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2010 Viewing African Cinema in the Twenty-First Century: Art Films and the Nollywood Video Revolution (edited with Ralph A. Austen). Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.

2001 West African Challenge to Empire: Culture and History in the Volta-Bani Anticolonial War  (authored with Patrick Royer), 404 pp.  Ohio University Press, Athens, and James Currey, Oxford.

Reviews: Africa (Sarro), The Historian (Falola), L-Homme (M.-C. Dupre), International Journal of African Historical Studies (Gray), American Historical Review (Chafer), Journal of African History (Echenberg), Ohio University Press

Book Chapters & Articles

In press Les foyers Zara de Sia et de Tunuma à la fin du dix-neuvième siècle. In Urbanité et appartenances en Afrique de l’ouest : La ville de Bobo-Dioulasso au Burkina Faso, ed. by Katja Werthmann and Mamadou Lamine Sanogo.

2012 Le roi et multiplication des pouvoirs. In La terre et le pouvoir. Textes offerts en hommage à Michel Izard, ed. by Dominique Casajus and Fabio Viti. Paris : Éditions Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.

2012 Gaston Kaboré. in Dictionary of African Biography, ed. by Henry Louis Gates and Emmanuel K. Akyeampong. Oxford University Press.

2012 Idrissa Ouédraogo. in Dictionary of African Biography, ed. by Henry Louis Gates and Emmanuel K. Akyeampong. Oxford University Press.

2011 Istanbul Judeo-Spanish (with José Ignacio Hualde). Journal of the International Phonetic Association 41, no. 1, pp. 89-110.

2010 Les mages magnats de l’après-ajustement structurel. In Révoltes et oppositions dans un régime semi-autoritaire. Le cas du Burkina Faso, ed. by Mathieu Hilgers and Jacinthe Mazzocchetti, pp. 107-116. Paris: Karthala.

2010 Art, Commerce and Politics in Francophone African Cinema. In Viewing African Cinema in the Twenty-first Century: Art Films and the Nollywood Video Revolution. Ed. By M. Şaul and R. Austen, pp. 133-159. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.

2010 İlhan Başgöz’ün Halk Edebiyatı Araştırmalarına Katkısı (“An assessment of İlhan Başgöz’s contribution to folk literature research”). Milli Folklor: Üç Aylık Uluslararası Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi 22, no. 85, pp. 19-25.

2009  Koranic Schools and Child Labor in West Africa. In The World of Child Labor: An Historical and Regional Survey. Edited by Hugh D. Hindman, pp. 199-201. Armonk, N.Y.: ME Sharpe.

2007  Méthodes en histoire orale. Genèse de l’autorité politique moogo. L’Homme. Revue française d’anthropologie, no.182, pp. 215-232.

2006 Islam and West African Anthropology. Africa Today, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 2-33.

2006 Le fanga comme savoir et destinée: Signification sociale de la réussite personnelle au Soudan occidentalL’Homme. Revue française d’anthropologie, no. 179, pp. 63-90.

2006 History as Cultural Redemption in Gaston Kaboré’s Precolonial-Era Films. In Black and White in Colour: African History on Screen. Edited by Vivian Bickford-Smith and Richard Mendelsohn, pp. 11-27, 324-326. Cape Town: Double Storey Books; Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.

2006  Burkina Faso, in Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices, ed. by Thomas Riggs, volume 2, pp. 155-163. Farmington Hill, MI: Gale.

2005  Claude Meillassoux (1925-2005). American Anthropologist, vol. 107, no. 4, pp. 753-57.

2005 Women Cross-border Traders in West Africa (with Gayle A. Morris). In Women in African Development: The Challenge of Globalization and Liberalization in the 21st Century, ed. by Sylvain H. Boko, Mina Baliamoune-Lutz, and Sitawa R. Kimuna, pp. 53-82. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press.

2005  Africa South of the Sahara, Chapter 31 in A Handbook of Economic Anthropology, ed. by James G Carrier, pp. 500-514. London: Edward Elgar.

2004 Money in Colonial Transition: Cowries and Francs in West Africa  American Anthropologist, vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 71-84.

2004 The Dominance of the Cowry Relative to the Franc in West Africa, in Values and Valuables: From the Sacred to the Symbolic, edited by Cynthia Werner and Duran Bell, pp. 101-127.  Society for Economic Anthropology Monograph Series, Volume 21. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.

2003 The Wild Vegetation Cover of Western Burkina Faso: Colonial Policy and Post-Colonial Development. (with Jean-Marie Ouadba and Ouétian Bongnounou) in African Savannas: Global Narratives and Local Knowledge of Environmental Change, edited by Thomas Bassett and Donald Crummey, pp. 121-160. Oxford and Portsmouth, N.H.: James Currey and Heinemann.

2001    The Mother Tongue of the Polyglot: Cosmopolitism and Nationalism among the Sepharadim of Istanbul. In Turkish-Jewish Encounters: Studies on Turkish-Jewish Relations through the Ages. Edited by Mehmet Tütüncü. Haarlem: Stichting SOTA, pp. 129-166.  [revised from Saul 1983]

1999 [2001] Les maisons de guerre des Watara du Mouhoun précolonial.  Burkina Faso: Cent Ans d’Histoire, 1895-1995.  Edited by Georges Madiéga.  Paris: Karthala, and DPU of the University of Ouagadougou, pp. 381-417.

1998  The War Houses of the Watara in West AfricaInternational Journal of African Historical Studies, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 537-570.

1997   Islam et appropriation mimétique comme ressource historique de la religion bobo. Journal des Africanistes, vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 7-24.

1997  The Fragile Victory of French Ecologists (with Jean-Paul Deléage).  Environmental Politics, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 152-57.

1997     Military Alliance, Personal Submission, and Oaths in Precolonial Sudan.  Working Papers on African Societies, Göthe Universität, Institut für Historische Ethnologie.

1995  Economic Life in African Villages and Towns.  In Africa, Third Edition.  Edited by Phyllis M. Martin and Patrick O'Meara.  Bloomington:  Indiana University Press, pp. 190-210.

1993  Land Custom in Bare: Agnatic Corporation and Rural Capitalism in Western Burkina.  In  Land in African Agrarian Systems.  Ed. by Thomas Bassett and Donald Crummey.  Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 75-100.

1992  Matrilineal Inheritance and Post-colonial Prosperity in Southern Bobo Country. Man: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 341-362.

1991  The Bobo 'House' and the Uses of Categories of Descent.  Africa (London: International African Institute), vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 71-97.

1991  Farm Production  in Bare, Burkina Faso:  The Technical and Cultural Framework of Diversity.  In Savoirs Paysans et Développement.  Ed. by Georges Dupré.  Paris:  Editions Karthala and ORSTOM, pp. 301-329.

1989  Corporate Authority, Exchange, and Personal Opposition in Bobo Marriages.  American Ethnologist, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 58-76.

1987  The Organization of a West African Grain Market.  American Anthropologist vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 74-95.

1986  Development of the Grain Market and Merchants in Burkina Faso.  Journal of Modern African Studies, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 127-153.

1984  The Quranic School Farm and Child Labour in Upper Volta.  Africa (London: International African Institute), vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 71-87.

1983  The Mother Tongue of the Polyglot: Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism among the Sepharadim of Istanbul.  Anthropological Linguistics, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 326-358.

1983  Work Parties, Wages and Accumulation in a Voltaic Village.  American Ethnologist vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77-96.

1981  Beer, Sorghum and Women: Production for the Market in Rural Upper Volta.  Africa (London: International African Institute), vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 746-76.