. Quincy Whig, July 14, 1873, p. 4. It cost Galesburg $1,500 to celebrate the Fourth. The assessment of Prairie-City is $891,-620. Chillicothe, Mo. claims 6,000 inhabitants. A man died at Meridosia on Wednesday of cholera. The new Hedding College at Abingdon is rapidly going up. The C. B. Q. R. R. Co., keep 110 locomotives in Galesburg. The man who cuts off his head has turned up at Galesburg. A German Lutheran church has been organizing at Jacksonville. The public schools at Monmouth cost $10,828.28 for the past year. The Congregational Church at Pittsfield is undergoing repairs. Decatur is organizing a company to sing a shaft in search of coal. Six marriage licenses were issued in Schuyler county during June. Brookfield, Mo., has reduced its liquor licenses from $500 to $200 a year. The Warsaw folks think they have a sure thing in the I. B. &W. R. R. The Beardstown Opera House was demolished by the storm of the 4th. Over five hundred hands are employed in the five tobacco factories at Louisiana, Mo. Seventeen marriage licenses were issued in Pike county in the month of June. The wheat crop in the vicinity of Jerseyville, is badly injured by the late storm. Mr. and Mrs. E. Keener of Jacksonville, celebrate their Silver wedding on Wednesday next. Decatur is rejoicing at the number of substantial and tasty buildings being erected in that city. Pittsfield's display of fire works, cut short by the storm on the Fourth, will be completed on the 19th. H. Watson, of Alton, has been awarded a $100,000 contract for building car shops for a Missouri railroad. Nathaniel Minder of Jerseyville over 70 years [illegible] . . . . of age has just returned from Boston with a blooming bride. It is reported that the grape crop at Herman Mo., the great wine growing district, will be an entire failure. The successful candidate for principal of the Carlinville Schools, spelled the word "principle" in his application . Wesley Young, of Carlinville, has just closed a contract with the I. B. & W. Railroad to hedge one hundred miles of their line. The Knox County seat question is to be opened again. Knoxville having obtained the necessary number of petitioners to that effect. A small frame dwelling at Pittsfield, occupied by two families was burned Sunday morning last. Loss $500-contents saved. The house of Westly Jones, 10 miles southeast of Paris, Lincoln County, Mo., was burned a few days ago. Loss $3,000, insured for $1,500. A subscription is being raised in Knox County Mo., for a survey of the proposed North and South Railroad, which is to pass through Edina. The corn, wheat, and oats in this county have been badly damaged by the late storms. Farmers blue and prospects bluer -- Pittsfield Flag. Henry Barclay of Hadley, while assisting in raising a barn on his farm, a few days ago, had his leg broken, by a falling [illegible] -- Pittsfield Flag. The Toledo Blade says that Daniel M. Crabb of Macomb, who has heretofore acted with the Democratic party, will hereafter act with the Republicans. President Blackstone of the C. & A. R. R. says that he will have cars running over the bridge across the Mississippi, at Louisiana, before December 25. An "Anti-Monopoly Convention," for the nomination of candidates for county offices, "if the Convention so decide," is to be held at Princeton, the first Monday in August. The Barry M. E. Sabbath School bore off the prize banner, offered by the citizens of Griggsville to the largest Sabbath school delegation present on the 4th -- Pittsfield Flag. Rev. F. A. Conrad, pastor of the German Lutheran church at Beardstown has resigned the pastorate and will go to Syracuse, N. Y. to take charge of a congregation. Prof. Bailey will ascend in his mammoth balloon on Saturday afternoon, from the Court House, at Aledo, and offers to present $25 to any lady who will accompany him. A camp meeting is to be held at the grounds at Barclay, commencing on the 6th of the coming month, under the leadership of Rev. Mr. Inskip and his associate evangelists. On Saturday night, on the south-bound express train on the Chicago and Alton Railroad, an addition to the caucus was made, in the shape of a bouncing boy of fifteen pounds. Mrs. James Orr, living five miles north west of Pittsfield, was struck on top of the head the evening of the 4th by a descending rocket which produced a sever flesh wound. -- Pittsfield Flag Madison S. D. White, an old citizen of Fabins township is undergoing an examination on a charge of having poisoned his wife, who died on the 17th May last under suspicious circumstances. A Monmouth plasterer has received a note from a Pennsylvania man whose house he plastered and papered 33 years ago, containing $10, all because the work is as sound today as when put on a generation ago. Mrs. Morehouse of Bernadotte township, one evening last week after putting her children to bed discovered some strange movements of the covering. Search revealed a huge snake, which was killed ad measured five feet in length-Macomb Journal. Four young men who attended the same school at Pineville, Pike county, have met with fatal accidents in the past few years. Two were drowned, one was shot and the fourth, named Cummins, was killed a few days ago by the fall of a windlass by which he was being lowered into a well. Quincy Whig, September 4, 1873, p. 3. At Bayles, Pike Count, Illinois, on the Hannibal and Naples Railroad, the store rooms formerly occupied by the late Lewis Angle of Barry in C. Holt's brick block. -- Inquire of C. Holt on premises. |