A set of rooms is being held for participants at a special conference rate at the Towne Place Suites-Marriott. Guests will be expected to make their own reservations by using that block name. Rooms will be released 30 days before Sept. 22 (please, make sure to make your reservation before August 22). The phone number for Towne Place Suites/Marriott is 217-344-1600, and its website is: http://www.towneplacesuites.com/CMPTS    Directions, amenities, etc., can be found on the website.  The hotel has an indoor pool, fitness center, and free continental breakfast. There is a parking garage immediately across from the hotel. All rooms have a kitchen/kitchenette. Room rates for the group are $139 a night for singles and $149 a night for doubles.

Towne Place Suites-Marriott is conveniently located in Green St., in walking distance from campus, bars, and restaurants. Since it is located in the heart of student life, you can expect to hear some noise. If you prefer a more quiet space, you can check at the Hampton Inn, which is a five-minute walk from the Illini Union.

This is our recommended hotel, but here are several other options for lodging nearby.



Air Service to Champaign-Urbana: The Champaign (Willard) Airport (code CMI) offers daily flights to and from Chicago O'Hare and Dallas (by American Eagle).
Champaign-Urbana is located on Interstates 72, 74, and 57.  It is 135 miles south of Chicago and 120 miles west of Indianapolis.

Getting to Illini Union Hotel
Travel time from Willard Airport to the hotel is approximately 15 minutes. Taxis are also available from the airport; cost is around $15.00 one way.

Travel between Chicago and Champaign:
It is about a 2.5 hour trip between Champaign and Chicago.

Bus Service from Chicago
Megabus from downtown Chicago Union Station to Champaign
Illini Shuttle from Chicago O’Hare International Airport and downtown Chicago

Peoria Charter from Chicago O’Hare International Airport
Express Air Coach from Chicago O’Hare International Airport and downtown Chicago


AMTRAK train service – Between Chicago Union Station (downtown) and Champaign-Urbana. It takes just under 3 hours each way. There are usually 3 trains a day: www.amtrak.com

For more detailed travel information to Urbana-Champaign, visit the directions to campus provided by the University of Illinois.

















