Minimum Eligendum

"The Prince's Valour consists not only in resisting, but withal in weighing Dangers, and submitting to the less, when the greater is insuperable. For as it is the part of Prudence to prevent, so it is of Courage and Constancy bear patiently what is not in the power of Prudence to decline. One Peril is ordinarily the Remedy of another"

Diego de Saavedra Fajardo. Idea de un príncipe político cristiano (1640)



UIUC Geographies of Risk
September 23-24, 2010
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Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese

School of Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain's Ministry of Culture and United States Universities

Center for Advanced Study

Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

The European Union Center / US Department of Education Title VI Grant

Social Dimensions of Environmental Policy (SDEP), an initiative of the Department of Geography, School of Earth, Society and Environment, and Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology

Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory

The Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities

University Library

The Center for Translation Studies

Department of Geography

Department of Comparative and World Literature

School of Art and Design - Art History

Department of French

The Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security

Department of Sociology